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ANREP Executive Committee
November 26, 2013
Attending: Eleanor Burkett, Past President; James Henderson, Southern Regional Representative, Kris
Tiles, North Central Regional Representative; Robert Bardon, President-Elect; Mindy Habecker,
Secretary; Chris Jones, Western Regional Representative; Greg Frey, Treasurer; and Bill Hubbard,
Executive Secretary
Not attending: Sanford Smith, President; Eric Norland, NIFA Representative
Guests: Tim Grosser, National Education Program Leader, NIFA
Assignment of Minutes Proof Readers –Greg Frey and James Henderson
1. Approval of October 22, 2013 and September 24, 2013 Minutes - Frey made and Burkett
seconded a motion to approve the minutes of September 24, 2013 and Burkett made and Tiles
seconded a motion to approve the October 22, 2013 minutes. The motions were unanimously
2. Treasurer’s Monthly Report – Greg Frey not a lot to report. All smooth but there was a surge in
membership fees. Will be close to meeting our membership projections, despite a nonconference year.
3. Proposed 2014 Budget – Greg Frey explained the proposed 2014 budget. He highlighted the
differences from the past year. They are: revenue from the Galaxy IV Conference formula
changed which will give us less than in past years. ANREP can expect approximately $8,500,
which, per ANREP bylaws, will be saved in the Escrow Savings Account and distributed to our
General Fund by the ANREP Treasurer annually over the course of 5 years (~$1700 annually).
This is down from the approximately $5000 we annually received for the past five years,
because of a new Galaxy distribution formula. However JCEP is going to subsidize part of our
JCEP meeting travel in 2014 which will offset some of our lost revenue JCEP is granting ANREP
$2000 for this travel. We can use money set aside in a CD as planned to buffer the change of
this lower future amount from Galaxy IV. Secondly we are still waiting on information about our
application to the IRS as a non-profit. Since none on the Board have the expertise to move this
approval process forward, the budget committee proposed setting aside $850 to pay a
knowledgeable consultant to review our application, bylaws and policies, and budget for
consistency with non-profit laws and regulations and to assist with the application. The website
and on-line expenses are changing in that we no longer need our organizational Survey Monkey
account. The budget committee proposes reimbursing SREF $400 for some of the expenses in
using their Gotomeeting and Constant Contact for our Board and other meetings. While
Gotomeetings is included as an expense for the 2014 proposed budget, the Board may wish to
consider, as a cost-cutting measure, using Board member’s online conferencing accounts via
their institutions. The budget committee budgeted $1400 for the ANREP president and
treasurer to travel to the ANREP 2014 Conference. Scholarships for ANREP Biennial Conf and
other Board-approved activities will be coming out of our Conference Fund rather than the
General Fund, for consistency with how the funds were managed by past Boards. A new
worksheet in the budget excel file will make use of these funds more transparent. The money
placed in this scholarship has been based on individual Board decisions and Board members may
wish to continue to think of potential sources of grant funds to augment scholarships. Tiles
made and Habecker seconded a motion to accept the proposed 2014 ANREP budget. The
motion was unanimously approved.
Executive Secretary’s Report - Bill Hubbard stated that our IRS approval for non-profit status is
still pending. Once we are approved, this is good for several years. Our membership numbers
have increased due to the final dues notice stating that membership benefits will be cut off after
December 31st of this year. Are currently at 350 members of the 525 total people who were
ever members. Hubbard can share this information with others. Have some new lifetime
members. The website is running well and is current.
NIFA Updates – Eric Norland not present.
President’s Report – Sandy Smith was not present but Bob Bardon gave this report. Sandy
wants to thank everyone for helping to move the organization forward in 2013. On December
13, 2013 at . On November 20th Smith and Bardon met with two NACDEP officers to see about a
joint 2016 Conference. Examined the pros and cons on the joint conference and how the
logistics could work. The group is meeting again on January 13, 2014 for more discussion.
JCEP update – Leadership Conference Feb 11-13, 2014 in Memphis TN. Will have a keynoter at
this conference and will have concurrent sessions as part of this. NECDEP and ANREP April 6-9,
2014 PILD will be held in Alexandria, VA. Registration will be opening soon for both of these.
Filling the NE Regional Representative Position – Bob Bardon explained that Nevin Dawson has
changed jobs and will need to step down from his position. Dawson sent some potential
candidates for filling his position. It was suggested that we have a special election for this in the
future. Our bylaws and policies and procedures would need to be changed to have more of a
fair and open process. Bylaws state that the Executive Committee may appoint the
replacement, but a process is not specified. Bardon will suggest that an e-mail is sent out to
members in the NE Region asking them to submit a page of less on why they would like to fill
this vacancy and what qualifications they have. The Executive Committee can then use this
information to appoint a replacement.
National Education Program Leader, Tim Grosser – had done a lot of international work and has
been working on the 1890 and 1994 institutional issues. Also working to see how can work with
Hispanic Serving Institutions.
1994 Land Grants – Grosser noted there are 32 active land grants colleges in this 1994 system.
Only 11 of them offer 4 year degrees with most of them being Community Colleges. The
average student population is 563 students. In the system there are a total of about 18,000
students, of which 15, 000 are Native American students. Most students are interested in
environmental and natural resource issues, and health, food, and obesity issues. Also working
to make sure that students can then complete a 4-year college education. The Tribal Extension
grants help with Extension Offices that serve these communities. Grosser discussed how to
effectively engage them. Most of these Extension offices sit on reservations and have their own
distinct services. Don’t see them selves naturally linked to the whole Extension institution
unless someone builds that relationship with them. They focus on tribal issues. $4 million
shared among them for their 1994 land grants. New but growing. This is about relationship
building. In the past five years in Wisconsin, have built relationships to work as equal partners.
This took the 1862 institutions to change their mindset. Need to build this relationship before
great work can be done.
1890 Land Grants – There are 18 1890 Land Grant Institutions in the Southeastern States.
Grosser stated they receive about $19 million in Capacity Building Grants annually, as well as
various formula funds. Capacity Building Grants funded 54 projects in 2013 with some of this
going to Extension. 1890s as a group consider themselves an Extension system, although in
many states the 1890 partners closely with the 1862 Land Grant to create a single, unified state
extension service.
ANREP 2014 CA Biennial Conference Update - James Henderson met this past Thursday with
the local planning committee. The conference agenda has been updated. They now have all the
opening and closing session presenters in place. The opening session still has 5 presenters in the
morning. They are struggling with where to put the awards session, now placed 10-12noon on
Wednesday. They also added two new tours. Registration will open in mid December.
Acceptance of presentations announcement will come out in January. The ANREP Board will
meet face-to-face at the conference on Saturday. The 5-K run is scheduled for 3-5pm on
Sunday but the Board discussed moving to morning or some other time to this priority time slot
to more substantive sessions such as Strategic Planning and Leadership Training. The NESSL and
CSI (3 hours) will meeting Sunday afternoon. However, the best scenario may be to have the
Leadership training (1 hour), and Strategic Planning sessions (1.5 hours) integrated into the main
conference agenda either on Monday or Tuesday. James will discuss with the local planning
Climate Change Workshop Recap – Chris Jones reported that they had a very good event in MN.
Sixty people attended with a mix of educators and specialists from primarily in the upper
Midwest, but also people from all over the country. The evaluations showed that it was a useful
event for climate communication strategy. Participants also discussed on how this could be
used locally for programming. May have additional trainings in the future at other locations.
Strategic Plan Update – Mindy Habecker has met with the strategic planning committee three
times. The group met today to refine the introduction and initial survey that will be sent out to
membership on January 13, 2014 and will be returned on January 27th. This will be a short 5
question survey with a few demographic questions to follow. Since the strategic planning effort
is a Board initiative, this intro and survey will be sent out by the Board President on January 13th.
Habecker will have the final copy to the board sometime in early December.
Surveys for Strategic Planning and Professional Development – Mindy Habecker and Eleanor
Burkett will work on getting their survey out to membership together, yet as separate efforts so
that neither one causes confusion to our membership.
Open Announcements/News Items – none mentioned
ADJOURN – Henderson moved and Tiles seconded a motion to adjourn at 3:00 CT. The motion
unanimously passed.
Minutes submitted by Mindy Habecker, ANREP Secretary
Action Items
Continue to work on IRS approval for non-profit status
Bardon and Smith
Continue to work with NACDEP with planning a joint 2016 conference
Bardon and Smith
As per item #7 proceed to fill the Northeastern Regional Representative Board position
Work with the 2014 Conference committee to get the scheduling of events as requested by
the Board and outlined in item #11
Burkett and Smith
Provide Burkett, Smith and Bardon with strategic planning information and questions to go
out in a January 13th Survey Monkey to membership
Follow up to see why other JCEP associations are not publicizing ANREP’s professional
development webinar offerings.
Provide professional development survey questions to Habecker, Smith and Bardon. Work
with Habecker so that it is incorporated into the strategic planning intro and survey without
causing confusion to membership
Check with 2014 conference chair regarding contacting the Forest Service regarding funding
for the 2013 conference and bag a bear.