NAME ______________________________________ GROUP _______________
SECTION I. Complete the chart:
1. work
2. study
3. do
4. live
5. have
6. make
7. write
8. read
9. ask
10. answer
11. go
12. like
13. visit
14. take
15. listen
16. speak
17. repeat
18. complete _______________________________
19. watch
20. play
SECTION II. Using verb forms correctly.
A) Si tengo auxiliar is, are o am el verbo debe ir con –ing. (La idea es temporal)
(work) We`re __________________ in English now.
(study) This year I´m ____________ in Ceul.
(write) Are you ________________?
(ask) The teacher isn`t _____________ questions now.
(do) Isn`t he ____________ the homework now?
B) Si tengo auxiliar do o does el verbo debe ir en base form. ( La idea es de constancia
o hábito)
1. (speak) I don´t ____________ Italian.
2. (read) She doesn´t ____________ porno magazines.
3. (have) Do you _____________ homework?
4. (like) The teacher doesn´t _____________ black coffee.
5. (study)Does he ____________________ in UNAM?
C) Si no tengo auxiliar debo decidir en qué estoy en la línea del tiempo:
a) si mi idea es de constancia y el sujeto es equivalente a he, she o it el verbo
va con –s; si mi idea es de constancia y el sujeto es I, you, o equivalente a
we, they el verbo va en base form.
(work) Pedro ___________ in Pemex.
(live) That teacher ____________ in Satélite.
(ask) Students never ___________ questions to the teacher.
(have) We ___________ English class three times a week.
(do) I ____________ homework every day.
b) si mi idea es temporal ( sólo hoy, ahorita, esta semana, mes o año) debo usar
el verbo con is, are o am (según corresponda: I am, you are, he is, she is, it
is, we are, they are) y con –ing.
(study) Now we _____________________ verbs.
(ask) Today I _____________________ permission to go to the cinema.
(have) Next week he _________________ an exam.
(answer) She __________________ this exercise.
(write) I ______________________ to complete this exercise.
c) si mi idea es dar órdenes el verbo va en base form.
1. (dile que abra el libro)
2. (dile que estudie la página 2)
3. (dile que conteste el ejercicio 1b.
4. (dime que hable en ingles)
5. (pídele a ella que abra la puerta.
___________ the book, please.
____________ lesson 2, please.
____________ exercise 1b, please.
____________ in English.
Please, _________ the door.
D) Si mi idea es de pasado el verbo va en pasado
1. (have) He ___________ an exam yesterday.
2. (go) We ____________ on vacation last year.
3. (study) They ________________ a lot last night.
4. (be) He _________________ at home on Saturday.
5. (do) We __________ the homework before the class.
SECTION III. Using verb to be (is, are , am).
Me sirve para unir ideas o traducir ser, estar o tener (edad o lo que siento: hambre, frío,
sueño, calor, etc.)
_______ you a student?
_______ they architects?
______ he a doctor?
_____ I in the list?
_____ you at school?
_____ she in class?
_____ you Mexican?
_____ you in this group?
_____ they hungry?
It ________ ten o’clock.
I ________ in class.
It _____Sunday.
She _______ 16.
It _____ quarter past ten.
We ____ students.
SECTION IV. ¿Cómo se traduce tener?
Si lo que tengo es edad o lo siento (hambre, frío, sueño, etc) se traduce con is, are, am.
Si lo que tengo lo poseo o no es un sentimiento se traduce con have (has).
1. Tengo sueño.
2. Tengo hambre.
3. Tengo clases.
4. Tengo exámenes cada mes.
5. Tengo tarea diario.
6. Tienes sueño.
7.Tenemos hambre.
8. Tienen clases a las 9.
9. La miss tiene problemas.
10. Diario tienen flojera.
___________ sleepy.
___________ hungry.
___________ classes.
___________ exams every month.
___________ homework every day.
_____________ lazy every day.
SECTION V. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verb go
Ex. I _____________________ home at 1:30.
1. He _______________________ today.
2. He is _____________________ by car.
3. He _______________________ every day.
4. He doesn´t ________________ to the cinema on Mondays.
5. He’s not __________________ today.
6. They are __________________ at six.
7. We normally ___________________ by car.
8. Do they ________________ to school in the afternoon?
9. Are you ____________________?
10. Please, ____________________ to Jesus´s office.
11. We ____________________ on vacation to Europe last year.
12. Yesterday I ___________ out with my friends.
SECTION VI. Change to interrogative and negative.
En inglés las oraciones se forman con sujeto – verbo – complemento; las preguntas
y negativos llevan auxiliar ( is, are, am, was were o do, does, did )
a) Si tengo is- are – am –was- were como es verbo o auxiliar con ése se hace la
pregunta y el negativo.
He is intelligent.
Is he intelligent?
He isn´t intelligent
We´re speaking English.
Are we speaking English We aren´t speaking
They were in class.
Were they in class?
They weren´t in class.
He was sick.
Was he sick?
He wasn´t sick.
b) Si el verbo está en base form se usa do y el verbo en bf para preguntar y negar.
They have an exam.
Do they have an exam?
They don´t have an exam.
We read in class.
Do we read in class?
We don´t read in class.
Arrive early.
(no hay porque es orden)
Don´t arrive early.
c) Si el verbo está con –s se usa does y el verbo en base form para preguntar y negar.
She does homework.
Does she do homework? She doesn´t do homework.
He works in UdeL.
Does he work in UdeL?
He doesn´t work in UdeL.
d) Si el verbo está en pasado se usa did y el verbo en bf para para preguntar y negar.
We spoke in public.
Did we speak in public? We didn´t speak in public.
She took the class.
Did she take the class?
She didn´t take the class.
They lived in Peru.
Did they live in Peru?
They didn´t live in Peru.
1.He´s at home.
2.He lives in Satélite
3.She studies High School.
4.We´re studying for the exam.
5.They have homework.
6.It´s on Insurgentes.
7.The students do a lot of work.
8. The principal´s office is downstairs.
9. The new students are from Brazil.
10. The teacher speaks Spanish in class.
11. They were at home yesterday evening.
12. He did business in Japan.
13. She made tortillas for lunch.
14. He was on the bus.
15. My mom was hungry.
16. Watch the program.
17. Copy from the blackboard.
SECTION VII. Question words.
Who – quién ( como en esta pregunta no conocemos el sujeto se estructura sólo con el verbo:
temporal, is are am + -ing o constancia, con -s o sin –s).
Who works in Sears?
Who is in class?
Who is studying English?
Who was absent yesterday
Who asked the teacher?
What – qué ( what – auxiliar – sujeto – verbo)
Where – dónde ( where – auxiliar – sujeto – verbo)
What does he study?
Where did you study?
When – cuándo (when – auxiliar – sujeto – verbo)
When are you having the
How – cómo (how – auxiliary – sujeto – verbo)
How do you like coffee?
Whose – de quién es (whose – auxiliar – sujeto –verbo)
Whose is this book?
Whose book is this?
What time – la hora(what time - auxiliar – sujeto –verbo)
What time is the class?
What time did you have the class?
What (is) _____________´s name? el nombre
How old (is, are) ___?
What (do, does) ______ do?
la edad
What is fulano`s name?
What is your name?
What are their names?
How old is your mom?
What does Michael Jackson do?
He´s a singer.
What (is, are , am) ___like?
Cómo es
How (is, are, am)______?
Cómo está
Where (is, are) _______ from?
De dónde es
What is the teacher like?
She´s short and a little fat.
How is the teacher?
She´s sick. (enferma)
Where is Michael Jackson from?
SECTION VIII. Complete the dialogue with an appropriate question or answer.
_____________________________________________ ?
John Smith.
_____________________________________________ ?
He´s an architect.
_____________________________________________ ?
_____________________________________________ ?
He´s from Dallas, Texas
_____________________________________________ ?
He lives in Mexico.
_____________________________________________ ?
He works for a construction
_____________________________________________ ?
He´s tall and thin. He wears
_____________________________________________ ?
The cinema and football.
Ask me.
1. Edad
2. Nacionalidad
3. profesión
4. si trabajo en Ceul
5. qué enseño
6. a qué hora trabajo
7. si me gusta dar clases
8. a qué hora trabajo
9. A dónde voy en la tarde _________________________________________________?
10. si veo televisión
11. Qué programas me gustan_________________________________________________?
12. si estoy casada
13. si tengo hijos
14. cómo soy
15. cómo estoy
16. cómo me gusta el café
17. si me gusta el té
18. dónde estudié
19. qué hice ayer
20. cómo estuve la semana pasada _____________________________________________ ?
21. si fui al cine
22. Si me gustó la película
Complete the sentences with words from the box.
brother in law
sister in law
1. Your mother’s husband is your _________________
2. Your mother’s father is your ___________________
3. Your mother’s brother is your __________________.
4. Your uncle’s son is your _______________________.
5. Your father’s sister is your _____________________.
6. Your brother´s wife ___________________________.
7. Your sister´s husband ________________________
Translate into English
el libro de Juan
la casa de Tere
el lápiz de la maestro
los CDs de mi papa
las maestras de mi hijo
1. la clase de inglés
2. el profesor de biología
3. el examen final
4. los libros nuevos
5. la película Mexicana
Translate into English.
La clase es mejor en la mañana.
Eres la mejor.
Esta película es más corta que Titanic.
Esta clase es la más difícil.
5. Inglés es más fácil que español.
Complete the sentences with the correct comparative forms of the words in
(1) John’s new computer is _________________________ (powerful) than my
(2) Those sneakers are _________________________ (good) than these sneakers.
(3) My books are _________________________ (heavy) than your books.
(4) My new phone is _________________________ (small) than my old phone.
Complete the paragraph with the correct superlative forms of the words in
My sister is the ______________________________ (popular) girl at school.
She has the ______________________________ (small) phone and
the ______________________________ (expensive) CD player.
She has the ______________________________ (big) dog. She has
the ______________________________ (good) weekends. She always goes
to parties with the ______________________________ (exciting) people.
Put the words in order to make sentences.
(1) and / is / Mary / short / thin / .
(2) is / with green eyes / My / sister / tall / .
(3) is short / with / hair / blond / Jane / .
(4) Martin / average / is / weight / .
(5) rarely / John / drinks / coffee / .
(6) always / Mary / studies / in the library / .
(7) sister / My / usually / gets / late / up / .
(8) never / I / study / on / weekends / .
(9) usually / Sonia / does / her / homework / .
(10) these days / What / doing / you / are / ?
(11) hard / She’s / at school / working / .
(12) studying / not / French / I’m / .
(13) isn’t / Irene / for the marathon / training / this year / .
(14) he /did / spaguetti /make/ for lunch / ?
(15) was / yesterday/ he /where / ?
Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
(1) The museum is _____________ Madison Street. (2) You can get there _____ bus.
(2) His birthday is _________ September. Mine is ________ June 2nd.
(3) The school is ______________ Insurgentes, ____________ Yucatán and Monterrey ____
Roma colony. It´s __________ SLP St. _____ 154.
(4) He was born __________ 1974.
(5) The class is ________ Mondays ______ 11:00.
Circle the correct words.
(1) I like these / this sneakers.
(2) I prefer that / those blouse.
(3) How much are these / those blouses over there?
(4) (Is, Are) there books in the room?
(5) (Was, were) there a notice in the cafeteria?
Write the plurals of these words.
(1) This puppy _______________________________
(2) That child ________________________________
(3) This woman _____________________________
(4) a book
(5) a nice teacher ___________________________
A. Write the answers. Write the numbers as words.
(1) 2 + 3 = five
(3) 3 + 5 = ____________
(2) 4 – 3 = ____________
(4) 6 – 2 = ____________
B. Write the numbers. Write them as words.
(1) 1, 2, 3, _______four________________, 5, 6, 7
(2) 52, 53, 54, __________________________, 56, 57, 58
(3) 79, 80, 81, __________________________, 83, 84, 85
C. Write the nationalities.
1. He´s from England. He´s _______________
2. He´s from the United states. He´s ____________
3. He´s from Spain. He´s _________________
4. He´s from Portugal. He´s ______________
5. He´s from Brazil. He´s ___________________
6. He´s from China. He´s ___________________
D. Write the times as words.
1. 6:15 ______________________
2. 3:00 ______________________
3. 2:10 ______________________
4. 11: 05 ____________________
5. 8:25 ______________________
6. 5:30 ___________________
7. 6:45 ___________________
8. 5:40 ___________________
9. 12:50 __________________
10.1: 35 ___________________
E. Complete the sentences.
(1) Sunday is the first
day of the week.
(2) _______________ is the fifth day of the week.
(3) Friday is the _______________ day of the week.
(4) _______________ is the third day of the week.
(5) _______________ is the second day of the week.
(6) Saturday is the _______________ day of the week.
(7) _______________ is the fourth day of the week.
F. Complete the sentences with the correct job.
(1) He works in an office. He works with numbers. He’s an _______________________.
(2) She likes art and computers. She’s a _______________________ designer.
(3) He loves music. He isn’t a singer or musician. He moves with the music.
He’s a _____________________.
(4) She writes novels. She’s an ____________________.
G. Write the months.
(1) March, April, ___________________, June, July
(2) September, October, ___________________, December
H. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use each word once only.
(1) She has ____________________ straight brown hair.
(2) He’s ____________________ and thin.
(3) She has short, ____________________ hair.
(4) He’s ____________________ height.
(5) He has ____________________ eyes.
(6) She isn’t heavy. She’s ____________________.
1. small ______ 3. short _____ 5. near ____ 7. hot____
9. fast ______
2. expensive ___ 4. easy _____ 6. good ____ 8. dumb ____ 10. old _____
1. Complete the conversations. Write one word in each space.
Rafael: _______________ morning.
Olivia: Hi. My _______________ is Olivia.
Rafael: _______________ Rafael.
Henry: Hello. _______________ name _______________ Henry.
Where are you from?
Carla: Excuse _______________? I _______________
2. Complete the conversation.
Peter: Hello. My name _______________ Peter.
Beto: _______________ Beto. It’s nice to meet you.
Peter: _______________ you from Mexico?
Beto: Yes, I _______________. This is Enrique.
Peter: Is _______________ from Mexico?
Beto: No, he _______________. He’s _______________
3. Complete the conversation with the correct forms of be.
Paula: __________ you from California?
Sonia: Yes, I __________, but Jose __________ from Guatemala.
4. Number the conversation in the correct order.
_____ You’re welcome.
____ It’s nine forty-five.
Excuse me. What time is it?
_____ Thank you.
5.. Complete the sentences.
Bill: The school soccer game is this week.
Pete: _______________ is it?
Bill: It’s _______________ Saturday.
Pete: _______________ time?
Bill: _______________ 2:00.
Pete: Let’s go.
6. Match the questions with the answers. Write the letters.
(1) How old is she?
a. She’s an actress.
(2) Where is she from?
(3) What nationality is she?
(4) What’s her name?
(5) When is her birthday?
(6) What’s her profession?
b. On March 20th.
c. Karen.
d. English.
e. England.
f. 25.
7. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
Patty: _______________ do you _______________?
David: I’m _______________ actor. I work in television. That’s my cousin.
Patty: What does _______________ do?
David: He’s _______________ sales ____________________.
8. Complete the conversation.
A: Excuse me. _________________________ the Aquarium?
B: _________________________ Sixth Avenue.
A: How far _________________________ from here?
B: _________________________ about eight blocks.
A: _________________________ get there?
B: _________________________ subway or
_________________________ bus.
A: Thank you.
B: _________________________.
9. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
there is
there are
is there
are there
there isn’t
Simon: ________________________ a City Bank near here?
No, ________________________, but
________________________ two banks on Broadway.
Simon: ________________________ any good restaurants?
No, ________________________, but
________________________ a good café on Sixth Avenue.
there aren’t
10. Number the conversation in the correct order.
__ 4__ About 16 blocks.
_____ By bus.
_____ How can we get there?
_____ How far is it?
_____ I’m hungry. Is there a café nearby?
_____ Yes, there’s one on Maple Street.
11. Complete the conversation with the commands in the box.
be quiet
turn left here!
Isabella: ______________________________! I hear something.
be careful
Phillip: I don’t.
Isabella: Shhhh. _____________________________! I think Dracula’s in the room.
Phillip: Let’s look.
Isabella: OK…but _____________________________!
12. Match the questions with the answers. Write the letters.
(1) What are your plans for the weekend?
a. At 7:30.
(2) Do you like staying home?
b. I usually go to parties on Saturday and rest on Sunday.
(3) Where do you live?
c. I usually sleep late and stay home all day.
(4) What do you usually do on weekends?
d. About three blocks from school.
(5) What do you do in the afternoons?
e. I do my homework and work at a café.
(6) What do you do to relax?
f. I don’t really have plans.
(7) What time do you start school?
g. No, I don’t. I like to go places.
13. Number the conversation in the correct order.
__7__ 32, please.
_____ The gray ones.
_____ Excuse me. How much are those jeans?
_____ The gray ones.
_____ They’re 15 dollars.
_____ They’re 15 dollars.
_____ Great!
_____ What size do you want?
_____ I’m sorry. We don’t have your size.
_____ Which ones?
14. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
this one is better
smaller and lighter
it’s expensive
Javier: That CD player is incredible.
Miguel: Yes, but ________________________________________________.
It’s ________________________________________________.
Javier: It’s nice, but ________________________________________________.
This one is ________________________________________________.
15. Number the conversation in the correct order.
______ And what would you like to drink?
______ Good afternoon. Are you ready to order?
______ I’ll have a soda.
______ Orange, please.
______ Would you like orange or cola?
______ Yes, I’d like some fried chicken and French fries.