Sept 1774 – First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia


Battles and Events of the Revolution Timeline Project


Place these events in the correct spot on the chart. For those marked with a *, write if it was a Patriot win or a British win. (these are NOT in order)

Battles of Lexington and Concord

Battle of Yorktown*

Battle of Camden, South Carolina*

Battles of Bunker Hill and Breed’s Hill*

Battle of Princeton*

Battle of Brandywine Creek*

Battle of Quebec*

Battle of Saratoga*

Battle of Vincennes*

Battle of Trenton*

Attack on Fort Ticonderoga*

British leave Boston

Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence

Second Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia

Continental Army driven out of New York

Continental Army arrives at Valley Forge

Continental Congress approves an alliance with France (Treaty of Alliance)

First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia

Captain John Paul Jones’s ship the Bonhomme Richard defeats the British

British surrender to George Rogers Clark at Kaskaskia

Name _________________________________ Section ___________


September 1774


April 1775

May 1775

May 10, 1775

June 1775

December 31, 1775

March 7, 1776

July 4, 1776

November 1776

December 26, 1776

January 3, 1777

September 11, 1777

October 17, 1777

December 1777

May, 1778

July 4, 1778

February 1779

September 23, 1779

August 1780

October 20, 1781

If a battle, who won?
