Declaring Independence

Name _______________________________________ Date ____________
7th grade Social Studies
Period ____________
Chapter 4 / Section 3
Declaring Independence
1. How did Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense influence the
colonists? ________________________________________________
2. How did Washington react to Common Sense? __________________
3. The Continental Congress met in July of 1776 to approve an official
breakage from Great Britain. What would happen if these men were
caught? _________________________________________________
4. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? What was he like, and
why did the other delegates select him? ________________________
5. When is America’s official date of Independence? (Month/Day /Year)
6. Who was the president of the Continental Congress, and why did he
feel the need to write his name so big? _________________________
7. Identify the three parts to the Declaration of Independence.
(1) ___________________________________________________
(2) ___________________________________________________
(3) ___________________________________________________
8. Who was considered a Patriot? _______________________________
9. Who was considered a Loyalist, and in which colonies would you
most likely find Loyalists? __________________________________