
Review Sheet
1. How do we determine the number of electoral votes?
a. a number of electors equal to its number of members in the U.S. House of
Representatives plus one for each of its two U.S. Senators.
2. How many electoral votes are there? How many are needed to win an
a. 538
b. 270
3. Why is the Electoral College criticized?
a. Winner takes all system
b. Person can win without the popular vote
c. Presidents campaign certain swing states in order to receive electoral
4. Why are lobbyists greatly criticized?
a. Work hard to get candidates that support their issues into office
b. Too much political influence in the government
5. Why are third parties important?
a. Bring issues that that are often ignored by the major parties
6. What is the census used for?
a. To distinguish the Houses of Representatives and in turn the number of
electoral votes.
7. Define:
a. Watchdog
i. When apolitical party, not in control, criticizes the political party in
b. Lobbyists
i. A group that places political pressure on political parties through
emails, letters, phone calls etc.
c. Interest Groups
i. Try to persuade the government to take certain actions.
d. Ideological Party
i. A third party based a certain political beliefs
e. Splinter Party
i. A third party that breaks away from a major political party
f. Single- issue Party
i. A third party that is based solely on one issue
1. i.e. - the Green party
g. Economic Protest Party
i. A third party based solely on economic hardships of that time
Short Answer:
 Government Involvement
 Liberal/ Democrat: Want more government involvement in businesses and social
programming in order to protect consumers/the people.
 Conservative/Republican: Feel that the government should not interfere with
American business and society. If they do they will only hinder development.
 Liberal/ Democrat: Increase taxes to help provide more social programs.
 Conservative/Republican: Decrease taxes in order to allow businesses to flourish.
Cut social programs funded by tax dollars. Tax money only to the military.
Gun Control
 Liberal/ Democrat: Tighter gun control. Ok to limit the 2nd amendment for the
good of the people.
 Conservative/Republican: looser gun control. Supporters of Second Amendment.
 Liberal/ Democrat: Pro-choice, woman’s right
 Conservative/Republican: Pro-Life, it is a life at conception.
Economic Ideas
 Liberal/ Democrat: In order to improve the economy the government must be
involved and must create work projects and programs to get the people working
 Conservative/Republican: By decreasing government spending and allowing
businesses to reap tax credits the economy will naturally turn itself around.