Na u rrit Emi, qimet i rruan.

Palindrom (gr. palindromeo – biec z powrotem) – wyrażenie brzmiące tak
samo czytane od lewej do prawej i od prawej do lewej.
 Seç i numëronin orë mu Niçes.
They were counting Nietzsche's hours.
 Na u rrit Emi, qimet i rruan.
Emi has grown, shaves hair.
 Ey Babək, kəbab ye!
Hey Babekh, eat kebab!
 Mace jede jecam.
The kitten is eating barley.
 Udovica baci vodu.
The widow tossed the water.
 Anja sebe sanja.
Anja dreams of herself.
 Idu ljudi.
The people go.
 Бял хляб (Bjal hljab)
White bread
 Català a l'atac!.
Catalan attacks!
 No sap pas on..
S/He does not know where.
 Ana voli Milovana.
Ana loves Milovan.
 Potop
 Ratar
 Maja sa Nedom ode na sajam.
Maja went with Neda to the fair.
Jelenovi pivo nelej.
Do not pour beer to a deer.
 Kuna nese nanuk.
A marten is carrying ice cream.
 Selmas lakserøde garagedøre skal samles.
Selma’s salmon red garage doors must be assembled.
 lepel
 Grav ned den varg.
Dig down that wolf.
 Koortsmeetsysteemstrook
Thermometer (for measuring fevers)
 Was it Eliot's toilet I saw?
 Able was I ere I saw Elba.
 Never odd or even
 Was it a cat I saw?
 Do geese see God?
 A man, a plan, a canal, Panama
 Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog.
 Murder for a jar of red rum
 Rats live on no evil star.
 Rise to vote, sir.
 Madam, I'm Adam.
 Neil, an alien?
 Dennis sinned.
 Kuulilennuteetunneliluuk
The hatch of the tunnel of the bullet's flight path (trajectory)
 Aias sadas saia.
It was raining bread in the garden.
 Neulo taas niin saat oluen.
Knit again, so that you will get a beer.
A soapstone seller
 Saippuakuppinippukauppias
A soap cup trader
 Solutomaattimittaamotulos
The result from a measurement laboratory for tomatoes
 Innostunut sonni
Enthusiastic bull
 Et la marine va, papa, venir à Malte.
And the Navy, Dad, will come to Malta.
 Esope reste ici et se repose.
Aesop remains here and rests.
 Tu l'as trop écrasé, César, ce Port Salut!
You mashed it too much, Cesar, this Port Salut (a kind of french cheese)!
 Eh ca va la vache!
Eh, how are you, the cow!
 Elu par cette crapule
Elected by this villain
 Eibohphobie
fear of palindromes
 Trug Tim eine so helle Hose nie mit Gurt?
Has Tim never worn such light-coloured pants with a belt?
 Sei fein, nie fies.
Be fine/nice, never be nasty.
 Erika feuert nur untreue Fakire.
Erika only fires unfaithful fakirs.
 O Genie, der Herr ehre dein Ego!
O genius, the Lord shall honour your ego!
 Nipson anomemata me monan opsin.
Wash off my sins, not only my face (written on the edge of a well or a font
in Constantinople, where ps is ψ).
 Géza, kék az ég.
Géza, the sky is blue.
Indul a görög aludni.
The Greek goes to sleep.
 O mordo tua nuora o aro un autodromo.
Either I bite your daughter-in-law or I plough a racetrack.
 I topi non avevano nipoti.
The mice had no grandchildren.
 A Nóinín, níl an rí anocht ar Ráth Conair, ná linn in Iona.
Daisy, the king is neither on Conair's fort tonight, nor with us in Iona.
 In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni.
We enter the circle after dark and are consumed by fire.
 Roma tibi subito motibus ibit amor.
In Rome love will come to you suddenly.
 Sedek užu kedes.
Sit behind the chair.
 Regninger
 Ada, panna pocałowana, woła: co pan napada?
Ada, a kissed girl, exclaims: why are you attacking me, Sir?
 Może jutro ta dama da tortu jeżom.
Maybe tomorrow that lady will give a cake to the hedgehogs.
 Kobyła ma mały bok.
The mare has a small side.
 Elf układał kufle.
An elf arranged mugs.
 Ikar łapał raki.
Icarus caught crayfishes.
 Socorram-me, subi no ônibus em Marrocos.
Help me, I took a bus in Morocco.
 A base do teto desaba.
The base of the ceiling collapses.
O lobo ama o bolo.
The wolf loves the cake.
 Elevele
The students (feminine)
 Atașata
The attached (feminine)
 Ele fac cafele.
They (feminine) make coffee.
 Ene purta patru pene.
Ene was wearing four feathers.
 Ai rămas acasă, Maria?
Did you stay at home, Maria?
 O ramă maro.
A brown frame.
 А роза упала на лапу Азора. (A roza upala na lapu Azora.)
A rose fell on Azor's paw.
 Ana voli Milovana.
Ana is in love with Milovan.
 Sir ima miris.
Cheese has a smell.
 Matej je tam.
Matej is there.
 Na rabína gáni baran.
A mutton gazes on a rabbi.
 V elipse spí lev.
A lyon sleeps in an ellipse.
 V elipsi spi lev.
In an ellipse there sleeps a lion.
 Perica reže raci rep.
A washerwoman is cutting a duck's tail.
Dábale arroz a la zorra el abad.
The abbot gave rice to the vixen.
 Ligar es ser ágil.
Flirting is agile.
 Ana lleva avellana.
Ana takes a nut.
 Reconocer
 Luz azul
Blue light
 Sobornos son robos.
Bribes are robberies.
 Amor a Roma.
Love to Rome.
 Somos o no somos.
Either we are, or we are not.
 Ni talar bra latin.
You speak good latin.
 Agnes i senga
Agnes in bed
 Naturrutan
Nature box
 Ilaç iç, Ali.
Drink the medicine, Ali.
 Anastas, mum satsana?
Anastas, why don't you sell candles?
Ewa Nowak- doradca metodyczny, germanistka