An Everyday Hero

How to write a paragraph with 2
quotes, heroic traits, and explanation
 1.
Sample Topic Sentence- this is a statement
about why Ana should be considered a
Striving to keep her family as normal as
possible, Ana bravely puts all others needs
before her own.
 Example Despite
her pain and exhaustion, Adam
points out, “…She fights this lethal disease
every moment of every day, and she does it
with a smile… she hasn’t let it slow her
 Ana’s
daughter Monica admits, “Even through
her pain she is at times in a better mood
thank I am after a day.”
 Connect
both quotes and commentary with a
statement that explains how the examples
support your thesis – that Ana is a hero
because she keeps her family normal and
puts their needs before hers.
 Conclusion-
Ana is heroic because she
understands that she has to keep her family
going which gives her the strength to keep
her charging forward in her fight with cancer .
Striving to keep her family as normal as
possible, Ana bravely puts all others needs
before her own. Despite her pain and
exhaustion, Adam points out, “…She fights this
lethal disease every moment of every day, and
she does it with a smile… she hasn’t let it slow
her down.” Ana’s daughter Monica admits, “Even
through her pain she is at times in a better mood
thank I am after a day.” Ana is heroic because
she understands that she has to keep her family
going which gives her the strength to keep her
charging forward in her fight with cancer.