Michi Elko

In summarizing, my paper is analyzing a quit smoking commercial which compares a boy
losing his mom at an airport for a minute to losing them for forever due to smoking. The
commercial uses emotional and rhetoric appeals to get into the minds of the audience to produce
great outcomes of the advertisement. The advertisement is doing its job in convincing the
audience because many people quit due to these quit smoking commercials. I picked this
specific ad because I know people who smoke and I know the effects it can have on family and
friends. I knew this ad had many aspects which I could describe and analyze. I know this ad has
potential because it moves me and probably does the same for its other audience.
Choosing an ad was pretty easy for the most part. I figured a commercial would have
more things to say and be said than a paper advertisement so I started to look through YouTube
where a lot of advertisements are posted after they are aired. I remember watching a lot of
persuasive quit smoking commercials in the past so I looked that up and found the one most
appealing to me.
When writing my paper, the most difficult section to write about was probably the thesis
and topic sentences. It’s hard to say what you want to say in a whole paper in one sentence or
even a paragraph in a sentence. I get the main idea when I try to write it but sometimes my
intentional sentences meant to be said are taken in a different way. The easiest section to write
about was the ad description section. It’s easier for me to describe what I see than what I
personally feel.
Some readings that helped me write my paper were “Advertising’s Fifteen Basic
Appeals” and “Understanding Image Analysis: Advertisements.” The fifteen appeals are used in
every advertisement in some form or other which can be analyzed. Reading about these helped
me better understand advertising in our world. The other reading also helped because it taught
me how to analyze advertisements from what images it shows. This reading was also helpful to
my writing process as I saw how they analyzed to help me understand how to do that too.
As I looked through the rubric, I would say that I did a fairly good job at using these
guidelines to do all my assignments and writing my paper. I wrote what I’m supposed to write
about and gave lots of details and descriptions for explanations. I supported my claims in all the
points I gave. Due to these standards which I think I have reached, I believe I should receive an