Baseline Project Plan Report

Baseline Project Plan Report
Project Name: Arrowhead Center Patent Tracking and Reporting
Project Overview: This project will provide a database, input forms, and reports to facilitate the
patent tracking and reporting process. This will streamline the entire process, reduce the
possibility of human error, and provide for better record keeping. This will be the foundation for
what will become a more robust and feature rich system as needed by the business.
Recommendation: The Arrowhead Center’s patent tracking and reporting process is currently
unorganized and cumbersome. The construction of a database for a patent tracking system is
meant to simplify and provide for a more efficient operation of their IP management system.
Construction has been approved by the customer as outlined the Project Charter.
System Description: The Arrowhead Patent Tracking and Reporting system will be built in
Oracle and APEX. It will provide input forms to capture and modify invention, inventor, and
licensing agreement information. The application will also include reports for reviewing the
aforementioned data.
Feasibility Assessment
A. Economic -- Tangible benefits include:
 More reliable IP data entry and tracking.
 Database-based patent tracking and reporting is expected to reduce man hours spent
entering obtaining records — estimated savings of $4,000 annually.
 Intangible benefits are:
o Increase quality of service to clients.
o Help employees be more efficient.
o Increase potential to utilizing existing IP in future endeavors.
 Complete cost-benefit analysis is provided in a spreadsheet.
B. Technical – The systems analyst, programmer, and designers assigned to this program have
extensive experience with Oracle and APEX. The objectives of this application are well
within their capabilities.
C. Operational – The proposed system will streamline the patent tracking and reporting process,
provide improved time management, and more reliable IP tracking. In this way the proposed
system will directly support Arrowhead Center’s organizational objectives of more efficient
IP management.
D. Legal and contractual – The computer where the database resides is password protected and
only authorized users can access the database. The proposed system does not present any
legal or contractual issues.
E. Organizational – The employees of Arrowhead Center will receive training for the new
application and they recognize the utility of the proposed system.
F. Schedules, Timeline, Resources –
 An MS project file and Gantt chart detail the activities and timeline for this project.
 The Arrowhead Center has allocated $10,000 for the processing system. This amount
must cover the development costs, as well as hardware, data conversion, and training.
 The system should be operational by December 4th.
Management Issues
 The project team has agreed on a project timeline. Tasks will be completed on time.
 Team members will follow standard procedures for reporting progress, documenting
work, and communicating with other members. These standards will include discussion
posting of all relevant information in canvas, upload all finished work to the group file
store on canvas, responding to all forms of communication in 24 hours or less.
 The project manager will be the contact person for the Arrowhead Center customer.
Project Deliverables
The features/functions listed below have been reviewed by Jason Koenig. He has agreed that the
items preceded by a checkmark are within the scope of the current project.
Input functions:
 Capture invention data.
 Capture inventor data.
 Capture licensing agreement data.
Processing functions:
 Assign an intellectual property ID number automatically.
 Update status of IP assets and licensing agreements.
 Display IP title, file location, inventor name, status.
 Update inventor information.
Output functions:
 Listing of inventors.
 Listing of IP assets and their status (disclosed, pending, issued, abandoned).
 List of inventors and their IP assets.
 Listing of IP assets and their inventors.
 Listing of licensing agreements and their status.
 Summary of all licensing agreements and IP assets by status.
Storage functions:
 Inventor data.
 IP data.
 Licensing data.
 Status data.