
Beginning Telecommunications
Mr. Clawson
“WebQuest: Nielsen Media Research”
Name: Type answers in orange
Part I: Nielsen TV Rankings
1. What was the number #8 ranked television program in the United States?
a. What is its rating?
b. How many viewers consumed the show?
2. What was the number #1 ranked television program in the United States?
a. What is its rating?
i. How does it compare to the #8 program?
b. How many viewers consumed the show?
i. How does it compare to the #8 program?
3. What was the number #1 ranked television program among African-Americans?
a. What is its rating?
b. How many viewers consumed the show?
Part II: Nielsen Video Game Rankings
1. What were the top #3 PC game titles?
a. What are their shares?
b. What are the average minutes they were played?
c. What are the total minutes played for each game?
2. Why is the #2 ranked game ahead of the #3 ranked game if #3 had a higher share?
3. What is the third-most anticipated game?
a. How is this measured?
Part III: Nielsen Advertising Rankings
1. What was the #1 brand advertised?
a. How many times did it appear on television?
2. How are #3, #4, #5, and #10 all connected?
3. What program used the most product placement?
a. Why is that information important to advertisers?
Part IV: Nielsen Online Rankings
1. What was the highest rated parent company?
a. How many consumed the parent company’s services?
b. What was the average time of consumption?
2. What was the highest rated video brand?
a. How many unique viewers?
b. How many total streams?
c. How many more streams than #2?
3. What was the highest rated search provider?
a. What is their share?
b. How many more than #2?
Part V: Nielsen Mobile Rankings
1. What are the six performance indicators Nielsen uses to track mobile use?
2. Identify and define one performance indicator that you believe is effective.
a. Why do you believe this indicator is effective?
Part VI: ‘TV/Internet Convergence’
1. What are the fusion/link variables?
2. What is the ‘Cause/Effect’ study of TV/Internet convergence?
3. Evaluate why TV/Internet convergence is an important new measurement of
consumer-driven data.
Part VII: Application
1. ADVERTISE three products to the following DEMOGRAPHICS: WOMEN (1848), AFRICAN-AMERICANS (18-48), VIDEO GAME PLAYERS (9-17). You
MUST connect each DEMOGRAPHIC to PROGRAMMING data provided by