File - Honors Sociology

Honors Sociology
Socialization Worksheet
1. List as many personality traits as you can think of about yourself – (ex. Hard- working,
modest, clever, agreeable, articulate, funny, quiet, outgoing, etc.)
2. Examine the list you made –
a. Which traits do you think you were born with?
b. Which traits do you think were influenced by your parents or family?
c. Which traits do you think were influenced by your friends or peer groups?
d. Which traits do you think were influenced by school?
e. Which traits do you think are influenced by the media?
3. After viewing the videos, what can be learned by examining identical twins that have
lived separate lives in regards to the debate of nature vs. nurture?
4. Read the article “Wild Child Speechless After Tortured Life” and respond to the following
Describe the environment that Genie grew up in:
How would this environment affect Genie’s ability to communicate with others?
During her time where Genie was being studied, did she ever show signs of
improvement in terms of how she communicated?
List any evidence from Genie’s case that would support the “nature” argument of
human development
List any evidence from Genie’s case that would support the “nurture” argument
of human development
Decide whether you support Nature or Nurture. Write a short essay (2-3 paragraphs)
supporting your position. Your essay should use specific evidence from the information you
wrote about yourself, from the two videos, and the article about Genie.