June 25, 2009
2:00 p.m. M122
Members: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Adrien Cuellar-McGuire, Michael
Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich, Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Vernon Hawkins,
Rick Maxwell, Doris Rousey, Kendra Vaglienti, Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Attendees: Thomas Anderson, Rodger Bennett, Michael Dennehy, Lisa Ehrich,
Sarah Ferguson, Juanita Flint, Rick Maxwell, Mark Meyer, Aaron Ostrom,
Bob Smith, Kendra Vaglienti, Ray Attner for Sandy Wyche, Anne Brophy
Guests: Beverly NeuMenssa, Terri Edrich
Rodger distributed information and a CD from the LeCroy Center on distance learning. He asked
the deans to look it over and if they would like to preview let him know.
Rodger then distributed copies of an article – Understanding Great Teaching – by Ken Bain. He
asked the deans to read and encouraged them to pass on to faculty.
Important Things to Tell
Doris Rousey gave an update on EMGI and the outreach program for school teachers. She visited
with Diane Brownlee’s counterpart at Midland College and compared their programs. A
partnership was formed where we will help them with the outreach program with school teachers.
Midland will share their courses and workshop that may be melded with EMGI.
Doris also reported that Texas A&M Commerce have developed curriculum for GEO Science and
GIS for school teachers to go back and work with their students.
There were comments made about the noise created by drilling outside K building.
Sarah Ferguson also reported on an incident involving one of her library staff and a student
assaulting that staff member.
HR Issues - Adjunct Faculty Colloquium
Terri Edrich reported on two HR housekeeping items.
Beginning in September HR staff will hold once a month meetings with division coordinators in
regard to HR processes. Meetings will begin with an orientation meeting on August 3 – 1 -2:00
and another on August 4 – 9-10:00 am. Coverage will be provided for division areas.
Adjunct Faculty Colloquium tentatively scheduled for August 20. In previous years professional
development office handled this workshop. HR is coordinating this year. Terri asked Rodger
what he and the deans would like to see covered this year. She mentioned the possibility of
giving hard copies of adjunct faculty handbook to the adjuncts. After brief discussion the group
agreed to this suggestion. Terri will order them.
Beverly NeuMenssa may be able to contribute to the agenda. Rodger mentioned one topic that
may be important – faculty absence and the closest person who may be able to assist in advising
students. Sarah responded on the building coordinator role.
Textbooks, Faculty Schedules, Syllabi
Thomas Anderson distributed copies of the following:
Faculty Handbook – Course Syllabus - Thomas addressed the bulleted items on the
sheet. He stated that sample forms will be on P drive; hopefully all forms relative to VP
office will be under VPI forms. He would like to see each division listed under this
category. Thomas asked if someone has a unique syllabus to please make that available
also. He would include under the respective division.
Faculty Schedule – Faculty have a common form for reporting on their schedules.
Thomas distributed a sample form that may be used. He asked the deans to look over and
give suggestions. One was to add Sundays. This form will also be placed on P drive.
It was agreed that information on bottom of schedule (calculations, office hours, etc.) be
moved to a second page and that information only be provided to VP office and division
Information on an initiative among community colleges that is being driven by League
for Innovation. Thomas asked the deans to check out the website to see if Brookhaven
would be interested in being part of this initiative. It will be discussed at a future
meeting. Michael Dennehy reported on an issue he had with a student in regard to a
choice given in using a textbook or going online. Sarah reported on a project involving
renting textbooks ( – a netflix for books. Rodger stated that our contract
with the bookstores has a lot of “small print”.
Campus Closings
Rodger distributed copies of a PBAC discussion on campus closings. The information will be
refined to reflect accurate information on closings in regard to Spring Easter Holiday and Spring
Break. Officially, when gates are shut the campus is closed; if gates are not locked, gates are
open. After issue has been clarified Rodger will send to all deans.
Classroom Presentations
Beverly NeuMenssa distributed copies of the results of a survey sent to faculty. Beverly asked
what is the best way to market this service.
Beverly offered to attend each division meeting with faculty and speak about her services. It was
also agreed Beverly should be on the agenda for the adjunct colloquium in August. Rodger asked
Beverly to develop a marketing plan detailing all services. It will be placed in all faculty
mailboxes and placed online.
Teaching Newsletter
Kendra Vaglienti distributed copies of a pamphlet she ordered this spring for her faculty –
Professor in the Classroom. Comes every two weeks to division mailboxes. Kendra reported
that the pamphlet has been favorably received by her faculty. The group agreed they would like
to receive copies.
Michael Dennehy addressed the Technology-Rotation of Lab Computers discussion at the June
18 meeting and the need to finalize the priority list. It will be the agenda item for the July 2
deans’ meeting. Michael Deason, Manny Estrella, Marion Douglas and Matheos Kassa will be
invited to the meeting.
Rodger will out of the office on July 23. The deans’ meeting for that date is cancelled.
Meeting adjourned at 3:50.