Quiz # 4

Creative Writing
Quiz # Four
Name _________________________
Class # _____ March 8, 2016
True (A) or False (B):
_____ Christopher Buckley writing the chapter on “Creative Nonfiction” within
The Graceful Lie, says that most people who try to write creative nonfiction
discover that they have very little to say most live uneventful lives.
_____ Buckley notes that a story being true can be a real drawing point for many
readers. Knowing that the events of the story actually happened adds to the
appeal of a work for many.
_____ Like journalism the author of nonfiction writing must put the facts of an event at
the forefront of a work’s purpose.
_____ In Annie Dillard’s work “Living Like A Weasel” her primary emotion towards
the animal is repugnance (disgusted by it).
_____ In Gary Soto’s piece “Catholics” the narrator’s problems in the paroquial school
are based in the fact that he’s actually a protestant, but his family placed him in a
Catholic School because it offered the best education.
_____ Buckley notes that creative nonfiction, since it is creative, does not require the
kind of research that journalism does.
_____ In his “History of My Hair” Buckley notes that part of fascination centering on
haircuts and styling was based on the fact that one’s hair as a teenager was one of
the few places which could be seen as one’s own.
_____ Buckley like Gary Soto remembers attending a paroquia school.
_____ Louise the protagonist in Andre Dubus’ “The Fat Girl” while teased by other
children in school has a loving and accepting relationship with her mother.
_____ In the conclusion of “The Fat Girl,” Louise’s marriage is failing, but she does not
seem to care.
_____ In spite of years of being self consciousness about her weight, Louise is never
able to reduce.
_____ The protagonist of “The Ransom of Red Chief” is a conman and petty criminal.
_____ In "the Last Leaf” Behrman, the old artist, is well established but likes living in
the art colony because it keeps him in touch with young artists.
Name __________________
Quiz 4
April 2, 2009
Multiple Choice: Choose the Best answer:
_____ Where is “The Last Leaf” set” (A) Fire Island, (B) San Francisco, (B) Greenwich
Village (D) The text never makes it clear where the art colony is.
_____ In Gary Soto’s “Catholics,” the narrator remembers that the day the flag of Biafra
was brought to class to illustrate where children were starving, because it was also
the day when (A) he was sent to clean the boy’s room after placing a whoopee
cushion on Sister Maria’s chair, (B) he was condemned to wash windows outside
of his class since he had left a bucket for Sister Marie over classroom door
(C) for failing the religion test, he found himself kneeling in the back of the class
holding a huge book on theology from each hand, (D) he was sentenced by Sister
Maria to stand in the waste basket because of fighting,
_____ In “The Last Leaf,“ what illness has Johnsy, short for Joanna, contracted?
(A) Pneumonia (B) Tuberculosis, (C) Cancer, (D) Flue.
_____ Annie Dillard in “Living Like A Weasel” begins by noting that the Weasel’s
primary quality is that it is (A) hungry, (B) fearful, (C) lethargic, (D) wild.
_____ Christopher Buckley’s nostalgic piece “History of My Hair” begins during
(A) the fifties, (B) the sixties, (C) the seventies, (D) the eighties.
_____ What stunt by Red Chief breaks the spirit of Bill Driscoll?
Putting a snake in his sleeping bag,
Hiding gun powder inside the kindling for campfire and then pretending to
need help from Bill to light it.
Using a bowie knife to actually scalp Bill during the night.
Putting a hot potato down Bill’s back and smashing it.
_____ In Stuart Dybeks “Chopin in Winter” what happens to Mrs. Kubiac as she
becomes more and more upset? (A) her English becomes more and more broken,
(B) her face turns from pale to red, like a warning light, (C) she begins to sneeze,
(D) she increasingly taps the floor with her foot.