Unit 3 Part 1 Test Review

Unit 3 Part 1 Test Review
Author’s style is the way they use
language. It includes the following:
Diction: word choice
Syntax: sentence patterns/ repetition
Tone: author’s attitude toward the
Expository Essay
An expository essay is a piece of
nonfiction that presents information
or explains a process. The author may
use the following techniques:
Description: sense language
Compare and Contrast
Cause and Effect
Biographical writing is nonfiction
where the writer tells the life story of
another person. It includes facts about
the person’s life and a narrator telling
about their life.
The details an author chooses to
describe help to create our impression
of the subject.
Main Idea and Supporting Details
The main idea is the central message
in a work of nonfiction. Supporting
details are pieces of evidence that help
prove the main idea.
Before and during reading ask
questions to figure out the main idea:
What conclusion did the author
Why did the author choose this title?
You can also try rereading the passage
to help determine the main idea.