World Issues 120

World Issues 120
Mr. Spencer
Assignment #1 World Recognition
Find the answers to the following: (identify specifics where applicable)
1. What is the current population of the world?
2. What is the most populated country in the world?
3. What is the current population of Canada?
4. What is the population of the United States?
5. Find the five most populated cities in the world.
6. What is the most populated Canadian city?
7. Find the five most populated U.S. cities.
8. List the four oceans. Rank them from largest to smallest.
9. What is the most common language in the world?
10. What is the most common religion?
11. What is the world’s largest continent (area)?
12. In 1991 Russia and 16 other neighboring republics broke away from what major superpower?
13. What is the world’s largest continent (population)?
14. What is the world’s largest sea?
15. What is the world’s largest fresh water lake?
16. List the three largest islands in the world.
17. What is the world’s longest river?
18. What is the world’s smallest nation (area)?
19. What is the world’s largest nation (area)?
20. What is the oldest functioning city in the world?
21. Rank the four largest mountain ranges in the world.
22. What is the world’s largest desert?
23. Where are the greatest tides in the world located?
24. This disease, which spread throughout Asia and hit Canada, was known as “sudden acute respiratory
25. What is the world’s longest street?
26. What is the world’s tallest building?
27. What is the world’s tallest free standing structure?
28. What three countries have the highest ranking militaries in the world?
29. What is the world’s smallest continent (population)?
30. How old is Canada?
31. The Prime Minister of Canada is _________________.
32. The President of the United States who sent troops onto Iraq in 1991 was ______________.
33. What is an issue (your words)? How would you describe a world issue?
34. For the questions below, it is wise to make a three column chart to keep info straight.
a. What are the 10 biggest issues facing the world today?
b. Looking at each issue individually, what is influencing each of the 10 issues you listed?
c. Looking at each issue individually, what is the impact of each issue you listed?