Online Sources of Information

Name _______________________________ Date ____________ Homeroom _______
Cereal Box Biography Project
In this project, you will be decorating a cereal box. You will devote each side of the cereal box to one
section of the project. Return the bottom portion of this letter by November 29, 2012. The directions
for each section follow:
Select a person from the list provided (Due Nov. 29th)
Cereal Box Front (Due Dec. 7th):
 Cover the box with colored paper (Whole box should be one color. No holiday paper.)
 Picture of famous figure
 Quotes that the famous figure said or one sentence describing their achievement
 Famous figure’s full name (First and Last Name or First, Middle and Last Name)
 Make it fun!
Time Line - Side of Box (Due Dec. 7th):
 At least 10 events:
o Begin with the person’s birth date
o Complete date (February 14, 1922)
o Event listing (The Presidential party begins at the White House)
o End with the person’s death date
 Time Line Title
 Neat and Organized
Summary Back (Rough Draft - Due Dec. 10th)k:
 Summary in five paragraphs (typed):
o Introduction-Early Life
o Struggles they faced and how they overcame them
o Important Accomplishments
o Connection to our Theme (United We Stand in Friendship)
o Conclusion
Game - Side of Box:
 Create a game using the information from your summary
 Examples: crossword puzzle, word search, scrambled letters, or a game of your choice (if you
choose your own get it approved by Ms. Furhman, Mrs. Francisco, or Mr. Lehman)
 Provide the answers for the game inside the top flap
 Be Sure Your Game is Informative
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cereal Box Biography Project
Please return the bottom of this letter by November 29, 2012.
Famous Figure Chosen_________________________________
Student’s Signature_____________________________
Parent’s Signature______________________________
Name ____________________________ Date __________ Homeroom _______
Cereal Box Biography
Grading Criteria
12 Points
Neatly Covered
Everything Neatly Attached
Neatly typed/written
4 points
4 points
4 points
15 Points
Complete Name
Picture (Drawn, Traced, or Printed)
5 points
5 points
5 points
30 Points
Events Written In Order
Forms An Actual Line
Written In Your Own Words (Not Cut & Paste)
All 10 Dates and Events are Included
10 points
5 points
5 points
10 points
45 Points
Five Paragraphs (Typed/Written)
Personal Life
Accomplishments (Why is he/she famous?)
Connection to Theme
Written in Your Own Words
5 points
10 points
10 points
10 points
5 points
5 points
18 Points
Connected to the Summary
10 points
8 points
20 points
(1 point
for every
day the
is late)
Front - Due 12/7/12
Timeline - Due 12/7/12
Summary - Due 12/10/12
Final Project - Due 12/17/12
Points Earned
5 points
5 points
5 points
5 points
140 Points
(Remember this is a project grade for Reading, Social Studies and Writing)
People of the Underground Railroad
The Underground Railroad is America's epic story of the courage and cooperation by ordinary individuals.
What these people accomplished, individually and together, changed the course of history. Please use this
alphabetical listing of individuals: enslaved and freed Blacks, Whites, Native Americans, and others.
If you choose someone that is not on this list, you must get it approved by Mr. Collins before starting your
Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848)
Anderson, Elijah
Bibb, Henry (1815-1854)
Brown, Henry 'Box'
Brown, William Wells (ca. 1814-1884)
Cary, Mary Ann Shadd (1823-1893)
Channing, William Ellery Rev. (1780-1842)
Child, Lydia Marie
Coffin, Levi and Catherine
Conway, Moncure Rev. (1832-1907)
Craft, Ellen and William (1826-1890) (1824-1900)
Crandall, Prudence
Cratty, William
Delany, Martin, MD (1812-1885)
Douglass, Frederick (1817-1895)
Doyle, Patrick
Drayton, Daniel
Evans, Wilson Bruce and Henry
Fairfield, John
Forten, Charlotte and Margaretta
Foster, Abby Kelly (1811-1887)
Garrett, Thomas
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879)
Gibbs, Joseph R.
Grimke, Sarah and Angelina
Hill-Sanders, Sallie Ann (1834-1926)
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins (1825-1911)
Haviland, Laura
Hayden, Lewis
Henson, Josiah
Horse, Chief John
Horton, George Moses
Howe, Samuel Gridley and Julia Ward
Jacobs, Harriet
Johnson, Octave
Jones, Mary and John
Lambert, William
Langston, John Mercer
Latimer, George
Lewis, Jane
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, William Ellaby (1831-1920)
Malvin, John (1795-1880)
Mason, Biddy (1818-1891)
Mason, John
Mott, Lucretia (1793-1880)
Parker, John (1827-1900)
Pleasant, Mary Ellen
Posey, John W. M.D. (? - 1884)
Price, John
Purvis, Robert (1810-1898)
Remond, Sarah (1826-1894)&Charles (1810-1873)
Remus and Patty
Rock, John S. (1825-1866)
Rose, Ernestine
Ross, Alexander M.D.
Ruggles, David (1810-1849)
Rush, Benjamin M.D. (1745?-1813)
Smalls, Robert (1839-1915)
Smith, Gerrit (1797-1874)
Stewart, Maria W. (1803-1879)
Still, William (1821-1901)
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811-1896)
Sumner, Charles
Swisshelm, Jane (1815-?)
Truth, Sojourner (ca. 1797-1883)
Tubman, Harriet (ca 1822-1913)
Walker, David (1785-1830)
Wattles, Augustus
Whipper, William (ca. 1804-1876)
Williams, Peter
Wood, Ann
Wright, Fanny (1795-1852)