We appreciate you taking the time to fill in our survey

We appreciate your taking the time to fill out our survey. The results will be used to
create a new online trading service that may be useful to you in the future.
Note: The term 'customer to customer' (C2C) refers to services such as eBay, where
individuals can sell products or offer services to other individuals over the web.
Please highlight your answers and send to: oshratr@gmail.com
1. How many hours a day do you spend next to a computer that is connected to the
a. none
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. more than 7
2. Do you use any instant messaging software (MSN Messenger, ICQ, etc') or VoIP
software (Skype, etc')? (If your answer is yes, please specify the software you use)
a. no
b. yes
which one________
3. How many times in the past year did you shop online (through the internet)?
a. none
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. more than 7
4. If you never buy online, what is the reason?
a. I believe it is more expensive
b. I don't think it is secure
c. Credibility issues (who is the seller?)
d. I never had the opportunity, but I do intend to buy through the Internet
e. Other (please specify in a few words) ________________________
5. How many of these purchases were done using auctions?
a. none
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. more than 7
6. How many times in the past year did you buy through C2C websites?
a. none
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. more than 7
7. If you were to buy a product through the Internet on a C2C website, class the
following characteristics from 1-4 in what you consider to be the order of their
importance (1 being the highest). Write one number next to each option:
a. details of the seller
b. the time it takes to close the deal
c. possibility to negotiate the price
d. credibility of the website through which you are buying
8. If you were online now, looking at a product you wanted to buy, what would be
your preferred way of contacting the seller (assuming all contact methods are
available and the seller is also online)?
a. online (i.e. instant messages)
b. by email
c. by phone
9. Suppose you wanted to buy a certain product online, how would you look for it?
(you can mark more than one answer)
a. I go directly to the site I always buy from (which one? ___________)
b. I use comparison sites (zap, shopping.com, etc.) to find the best deal for
this product.
c. I use search engines (google, yahoo, etc.) to search for the product.
d. I pay special attention to advertisements on the web (banners, etc.), and
check the ads that are connected to what I'm looking for.
e. Other ______________________
10. If you sell second hand products, how do you do it?
a. classified ads in the paper
b. classified ads over the web (billboard sites)
c. C2C auction websites (like eBay)
d. other __________
11. If you do not sell second hand products, what is the reason?
a. I have never had the opportunity
b. I don't know of any good service for that purpose
c. I prefer to donate the things I don't need
d. Other (please specify in a few words) ________________________
12. How many times in the past year did you sell through C2C websites?
a. none
b. 1-3
c. 4-6
d. more than 7
13. If you were to sell a second hand product through the Internet on a C2C website,
class the following characteristics from 1-4 in what you consider to be the order of
their importance (1 being the highest). Write one number next to each option:
a. details of the buyer
b. the time it takes to close the deal
c. possibility to negotiate the price
d. credibility of the website through which you are selling
14. If you were to sell a second hand product through the Internet on a C2C website,
how would you prefer to respond to potential buyers (assuming both you and the
buyer are online, and all contact methods are available)?
a. online (i.e. instant messages)
b. by email
c. by phone
15. Suppose you post a product you are trying to sell on a certain website, and state the
price. Unfortunately, no one offers to buy it. What would you rather do?
a. Post your product again with a lower price and wait to see if it gets any
b. Open it for negotiation with potential buyers who are interested in the
product but would like to pay less than what you are asking.
c. Wait until someone is willing to pay the price you have asked for.
General Information
16. Gender:
a. male
b. female
17. Age group:
a. 10-22
b. 23-30
18. Country: _________
19. Field of occupation: ____________
c. 31-45
d. 46+