Review Sheet for 1st 6th Grade Science Quiz

Review Sheet for 1st 6th Grade Science Quiz – Wed, 11/17
Use this sheet to study for the upcoming quiz. You can type the answers out on the sheet in
your email, write the answers on a separate piece of paper, or print out several copies for studying later
on. If you know the information on this sheet (in many different ways), you will do well on the quiz.
1. When observing in science, what kinds of things should you remember to do?
2. Write 5 scientific observations about your agenda book. Write 3 opinions about your agenda book.
3. What are the three main branches of science?
4. Define each branch of science.
5. Give three examples of specific science subjects that would be included in each branch of science.
6. Define the following: (make sure you know the terms both ways)
Botany –
Zoology –
Medicine –
Geology –
Oceanography –
Meteorology –
Physics –
Chemistry –
Astronomy 7. In what two ways can needles grow on trees?
8. What is the difference between a simple and a compound leaf?
9. What is the difference between the three different ways leaves can be arranged around a stem:
whorled, alternate, and opposite
10. What is a leaf margin? Give two examples of leaf margins that we have learned about.
11. Red Maples have 3 main lobes. Describe what a lobe is.
12. Describe the leaves or needles of 3 trees that you know.
13. Why do scientists use the “scientific method”?
14. What are the six main steps of the scientific method?
15. When stating the problem, what form should it be in? Give an example.
16. Why would you gather information?
17. What is a hypothesis? What form should it be in? Give an example.
18. In an experiment, what is a variable?
19. How many variables can you have in an experiment? Explain why in detail!
20. Why do you have a control in an experiment?
21. What are constants?
22. What do you include in your “observations” or “record” part of the steps?
23. What kinds of things do you write about in your analyze section?
24. What kinds of things to you include in your conclusion section?
25. What does refute mean?
26. Why should you repeat your experiment?
29. What is the variable being tested in the following hypothesis: “If basil plants are given 2 cups of
water per day, then the soil will be flooded and the plant will start to wilt. This is because . . .”