notes of chairmen's meeting

Children’s Services Directorate
Meeting title
Cluster Meeting – Torquay East
Torquay Community College
15th May 2006
Jay Kingston (Sherwell Valley Primary), Adam Morris (Watcombe
Primary), Madeleine Cooper (TCC), Katie Lusty (Library Service). Adrian
Partridge (Youth Intervention Officer). Kirsty Parker (Paignton CC
Sports College) Bob Plumb (Youth Service). Jeannette Allen (DCMA).
Julian Gebler (Social Services) Sue McGrath (Extended Services
Coordinator, Torbay Children’s Services). Ian Hancock (Extended
Schools Remodelling Adviser). Laura Potter (Cluster Coordinator)
Jane Young (Barton Primary), Sandy Guertin Bryan (Cockington
Primary). Andrea Rodgers (Queensway Primary) Irene Thomas
(Family Learning) Sue Cheriton (Torbay Council) Karen Hughes
(NHS) Claire Blagdon (PCC Sports College) Helen Cunningham and
Tracey Dickinson (Library Services)
Agenda Item 1
Previous Minutes
Notes of Previous Meeting – 14 February 2006. These were circulated and
Agenda Item 2
Update on Extended Services
Big Lottery Projects
LP explained that a Service Proposal had now been filled out with MC, and that
the Quarterly Monitoring Form was due. JK pointed out that LP had emailed,
asking for feedback on projects. LP asked for this to be in asap (1-2 weeks)
MC explained that the Big Lottery Projects have been running at TCC.
Revision Clubs, Sport / Music / Drama / Nail painting / card making clubs.
Local Primary Links: SVPS – ICT and Science SATs work. SATs work 16
students not quite level 4. JK mentioned that SATs exams took place this
week. MC and LP asked for JK to share outcomes when results are available.
Shiphay / Watcombe have been using the Sports Hall at TCC for various
Torre / Barton have also had access to activities.
Watcombe have had a Music teacher visit from TCC to run a Junk Band.
This term, a Spanish teacher will run sessions for year 6 at Watcombe. Also
Watcombe students to come to TCC for Music tuition.
MC to discuss provision for SVPS this term.
LP pointed out that Barton, Cockington and Queensway had sent apologies, so
to include where possible.
MC &
MC mentioned that she is relying on TCC teachers and that although they are
being paid, that it is not ideal. She suggested use of Primary staff to teach,
using specialist facilities at TCC. Also a suggestion of a database to be created
of staff willing to work with children aged 4-16, and their specialisms. LP to look
into this further.
BP suggested Mark Pocock, at the Windmill Centre may be interested. LP to
make contact.
MC also suggested the Acorn Centre. LP to make contact.
MC discussed funding and the fact it took time to come through. SM suggested
that as the projects are all run through TCC, that the rest of the Big Lottery
Funding is allocated to TCC. MC agreed to discuss with bursar in order to
create a separate account for holding the money. LP and SM to arrange once
There was mention that there is nothing around TCC to tell children what is on
offer. IH suggested as most of these projects are year 6/7 transition work that
Suzie Franklin is contacted. LP to make contact.
LP pointed out that Consultation is an important part of Monitoring. BP
suggested use the Torbay Youth Forum. LP and BP to liaise. SM mentioned
£13,000 for Big Lottery Funding to be used for Consultation
SM mentioned lunchtime Play Training. Will be rolled out in Torquay from
September. Schools will be offered the choice of equipment.
Another strand of Big Lottery Funding, play funding through Sue Cheriton. For
‘freely chosen play’. Schools need to email or phone the office to register
interest. They will keep a database and send out relevant information. LP to do
on behalf of Watcombe Primary.
Cluster Developments
 LP discussed the Audit of schools of which the results are due in one to two
weeks. This has taken up much of her time recently.
 LP mentioned she has been actively networking for people to link with on
 Workshop 2 took place on Friday 28th April. Opportunity Templates were filled
out for more progressive work.
 SM mentioned funding: 2005 / 2006 Torquay East have £51,200. Funding will
hopefully be held in SVPS by June, for coordination and allocation by LP. SM
and IH are discussing this process with the relevant school staff. £1,000 to be
made available to SVPS for administration.
 IH mentioned that the Cluster Governance Task Group are making a decision
on how the funding process will work.
 SM stated that the Local Authority Strategic Priority is Swift and Easy Referral
and Early Intervention.
Targeted Projects
 SM explained YIP. Working with YOT to identify 30 vulnerable youngsters.
Wards of Tormohan, Watcombe and Ellacombe. MC mentioned she has
received the referral forms from the YOT.
 Extended Services are also assisting in expanding the School Support
Programme for Primary Age children, with a focus on behaviour management.
 An Art Therapy Project has been piloted in Ellacombe.
 Funding has been allocated to Adventure Play in the Bay.
 An expansion of the Young Carers Services is being planned.
Audit of Provision
 LP stated most schools had completed their audits, through workshop
sessions, one to one or on their own.
 SM said it is a good exercise in developing a picture for the Bay.
 Also useful for School OfSted SEF.
LP &
LP &
The ICT department at Torbay Council are currently compiling the data.
Planned for circulation in one to two weeks.
Management of Funding
 As stated before, Cluster funding to be held in Cluster Locality Bases (Torquay
East = Sherwell Valley Primary School). Transfer of funds planned for June.
Agenda Item 3
Feedback on Torquay Cluster Group
Workshop 2.
Workshop took place on Friday 28th April at the Belgrave Hotel.
LP explained that the Opportunity Templates that were filled in at the workshop
have now been typed up into a table for easier reading.
IH said Workshop 3 now postponed due to feeling in the Clusters that it was
unnecessary at this stage. IH informed the group that instead, Extended Services
are planning a Consultation day for young people in the Bay.
Opportunity Templates
The Quick Wins were discussed as follows:
- Torbay Sports Partnership: LP confirmed that she had met with Martin Hoare,
Sports Centre Manager at TCC, and that he was in agreement to link with
Claire Blagdon for the Summer Sports Programme. LP explained that it was
open to any young person from the age of 4 to 14 years, and that Claire
would be coordinating the programme in liaison with Martin. LP to assist
process as necessary.
- Agency communication with schools, and notification of involvement with
particular families, in particular SureStart and Youth Offending Team. MC
said in particular it would be useful for year 6/7 transition. JG suggested
Social Services could do the same, although it would need some
organisation. JG to speak to colleagues. LP to liaise with Glyn Penrice (YOT),
Julia Finney (SureStart) and Julian Gebler (Social Services).
- Library Services, involving teenagers to select stock for the Libraries. There
are various ways this could happen. KL and Helen Cunningham will liaise
with MC and BP to discuss ways to progress this. LP to keep up to date and
assist as necessary.
- More proactive Police liaison work with the school. AP suggested that
Neighbourhood Beat Managers would be responsible for this, but are now
‘thin on the ground’ with Police Force restructuring. PCSOs are to be
recruited but the difficulty is that some may not be comfortable with working in
school environment. AP can do targeted work with schools. AP to liaise with
Jane Young at Barton to arrange relevant sessions as necessary. LP to
assist as necessary.
- Library Services Gaming Club. Idea this could be linked with Police gaming
idea. AP to link with Glyn Penrice to find out what the game actually involves.
KL and Helen Cunningham to liaise with AP and Glyn to progress
opportunity. LP to assist as necessary.
- The decision was made to move the Music/Art/Drama workshops to a more
longer term proposal, due to the need to increase capacity of staff. LP to
liaise with JG and Glyn Penrice to progress this further.
- Family Learning mini clusters of schools. LP to liaise with Irene Thomas to
create communication links between schools.
 Longer Term Proposals
- Integrated Services Drop In Centre / SMART team. MC stated that TCC
already employs, or uses a variety of professionals and it would be extremely
helpful if they were located together with a dedicated phone line. TCC new
build has designated a room for this purpose. AP mentioned he had already
discussed with his line management. LP to liaise with Superintendent Curtis
to discuss further. IH mentioned could be financial implications, as team
would be used for feeder Primaries as well, particularly as TCC already fund
professionals to work there. IH suggested each agency to draw up their own
perspective on what a multi agency team would look like. LP to organise. SM
said that integrated service delivery is very high up on the agenda in the
Children and Young People’s Plan. A new Early Intervention Task Group is
being formed to discuss how to progress aspects of this.
Designated Social Worker. JK mentioned that it is very difficult to contact
Social Services. LP said she had emailed out a list of key Social Worker
contacts for the schools. JG mentioned that even if Social Workers are linked,
they may not know what to do if they are contacted by a school. JG to speak
to Joy Howick about this. LP to liaise.
Breakfast club, after school club and Nursery Proposals to be transferred to
Lynne Harbottle for development. LP to arrange.
More detailed Working
Consultation. AP mentioned that Safer Communities (Kirsty Passmore) are
wanting some consultation. KL suggested Torbay Youth Panel. SM discussed
importance of consultation in Youth Matters (Joe Elston / Rosie Bailey).
Hannah Toms has database. IH has been linking up with Steve Chown to
organise Consultation day, as mentioned before. Original date of workshop 3
(19th June) not possible for Steve Chown’s team, so a new date to be
arranged. SM mentioned Jackie Colby taking lead for Consultation in
Extended Services. Proposal is baywide and LP to liaise with Jackie to
progress this.
- LP explained Solution Focussed Brief Therapy extending their provision. AP
mentioned very positive things being said about process. MC said have own
therapist at TCC and he ‘gets results’. LP suggested idea of whole staff inset
to train on Solution Focussed Brief Therapy. IH put forward Ali Matthews’
view that changing the whole school mentality is the barrier. LP meeting with
Ali in near future so will discuss further, with a view to setting up a working
- Family Learning to provide Parenting Courses eg. Healthy eating, healthy
lifestyles, literacy and numeracy. Libraries could be used. KL mentioned good
for use of library facilities eg. Children read more as they are in that particular
setting. LP to liaise with Irene Thomas, Library Service and Adult and
Community Learning to further this proposal.
- Family Learning mini cluster proposal moved to Quick Wins.
- SMART team idea discussed previously
- Parent Support Programmes. LP to meet with Ali Matthews, YOT and Social
Services to progress this further.
Future Dates for Workshops
 As discussed previously, following consultation with Torquay East and West,
decision has been made to postpone Workshop 3.
Agenda Item 4
 As discussed previously, LP to complete Quarterly Monitoring Report for Big
Lottery Projects. LP has already emailed schools involved asking for measures of
success, highlights, pupil feedback etc… One quarterly form already past
deadline, other due in July.
Agenda Item 5
 As discussed previously. LP to liaise with Jackie Colby
Future Structure for Cluster
Cluster Meetings are still required by the group, as a way to keep updated, but will
happen much later on in Summer term to allow time for organisation of projects
Suggestion that working groups are now created to move the proposals forward,
some of which are Baywide. LP to liaise with Jackie Colby to organise these
working groups
Agenda Item 6
Agenda Item 7
 LP is on annual leave from 19th to 31st May 2006.
Agenda Item 8
Date of Next Meeting
 Next Cluster meeting to be held at Torquay Community College on Tuesday 4th
July 9:30am-11:00am
Recorded by
Laura Potter