Unit Plan Template - Kent School District

Documenting a Virtual Road Trip (5th Grade)
July 15, 2002
Unit Overview
Documenting a Virtual Road Trip
Focus Questions
If you could take a roadtrip to anywhere in the continental United States, where would you go and why?
What amount of time and other resources would you need to make this trip?
How would a variety of writing forms help you to communicate your experiences to others?
Unit Summary
This is a writing unit designed to motivate students to write in a variety of forms and genres about fantasy road
trips designed by students. In this unit, students will plan a trip and research points of interest along the way. End
products will include: a detailed, collaboratively written journal; a creative writing assignment that describes the
best day of their trip; a poster or PowerPoint presentation of the trip; and a peer assessment of their traveling
companion(s). This unit will also help develop social studies, reading, and math skills as students document their
adventures using a variety of programs and pre-made templates.
Subject Area(s): Writing, Reading and Communication
Grade Level: 5th Grade
Essential Academic Learning Requirements:
1.1develop concept and design
2.3 write in a variety of forms
3. understand and use the steps of the writing process
4.1 assess own strengths and needs for improvement
1.5 use features of non-fiction text and computer software
2.2 expand comprehension by analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing information
3.1 read to learn new information
3.2 read to perform a task
2.2 develop content and ideas
2.5 effectively use action, sound, and/or images to support presentations
3.2 work cooperatively as a member of a group
3.3 seek agreement and solutions through discussion
4.1 assess strengths and need for improvement
There are other learnings that are supported in using this unit and the unit extensions.
KSD Curriculum Frameworks (or SLOs):
1.1develop concept and design
2.3 write in a variety of forms
3.1 prewrite 3.2 draft 3.3 revise 3.4 edit 3.5 publish
4.1 assess own strengths and needs for improvement
1.1 use word recognition and word meaning skills to read and comprehend text
1.5 use features of non-fiction text and computer software
3.2 read to perform a task
Documenting a Virtual Road Trip (5th Grade)
KSD Technology:
 Students will use search engines to locate information on the WWW.
 Students will use peripheral devices such as digital cameras and scanners.
 Students will use spreadsheet applications.
 Students will integrate two or more applications.
 Students will create multimedia or online projects.
 Students will present multimedia or online projects to audiences inside and outside the classroom.
 Students will print, post, publish and/or distribute technology products.
 Students will access, print, save, and retrieve resources using the network.
Learning Outcomes
The students will:
 refine their understanding of the realistic fiction genre by collaboratively and creatively writing a detailed
recount journal of one major event from each day on their road trip,
 refine their understanding of how to write a narrative realistic fiction story by creating an imaginative and
detailed description of one day from their trip,
 refine their understanding of character analysis using themselves and their partner(s) to describe how
each individual influenced the events or outcome of the trip, and
 refine their understanding of how to report information about the final destination of the trip through the
use of either a poster or PowerPoint.
Unit Scope and Sequence
 Brainstorm travel destinations
 Persuasive Letter (draft)
 Establish driving directions and travel itinerary
 Research points of interest
 Journal days 1-7 (Recount Journal)
 Creative Writing: Describe the best day of your trip (Narrative Realistic Fiction Story)
 Destination Poster/PowerPoint (Informational Poster or PowerPoint)
 Partner evaluation/character analysis/personal essay (Report Character Analysis)
Student Assessment
 Students’ abilities to write in the various included writing forms will be assessed against the KSD Writing
Curriculum Key Components listings.
 Students’ abilities to write a narrative fiction story will also be based on the 6-trait rubric. See 6-Trait Rubric
for Realistic Fiction
 Additional specific evaluation tools have been developed for this unit: Poster Evaluation,
 PowerPoint Evaluation, and Character Analysis and Partner Evaluation
Unit Implementation
Instructional Strategies
Grouping Options
Prior to beginning: Review the Unit
Explanation provided by the authors.
Unit Explanation
Day 1: Introduce Unit with this
question. If you could take a roadtrip
anywhere in the continental U.S.
where would you go and why? Explain
the project. Brainstorm ideas about
where you might want to travel & why.
Brainstorm general ideas as a
class, have individuals or
groups formulate a destination.
Documenting a Virtual Road Trip (5th Grade)
Day 2-3: Persuasive Letter: Convince
your partner to travel to where you
want to go. Complete the prewriting
form either online or with paper and
pencil. Show examples of persuasive
letters. Have students cut out the
persuasive components and label the
parts of the examples.
Day 4-6: Planning: What do you want
to see along the way? Teach students
how to use MapQuest.com. Allow
students to research the first few
destinations along the way, log
information into their itineraries, and
write their journal entries for Day 1.
Budget and Road Game are optional
Write letter individually. In
partners read and evaluate the
persuasiveness of the letters.
This should lead to a mutual
Work in partners or small
groups with teacher led
instruction on use of
Persuasive Essay
Key Components
Persu. Essay Key
Components 2
Persuasive Letter
Key Components
Prewriting Example
Prewriting Template
Persuasive Letter
Persuasive Letter
Journal Key
Narrative Key
Journal Lesson
Directions for Using
Day 7-8: Use computers for more
research and data entry into Itinerary.
Write Journal Entry for day 2, and
complete check off sheet.
Work in partners or small
Day 9-10: Journal Day 3
Work in partners or small
Day 11: Journal Day 4
Work in partners or small
Day 12: Journal Day 5
Work in partners or small
Day 13: Journal Day 6
Work in partners or small
Day 14: Journal Day 7
Work in partners or small
Travel Itinerary
Travel Itinerary
Road Game
Documenting a Virtual Road Trip (5th Grade)
Day 15-16: Begin writing a realistic
fiction assignment: Describe the best
day of your trip. Brainstorm additional
ideas to go along with journal. Begin
Large group instruction, then
writing story in partners or small
Realistic Fiction Key
Realistic Fiction Story
Day 17: Revise and edit with the use of
peer editing. Utilize 6-trait writing
Two groups exchange stories
and, in partners, edit them.
Day 18: Story worktime.
Work in partners or small
Day 19: Revise and work on final draft.
Use Word features to help edit with
highlight tool, track changes
Large group instruction, then
writing story in partners or small
Day 20-21: Students need to work on
destination poster or PowerPoint
presentation to describe their final
Large group instruction, then
creating poster or PowerPoint in
partners or small groups
6 Trait Rubric for
Realistic Fiction
How to Use the Editing Features of
Poster Key
Poster Evaluation
Day 22: Present poster or PowerPoint
and turn in travel Itinerary.
Groups may present information
to the class or in small groups
Day 23: Character analysis and
partner evaluation
Large group instruction, then
writing a character evaluation of
partners independently
Extensions: Choose a car for travel
and get information. Make your own
map, menu for trip, budget…
Work in partners or small
Character Analysis &
Partner Evaluation
Use Budget (linked above)
Accommodation Options
ELL / IP Students
Pair students by varying ability level, work with ELL/ IP departments.
Highly-Capable Students
Extensions cited in teacher’s Unit Explanation.
Management/Organization Tips
As students complete each part of the project they should check in with the teacher to track their progress
against the unit outline or a checklist created by the teacher. A daily quick 1-to- 10 evaluation by each group
member showing how much is contributed by each individual might be helpful in assessing student collaborative
Approximate Time Needed (Example: 45 minutes, 4 hours, 1 year, etc.)
4 to 6 weeks. Computer access - minimum of 30 minutes every 3 days; Writing - 45 minutes a day; Reading –
20/30 minutes a day for guided reading.
Prerequisite Skills
Internet and Word processing. Ability to work collaboratively in partnerships and use a peer editing process.
Documenting a Virtual Road Trip (5th Grade)
Materials and Resources Required for Unit
Adopted Print Materials: 5TH grade Writing Curriculum, Macmillan Writing Process Transparencies:
Story (The Rescue) and Persuasive (Letter)
Adopted and other Audio/Visual:
Supplemental Resources (including Internet resources): (optional) The Car by Gary Paulson, Mapquest.com,
Yahooligans.com, travel guides, road atlases,
Supplies: paper & pencils (If doing poster for final destination) color pens or crayons
Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed.)
Projection System (can be an overhead
Video Camera
Digital Camera (optional)
Video Conferencing
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Front Page
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Microsoft PowerPoint
Clicker 4
Optional Technology
Use of Budget Template in Excel. Use of Inspiration as a brainstorming or
organizational tool when deciding where to go or in writing lessons.
Key Word Search
Persuasive: Persuasive Letter, Recount: Journal, Narrative: Realistic Fiction,
Explanation: Informational Poster
First and Last Name
Shawn Welsh & Jon Jancola
School Name
Springbrook Elementary & Crestwood Elementary
Email Address
shawn.welsh@kent.k12.wa.us jon.jancola@kent.k12.wa.us