Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Review

Photosynthesis Review
Name ____________________
Period ______
After it is labeled, the diagram below will illustrate photosynthesis. Write each of the following
terms on the correct numbered line. Then answer the questions that follow.
Carbon dioxide
5. a. In photosynthesis, what three things come in from outside the plant? _______________
b. What are products of photosynthesis? _______________________________________
c. In what organelle does photosynthesis occur? _____________________
6. Write the overall equation for photosynthesis.
7. How does life on earth depend on the process of photosynthesis?
Cellular Respiration Review
Answer the following questions relating to cellular respiration.
1. The chemical bonds in glucose contain stored energy. The purpose of cellular respiration
is to store the energy of chemical bonds of glucose in molecules of _________.
2. Write the formula that shows the release of energy by a molecule of ATP.
3. The concept map below illustrates cellular respiration.
Place a star under each of the boxes that show stored energy.
Color the boxes in the concept map as directed:
Use red for the boxes that show glycolysis.
Use blue for the boxes that show the path taken during fermentation.
Use green for the boxes that show the path taken during oxidative respiration.
4. a. In the process of cellular respiration, what two substances come in from the outside?
b. What are the products of cellular respiration? _________________________________
c. Cellular respiration starts in the cytoplasm of the cell. In what organelle is cellular
respiration completed? __________________________
5. Write the overall equation for cellular respiration in the space below.
6. Compare the equation for cellular respiration with the equation for photosynthesis.