Introduction to University Studies

Introduction to University Studies
Instructor: Doris (Yu-Chih) Shih
To be announced
Office: SF 228
Phone: (O) 2905-2000 ext. 3821
Fall, 2008; Wednesday 10:10 a.m.-12 p.m.
Credits: 2 credits
The contents of this syllabus are subject to change
T his semester course is designed to better prepare you for the following
years in the university. You are encouraged to ask and answer for
yourself a key question: “ What does it take to be a successful
universit y student? ”
During this semester and throughout the
universit y years, you might want to put your definition into practice.
To help you realize your goals being a successful universit y student,
this course shall be conducted in a way that is as practical as it is
T his course shall provide you information about the English
department and the Universit y.
You will learn to use academic and
extra-curricular resources on and off campus in the follo wing units.
These units shall help you to become effective and independent learners
who are ready to enjoy fruitful universit y years and a successful future
after you graduate from universit y.
教材 Textbooks & Teaching Materials
Chang, Doris, Ed. Introduction to University Studies, Fall, 2008. Reader. (Revised by
Doris Shih)
Fu Jen Catholic University, Department of English Language and Literature. Dept.
Fu Jen Catholic University, Student Handbook, 2008.
Fu Jen Catholic University, on line materials (
FJU Introduction to University Studies website:
輔仁大學大學入門課程委員會主編 《大學入門》 台北:輔大出版社,
1998。 (You can get the book from your school brothers/sisters or buy one copy at
Caves bookstore 敦煌書局 in the basement of SF building.)
Attendance and Punctuality
Please come to class each time and on time. This is respect to yourself and your
classmates. Each late absence will result 3% and unexcused absence will result a 5%
deduction from the final grade. If you are or will be absent for medical or personal
reasons, please inform me in advance and show evidence (e.g. medical excuse notes).
Plagiarism is forbidden. You must obey the principles of academic integrity. Please
respect other people’s work. If you quote or refer to certain people’s work, remember
to give credit to the author(s). A plagiarized product will result in a 0% of your
To be announced soon.