Osmosis Jones

Name: _______________________________________
Date: __________
Period: ____
Osmosis Jones Video
1) Where does the journey in the body begin?
2) Why do you think the white blood cell is a police officer?
3) What represents the main nerve receptor?
4) What did the crash into the main nerve receptor do to Frank (the human)?
5) An image – in the brain, what is “the founder” statue?
6) What were the two ways to increase movement through the digestive system?
7) The lymph nodes are in the immune system. What represents them in the movie?
8) The cars drive on red and blue highways. What do these represent in the human body?
9) What symptoms is “the red death” (Thrax) going to inflict on Frank?
10) What does “full alert” involve?
11) After Frank ate the bad oyster, what did Jones have to do?
12) What does the hypothalamus control?
13) How long does Thrax expect it to take to kill Frank?
14) How did Jones’s family first arrive in Frank?
15) Drix is afraid of Frank building what against him?
16) Why do you think Drix is going to the bladder when told to leave Frank?
17) When Thrax infects the hypothalamus, what happens?
18) Where is the uvula?
19) What destroyed Thrax?
20) What happened when he said “out with the old, in with the new?”
The movie used many analogies to represent parts of Frank’s body. Match the following body part with
the correct analogy.
______ 13. Brain
A. Police Station
______ 14. Immune System
B. Steam Room
______ 15. White Blood Cell
C. Highway
______ 16. Stomach
D. Mobsters
______ 17. Blood Vessels
E. City Hall
______ 18. Sweat Gland
F. Airport
______ 19. Germs
G. Electricity
______ 20. Nervous System
H. Policeman