American Pageant Chapter 13 p - IB-History-of-the

American Pageant Chapter 14 pp. 287-297
The Westward Movement
1. What were the major problems facing pioneers?
The March of Millions
2. Explain the negative effects of rapid urbanization?
3. What were the two sources of America’s population explosion in the 1840s and 1850s?
4. What attracted immigrants to the US? ( these are called pull factors)
The Emerald Isle Moves West
5. What are the specific conditions that led the Irish to leave Ireland? ( push factors)
6. Where did most of the Irish live when they moved to the New World
7. Why was the poverty of the Irish significant in analyzing how they were received by native-born
8. What does NINA stand for?
9. What area of the public sphere was quickly dominated by the Irish?
The German Forty Eighters
10. Why did the Germans leave Germany?
Flare-ups of Anti-foreignism
11. What were the major causes of anti-foreignism or nativism?
12. Describe the Know Nothing Party.
Creeping Mechanization
13. Where did the Industrial Revolution begin with the mass production of textiles?
14. What were the factors that delayed industrialization in America?
Whitney Ends the Fiber Famine
15. Who was Samuel Slater?
16. Why did Slater have to memorize his plans?
17. What did Slater’s Pawtucket mill produce?
18. What did Eli Whitney invent?
19. What effect would the development of the cotton gin have on the lives of African Americans?
20. What are the three reasons industrialism began in New England?
Marvels in Manufacturing
21. What are interchangeable parts?
22. Explain how Eli Whitney’s contributions were ironic in relationship to the Civil War.
23. Who were Elias Howe and Isaac Singer?
24. Who was Samuel Morse?
Workers and “Wage Slaves”
25. What conditions existed for industrial workers that might have justified the term “wage slaves?”
26. What were the arguments used by owners and to fight against the 10 hour day?
27. What actions did laborers use to obtain their goals? Were these actions successful?
28. Who were “scabs”?
Women and the Economy
29. What changes occurred in the working lives of women in the early 19th century?
30. Who was Catherine Beecher?
31. Describe the cult of domesticity.
32. What was the women’s sphere?
Western Farmers Reap a Revolution in the Fields
33. What economic changes occurred in the trans-Allegheny west?
34. How did new inventions affect agricultural productivity?
35. What did John Deere invent?
36. What did Cyrus McCormick invent?
37. What were two results or extensive cash crop agriculture in the trans-Allegheny region?
38. Explain the transportation revolution.
Highways and Steamboats
39. Which region would benefit the most from improved transportation?
40. Which groups objected to federal funding for roads?
41. Describe the Cumberland Road.
42. Who was Robert Fulton?
43. Which regions of the country would steamboats impact the most?
Clinton’s Big Ditch in New York
44. Provide two examples of the impact of the Erie Canal on New York City.
The Iron Horse
45. What four practical advantages did the railroad transportation have over canal transportation?
46. What problems existed with early railroads?
Cables, Clippers, and Pony Riders
47. What did Cyrus Field accomplish?
48. Describe the Pony Express.
The Transportation Web Binds the Union
49. Why did transportation for a national market reinforce regional specialization?
The Market Revolution
50. Explain how the Charles River Bridge case represents a change from the contract rulings of the
Marshall court.
51. How did commercial expansion (Market Revolution) affect families and especially women?
52. How true was the myth of American as a land of economic opportunity by 1850?