Unit 11: Abnormal Psychology [CR11] and Treatment of

Periods 4-5
Unit 11: Abnormal Psychology [CR11] and Treatment of Psychological Disorders
[CR13] (Myers, Chapters 15-16)
Mar. 9
Mar. 10
1. List the criteria for a behavior to be
labeled a mental disorder and
understand the subjectivity of the
diagnosis and how it can change from
generation to generation.
2. Understand the kind of material in
the DSM-IV (as well as what isn’t in
3. Distinguish between neurosis and
Wednesday, 1. Identify five different anxiety
Mar. 11
2. Cite evidence for environmental and
biological causes of anxiety disorders.
2. Differentiate between dysthymic and
major depressive disorder and bipolar
3. Cite evidence that supports a
biological cause of depression and
evidence that supports a cognitive
cause of depression.
Thurs, Mar. 1. Discuss differences in the
occurrence of mood disorders in men
and women.
2. Discuss the relationship between
mood disorders and creativity and
explain why therapists must be
sensitive when treating patients with
mood disorders.
Describe the somatoform, factitious,
Mar. 13
and dissociative disorders.
Mar. 16
(1/2 day)
1. Identify symptoms of schizophrenia
and distinguish the different subtypes
of the diseases.
2. Distinguish between positive and
negative symptoms.
3. Identify variations in the brain
associated with schizophrenia
4. Discuss possible causes for
schizophrenia and the evidence for
each hypothesis.
Personality Test
Read pp. 531-538.
1. UMAD notes
2. Think of a behavior that may have
been considered a mental disorder 100
years ago, but isn’t now.
3. Show overhead of a few DSM
criteria. Have them write diagnostic
criteria (and case study if time) for
Read pp. 539-544.
Notes on anxiety and depression
Read “ManicDepression and
Creativity” and
“Depression’s Double
Standard” and answer
the questions.
Attribution theory
Discuss readings.
Read pp. 545-553
1. Case studies of somatoform
2. Somatoform, etc. disorders notes
(read case studies for conversion,
factitious, and fugue)
1. Assign groups for therapy skits.
2. Schizophrenia lecture
Read pp. 554-561
Read and take notes
on your assigned
therapy style.
Wear green
Mar. 17
1. Describe the categories of
personality disorders and be able to
match a description of behaviors with
a particular personality disorder.
2. Know the basic characteristics of
the following personality disorders:
antisocial, narcissistic, histrionic,
3. Gain practice at identifying
examples of the different disorders
from the unit.
Wednesday, 1. Identify the basic principles of the
Mar. 18
following therapy styles:
psychoanalysis/psychodynamic, clientcentered, behaviorist (various styles),
cognitive, RET, and CBT.
Mar. 19
2. Compare and contrast different
therapy styles.
Mar. 20
1. Identify classes of medications used
Mar. 23
to treat disorders.
2. Discuss psychosurgery and other
forms of alternative treatments.
Mar. 24
Mar. 25
Mar. 26
1. I do Eraser phobia skit to teach
systematic desensitization and model
skit expectations.
2. Skit preparation.
Read pp. 562-565.
Prep for skits.
1. Personality disorders at a party.
2. Practice identifying disorders WS
Prep for skits
1. Therapy skits with discussion.
Read pp. 567-592
1. Finish therapy skits.
2. Lecture on Biomedical Therapies.
Read pp. 592-599.
The Lobotomist
Comparing Therapies.
Go over Comparing Therapies.
Review game
Abnormal Psychology Test
Study for test