
Overview of the

EL Master Plan

A focus on students

Module :

Level :

Overview EL Master Plan

All Levels

Content : EL Master Plan


Time Frame :

1 hr. Copyright: 2012

Module Summary

The “Big Ideas” The EL Master Plan was revised due to a voluntary agreement between LAUSD and the Department of Education’s Office for

Civil Rights.

The purpose and the structure of the Master Plan as well as the roles and responsibilities that everyone will have in the implementation.




By the end of this training module, participants should be able to:

Become familiar with the new EL Master Plan: its purpose and its structure.

Recognize their role in the implementation of the Master Plan.

Presenter’s Activities to Support this


During this training, the presenter will engage participants in

Turn and Talk

Group Discussion

Scavenger Hunt

Tools and Materials Handouts

Powerpoint slides

Scavenger Hunt

Chart paper

Master Plan

Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 1




(2 minutes)




Development Overview

(2 minutes)

Presentation Points Supporting Materials

Display title Slide and go over the objectives set out for the learners

Display and review Slide # 2 and emphasize that it is a civil right to ensure that English learners are academically successful.

Learner Objectives

To become familiar with the new EL Master Plan its purpose and its structure

To recognize your role in the implementation of the Master Plan

Office for Civil Rights

• On October 2011 LAUSD signed a voluntary agreement with the US Department of Education ‘s

Office for Civil Rights (OCR.

The agreement called upon the District to develop a

Master Plan for English Learners by September 2012.

The plan is to include goals for the District’s program for EL students, a program implementation and accountability structure to deliver English Language instruction and services to all EL students, including special education, and EL secondary students who have completed English language development instruction

Display and review Slide #3

Explain that this is the overview of the Professional

Development cycle that will be implemented at each school site and that will be monitored by the Office for Civil Rights.

Explain that one of the requirements with OCR was that by November 30 th , all staff will receive initial training on the new Master Plan.

Explain that today they are being trained on the first module, which is an overview of the Master Plan.

Professional Development Overview

4 one hour modules

3 modules during banked time

Overview Module

Instructional Program Options and Services for

English Learners

Instructional Services for Standards English Learners and Master Plan Accountability

 Online module on Compliance and Family Engagement

The above 4 modules are to be delivered by Novermber 30,


Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 1



Essential Questions

(1 minute)

Presentation Points Supporting Materials

Display Slide #4 and review the essential questions.

Handout: assessment

Essential questions to frame our thinking

• Why do we need a Master Plan?

• What is the purpose of the EL Master


• How will the Master Plan guide us to accelerate student achievement for

English Learners and Standard English


Turn and Talk

(5 minutes)

Display Slide #5 and ask participants to engage in a turn and talk.

Ask a few participants to share out and draw out the essential points.

Groups Task: Data


(20 minutes)

Tell participants that you will now transition to show where we are as a district with the education of our English


Display and read slide #6

Allow participants to review slides 8-15 in their table groups and discuss the question on the slide.

Ask a few participants to share out and draw out the essential points.

Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 1


Topic Presentation Points

Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 1

Supporting Materials


Topic Presentation Points Supporting Materials

Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 1



Purpose of Master Plan

(3 minutes)

Development of the

Master Plan

(3 minutes)

Presentation Points

Display and review slide #17

Explain that the purpose of the

Master Plan is to provide a framework for our work. It is not the bible or intended to be a compliance guide or to answer all the questions about educating all ELs and SELs.

The intent of the document is to provide a foundation in which the expertise of the field can build upon to ensure academic success for EL and SELS.

Display and review Slide #18

Emphasize that this was a collaborative nature with all stakeholders. Note: that the majority were teachers.

Supporting Materials

What’s new and different?

(7 minutes)

Slides #19-20

Throughout the 4 modules we will go through details of each chapter.

This slide describes the structure of the plan in terms of having 7 chapters. In addition, there are appendices and resources with teaching strategies.

This slide provides a quick overview of what’s new and different from the previous master plan. Briefly go over the changes for each chapter as described on the slide.

Inform participants that the

Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 1



Guiding Principles

(8 minutes)

Presentation Points previous plan served as the foundation that the committee used to create this new one.

As they become familiar they will notice a lot of similarities.

These slides just highlight the revisions to be mindful of as we move forward.

Display Slide #21.

While these principles speak to

ELs, we will be talking about

Standard English learners in chapter 4 but for now I would like to turn your attention to some of the guiding principles we used with regards to

English learners.

These principles speak to the need to ensure that expectations for learning are that students develop both receptive and productive proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and that they are held to the same high expectations of all students. They also speak to the fact that instruction builds on both cognitive and language proficiency while being taught academic content.

English learners are to be evaluated using appropriate and valid assessments that take into account the language development stages and cultural backgrounds.

Last but not least the academic success of English learners is a responsibility shared by all educators the family and the community.

Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 1

Supporting Materials





Scavenger Hunt

(10 minutes)

Presentation Points Supporting Materials

Ask participants to engage in scavenger hunt in their table groups by looking for the answers to the questions on

Slide #23.

If time permit, ask volunteers to share out salient points.

Handout: Scavenger Hunt

Tell participants that you want to end with a quote from John

Deasy from the Master Plan and show Slide #24

Facilitator’s Guide EL Master Plan Module 1

