
Raise Your Hand: Understanding the
Diverse and Personal Definition of culture
Learning Activity The learners will be asked to create a list of all the things that define them. They
will then be asked to raise their hands with the number of things that they believe
make them who they are. The facilitator will ask them to put down the fingers
that represent their race, gender, and religion. What remains will be elicited from
the learners. This will help the students to form a broader definition of what
defines culture and begin to understand and consider these aspects in the support
and nursing caring interventions.
Cognitive: Understanding and comprehension
Domain of Learning Affective: Receiving and responding to phenomena, valuing
(Bloom’s Taxonomy
At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will:
Learning Objective(s)
Interpret the definition of culture using a person centered approach. (Cognitive)
Respect an individual’s perception of definition of culture (Affective)
Preparation Required This exercise is designed to be incorporated into a lecture when the content is
by Teacher/Facilitator about culture. Formulation of post discussion questions.
and Materials Needed
Time Allotted
Learning Styles
Addressed by Activity
1 minute to create list, 1 minute to complete the raise your hand portion. 5
minutes for post discussion.
Information Presentation: Sight & Sound
Modality: Visual Verbal
Approach: Active Reflective
Understanding: Holistic
How is content connected
to prior learning?
Reflective Debriefing Debriefing takes place following the raise your hand. The facilitator will ask the
with Learners (post- learners to share the things that define them and that they consider to be a part of
learning activity) How their culture.
will it be accomplished?
Learning will be accomplished during the discussion by reflecting on the class’s
Evaluation of
Learning (How will it diverse list of culture
be accomplished?)
Teacher Reflection
This exercise can be easily incorporated into a lecture to reinforce the need for
nurses to consider cultural norms and needs into caring interventions. It helps the
learner to broaden the definition of culture and understand that this interpretation
(justify choice of learning can be defined in differently from person to person
activity and good “fit” for
the identified learning