Project Based Learning: The American Revolutionary War You are

Project Based Learning: The American Revolutionary War
You are writing 3 newspaper articles- one battle story, one war leader story, and make a choice
for the third from the list provided in ‘bold print’. You have completed studying primary source
documents from pre-revolutionary times and now you are ready for the Revolution. You may
work with 4 other students from your class in History and may compile a newspaper that allows
your readers to learn something about the Revolution. Good luck!
Revolutionary War Battle Story
Choose one of the major battles of the Revolutionary War and write a summary that includes:
answers to the 5 "W" questions (who, what, why, when, where)
a description of the action
key participants from the American and British side
date and specific location of the battle
which side won the battle
Locate a visual or draw one
Suggested battles:
Fort Ticonderoga
Long Island
King’s Mountain
(consult the textbook for more choices)
Bunker Hill
Revolutionary War Figures
Choose one of the leaders of the Revolutionary War and write a summary that includes:
 which side the leader supported
 a summary of their major accomplishments
 a description of how their life ended
 Locate a photo and write a caption that will describe the leader
Suggested Leaders:
George Washington
Benedict Arnold
Nathaniel Greene
Marquis de Lafayette
Baron von Steuben
Joseph Martin
Charles Cornwallis
Ethan Allen
George Clark
Benjamin Franklin
John Burgoyne
King George III
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Paine
Abigail Adams
Edward Braddock
Samuel Adams
John Paul Jones
Baron de Kalb
Alex Hamilton
(consult the textbook for more choices) e.g. Lord Cornwallis
People who helped in the war effort but are not usually recognized:
Choose a group or an individual that played a key role during the American Revolution that may not
have received the attention they deserved. Describe the key people that were involved and any
accomplishments they are remembered for- including women who posed as men during the war!
Suggested topics:
Native Americans
African Americans
(consult the textbook for more ideas- both Hakim’s and Creating America)
French soldiers
Revolutionary War Weapons and Tactics
What kinds of weapons were used in the Revolutionary War? What strategies did the Americans
use to fight against the British? What new technologies were developed during the
Revolutionary War?
Revolutionary War Statistics and Important Facts about the War
Find the totals of casualties from both sides of the War and find facts about the cost of the war,
the ensuing Treaties, and what was gained by the victors.
Free Choice Option
Choose one topic from the following:
(consult the text for more options)