Napoleon Bonaparte


Napoleon Bonapart e

Document Based Writing Activity

Respond to the following writing task using information from class discussions , textbook outlines , and textbook information .

Be Sur e to In clu de i n Y our Es sa y:

1 – 3 Additional important pieces of information from your textbook ( Indicated by a *star )

2 – A discussion / use of all 4 documents

Ex amp le: “ Napoleon had built an enormous empire by 1812, as seen in d oc ument C … ”

3 – An introduction ( something that “ sets up ” your discussion ), main body ( your discussion of Napoleon ), and conclusion .


“ C heckli s t ”

Ex tra Info rmatio n:

#1 _____

#2 _____

#3 _____

Do cuments:

Doc .

A _____

Doc .

B _____

Doc .

C _____

Doc .

D _____

Introduction: _____

Main Body: _____

Conclusion: _____


Wri tin g Ta sk:

Discuss the Impact of Napoleon Bonaparte on Europe , and the Congress of Vienna as a reaction to Napoleon ’ s defeat and loss of power .

Ba c kg roun d In for m ati on:

In the 1790’ s , France is in the midst of a very long and bloody revolution .

There have been many power changes and many politically motivated assassinations .

The people of France are looking for a strong leader to unite their country .

Docu me n t A

Sourc e: Excerpts from the Napoleonic Code


The laws are executory throughout the whole French territory , by virtue of the promulgation thereof made by the

First Consul .


The law ordains for the future only; it has no retrospective operation .


The laws of police and public security bind all the inhabitants of the territory , Immovable property , although in the possession of foreigners , is governed by the French law .


Every Frenchman shall enjoy civil rights .


The husband owes protection to his wife , the wife obedience to her husband .

Docu me n t B

Delegates assemble at the Co ng r ess o f

Vien n a , held September 1814 to June 1815 to restore the balance of power in Europe after the fall of French emperor Napoleon I .

The four great powers of Russia , Prussia ,

Austria , and the United Kingdom redrew the boundaries of Europe , and recognized the perpetual neutrality of Switzerland .

( Library of Congress )

[ Library of Congress ]

Document C

Docu me n t C

Map of Napoleonic Europe , 1812

Docu me n t D

Sourc e: Memoirs of Philippe Paul se Segur describing the grim scene as the remnants of the Grand Army returned home after the devastating Russian winter .

“ In Napoleon ’ s wake [ was ] a mob of tattered ghosts draped in… odd pieces of carpet , or greatcoats burned full of holes , their feet wrapped in all sorts of rags… [ We ] stared in horror as those skeletons of soldiers went by , their gaunt , gray faces covered with disfiguring beards , without weapons… with lowered heads , eyes on the ground , in absolute silence .”
