4 - AP Welcome Letter

A.P. Physics Welcome Letter
Welcome to A.P. Physics. My name is Curt Bixel, and it will be my pleasure to work with you during
the upcoming school year to prepare for the A.P. Physics Exam next May.
Summer Assignment
Before we meet for the first time in August, there is a summer assignment. If you have not already
done so, the summer assignment can be accessed by clicking the following link:
A.P. Physics Summer Assignment
A.P. Physics Website
You can also take a look at what we will be doing this fall by logging on to my website. The website
can be found at:
Here are directions for creating an account and logging on…
1. Click on AP Physics, then find the button that says “Create new account”
2. There you can create your account and enroll in AP Physics.
3. At one point, you will be asked for an “enrollment key.” The key is “elmo”
BrainScape Flashcards
By the way, here is a link to the first deck of flashcards at BrainScape…
“BrainScape Flashcard Deck - Chap 1 Concepts of Motion.”
Welcome to A.P. Physics! I hope you are enjoying summer, and I look forward to meeting and
working with you this year!
No other AP Physics class in Ohio will attempt to master both Mechanics and Electricity &
Magnetism in a single year, in a single period, without a prior year of physics. With so many
interesting things to study, getting a head start is crucial! Please complete the following “Summer
Assignment” before the first day of class. Before starting this assignment, you will need to do three
1. Get the A.P. Physics Textbook (Available in the school store)
2. Arrange for access to the online course materials
Click Here to get a DropBox account if you do not already have one.
Read the A.P. Physics Welcome Letter explaining how to access the online materials.)
3. Register for a BrainScape account (sign up at https://www.brainscape.com/)
Once you have all of these, you are ready to get started!
- - - - - Summer Assignment - - - - STEP 1 – Log on to Moodle and find the Ch1 - Checklist
Begin using the checklist, you will complete each item below and check them off on the
checklist as you go.
STEP 2 – BrainScape Flash Cards
You signed up for a BrainScape account above. Now, click and go to “Chap 1 Concepts of
Study these flashcards a few minutes each day until you have them mastered. Then take the
Ch1 Flash Card Quiz.
STEP 2 – Ch1 Reading Assignment – ALPHA
This is a detailed reading guide. Follow it closely.
STEP 3 – Chapter 1 Problem Set “Concepts of Motion”
The problem set is due on the first day. Most of this material is review from physical science,
so it should be quite doable. ☺
STEP 4 – Study for the Chapter 1 Test, then take it. (online)
First read the Ch1 Unit Test Information. Consult the online book if you need more help.
When you are ready, take the Ch1 Test. You are provided with 2 attempts. After your first
attempt, if you want to study and try it again, you may.
STEP 5 – Find and Complete Ch2 - ALPHA
This will be due at the start of class on the first day.