Parknews16 - Rosslyn Park FC

The e-Magazine for Rosslyn Park Supporters - Issue 16
2015/16 - 9 December 2015
elcome to Parknews. What a difference a week makes! After
a deeply disappointing performance at Blaydon the previous
week Park were firing on all cylinders for the visit of the pre-match
League –leaders Hartpury. The bonus point win, from a vastly entertaining match, means Park need not jettison their title ambitions just
yet. It was easy to see how the visitors had got to the top – their speed
on the break was quite devastating, and they played good rugby all
afternoon. But a Park side who had looked almost dispirited the previous week looked utterly committed this one and well deserved the
A scrum that had fjnished ditinctly second the previous week held sway
against the much-vaunted Hartpury pack. What made it all the more impressive was that Will Bowley injured himself in playing his part in an early try for
Dave Vincent leaving Ed Milne to play at lock for the remainder of the match.
With just a six-point lead to show for a great, but wind-assisted, first half perMike Macfarlane on the rampage against Hartpury on
formance it looked doubtful whether that would be sufficient. Park’s tigerish
Saturday [Photo by David Whittam]
tackling, in which the back row were outstanding, made sure it was.
The only real period of doubt came in the last few minutes when, for the second home match running, Hugo Ellis was sent to the sidelines after too much
chatting with the referee. Hugo is an inspirational skipper who leads by example both on match day and at training. He cares passionately about each
game, which is probably why he gets so involved, but he is going to have to
curb this particular aspect of his enthusiasm. Referees talk to each other and
he is getting a reputation, fairly or otherwise. After his yellow carding on Saturday he couldn’t resist another word and was shown red. Park saw out the final
minutes brilliantly with 14 men – but they shouldn’t have had to.
Saturday 12 December
on the main pitch
Only one match on main pitch
Nomads v O.Emanuel 2’s
Surrey Championship
Home KO 1:15PM
4’s v Northolt 1’s
Middlesex Merit 2
Richmond Park KO 2:00PM
Away from home
This weekend
he splendid win last Saturday sees Park retain fifth place in the League, but
fully 13 points behind the leaders, Richmond. They visit us on Saturday
week for a blockbuster of a Christmas local Derby, kicking off at 3:00PM. Before
then we face a difficult trip to Gloucestershire to play Cinderford. They have
been in the relegation zone all season, but emerging from Dockham Road with
a win – let alone a bonus point – is always immensely difficult. With our hosts
fighting to avoid the drop it will be even tougher than usual. Last week they
overcame Blaydon (who beat us the previous week) by 12-10, thanks to a Blaydon conversion attempt bouncing back off the post. However, it’s a match we
have to win if we are to make inroads into Richmond’s lead in the League.
As we pointed out last week, although they appear to be struggling for form
this season, and have just parted with DoR Nic Corrigan, the visit to Dockham
Road is never an easy one. They are really passionate about their rugby in
that neck of the woods, and we shall be facing an utterly committed team and
some extremely vocal support. Their players are taking on extra responsibilities during the interregnum and rose to the occasion last week to topple Blaydon (who beat us 13-0 the previous weekend). Only a top performance in
terms of skill and commitment will be good enough to get the result we need.
Cinderford is the epitome of a real Rugby Club with its roots at the centre of
the community, run by real rugby people, and well worth a visit - please do
come along and add your support.
Cinderford v 1st XV
National 1
Away KO 3:00PM
London Irish 3 vHatters
Zoo Sports 3
Away KO 2:00PM
Chiswick 2 v B XV
Middlesex Merit 1
Away KO 12:30PM
Sunday 13 December
Slingbacks v London Welsh
Championship 2
Home KO 2:00PM
Saturday 19 December
The big Christmas Local Derby
1st XV v Richmond
National 1
Home KO 3:00PM
The lunch is sold out, but all other catering outlets
will be available along with the Obolensky bar and
Cinderford play at The Beavis Memorial Ground, Dockham Road, Cinderford,
temporary bars.
Gloucestershire, GL14 2AQ. Coming from Gloucester on the A48 turn right onto
Send all articles, reports, letters and photos to
the A4151 at Elton Corner. Keep on this road through Littledean
into Cinderford town centre – turn right at the mini-roundabout /
Swan Hotel. Club is on the left just past the supermarket. By public
transport, a train to Gloucester is the best bet, from where there is
a half-hourly service from the nearby (and clearly signposted) bus
station. The journey tome is around 25 minutes and the bus stops
right outside the ground.
The Cinderford Clubhouse is your best bet for getting a pint in the
town, though many of our regulars break the journey in one of the
many pubs in Gloucester, particularly the New Inn.
jumper into knocking the ball back carelessly over their try line.
Meads leapt forward from the lineout and onto the ball with tiger
like power and precision. It had been arranged. With the conversion successful and a further penalty added from Grantee’s boot,
Park led 13-0 at the end of the first half.
espite being ahead we knew the battle was far from over. Victory was still only a dream, it could only be whispered. Anything more than a whisper and it might vanish. Sensing this danger
our Captain, who heralds from the Tambara shogunate of WimBled-On, quickly recognised the need to stamp out any potential
complacency. He gathered us around and kindled our spirits with
stories of home: “Lads” he said, “my house is on King’s Road. Very
simple place, multi-coloured lights on the dance floor. Kitchen garden that is smells of herbs in the day, and beers on the weekend.
Behind the bar are giant bottles. Jager, Veuve, Grey Goose. And the
carbonara sauce is white… white like HACs try line.” He issued us a
devilish smile. We were in agreement, for it was a good home and
worth fighting for. Fully motivated and ready for the second half
we went again.
Last Saturday those who turned up early were treated to some very
entertaining rugby in a match between our Fours and the Honourable Artillery Company. These Clubside matches always produce
open rugby and not a little skill, and the 4G pitch allows us to put
them on at the Rock both as curtain raisers and when the firsts are
away. So if you can’t make it to Cinderford this Saturday, why not
come along and get your Rugby fix for free? The Clubhouse will be
open throughout.
At this point our cavalry, also sometimes called backs, joined the
melee. Draper began to unleash the smashing power of Niall, our
Irish inside centre, who was able to play thanks to the overcast
weather and a generous application of factor 50 sun lotion. With
a well-executed pass (inspired by Wind St in Wales) Paul broke
through for a darting run downfield and into HACs 22, brought
down only moments before scoring. The relentless tackling and
aggression of the backs kept on the pressure throughout the second half and because of it HAC’s score line remained nil.
IVs secure top of the table win
At this point, sometime near the beginning of the final quarter,
something Chi-efly unbelievable happened. With ball in hand
Chi-Sneak transformed himself into an untackleable force of nature. Perhaps he borrowed the power of Adult’s... ‘darker’ side, or
perhaps it was the pre-season training camp nicknamed Virginius
Activius. Whatever he was channeling led to a superb try under the
posts. This author salutes his strength and honour and hopes this
barefaced nepotism will be remembered on Tour.
ill Thorogood’s report is a brief one this week due to pressures of work. Nevertheles a better weekend for the Clubsides. Three wins! On the main pitch the Fours beat HAC 3s by 20-0
to stay top of Middlesex Merit 2 (a very entertaining match). The
Nomads had an excellent result in the Surrey Championship, beating Weybridge Vandals by 48-15. The Bs had a good win in Middlesex Merit 1, beating Grasshoppers by 63-10. The Hatters did not
play, but assisted the other sides.
Park IV 20
HAC 3rd 0
Middlesex Merit 2
by the Spaniard alias Maximus Decimus Meridius
t the beginning of this weekend, the Park IVs’ empire was vast,
stretching from the deserts of Ealing to the borders of Hackney
Marshes. Over four-fifths of the league’s population lived and died
under the rule of Chairman. In the winter of 2015 A.D. Emperor
Marcus (Adult) Aurelius’ campaign against the barbarian tribes of
SW London was drawing to a close. A few teams stand in the way
of IVs victory and an unbeaten record before we broke camp for
The final result was 20-0 for the IVs and top-of-the-table bragging
rights with only one final match going into 2016. However, there is
still much to achieve before end of season. At this point it is worth
remembering that: mud cleans off much easier than jagermeister,
Rome wasn’t built in one match, a pint is useless whilst in your
glass, and what we do in the IVs echoes in eternity.
On Saturday morning a cold Germanic gale lashed against the
green astroturf of Rosslyn Park’s main pitch. Many players were still
bloodied and cleaved from previous matches; some injuries sustained as recently as the night before. We brave and lucky men assembled under the watchful eyes of Proximo with little doubt as to
the importance of securing victory… or a win… or both…
Surely not the end?
The weekend before last Graham Lloyd sustained a serious-looking injury that may well be a cruciate. Lloydy has recovered from
worse in his more-than-40-year playing career, so it’s too early to
write him off (though Mrs Lloyd may have her fingers crossed!) But
if it really does turn out to be the end of a legendary career we
should surely do something to recognise a remarkable club man.
At the referee’s signal, Park unleashed hell with a forward led unrelenting attack on the HAC line. With courageous running from
the ‘heavier’ members of our pack we smashed our way into the
oppo’s 22. Eventually brute force paid off and we forced HAC’s discipline as they conceded a penalty within range. Despite wind that
howled fiercer than a crowded Roman colosseum baying for blood,
Grantee catapulted the ball towards the uprights. Range was good.
Park up 3-0 after 10mins.
Rosslyn Park IVs - sponsored by El Patron and the Queen Adelaide
Moments after the restart Titus of Gaul measured up against a razor sharp blow from a wayward gladius, or perhaps it was a boot. A
lesser man might have lost his head but Rome’s champion bravely
rode his chariot to the nearest medicus for much stitching and
Now baying for vengeance (in this quarter or the next) the pack
found themselves defending a lineout on HAC’s 5 meter line. The
super-human agility of Chi-Sneak combined with the industrial
hydraulic lifting power of Pilks and Maximus to pressure the HAC
Any views expressed in this publication are those of the individual contributors, and are not those of the Club, its Officials or
employees unless specifically stated to be so. Potential litigants
should note that the Editor is skint and therefore not worth suing.
really frustrating weekend for the Slingbacks. They beat Teddington on Sunday 25-15, but it will go down on the league
table as a win to the home side as the Park girls couldn’t field a
front row. Once again they played the whole of the 2nd half with
14 people... Skipper Maria Castellina caught a terrible cold for her
troubles bu reported from her sick bed “IF we can just get some
more players this team could be a storming side”.
This weekend the Slingbacks are due to be at home to London
Welsh in a vital Championship 2 match at the Rock, kicking off at
2:00PM. Please come down and support if you can.
Alas the Slingbacks suffered another blow with dependable fullback Dani Williams having broken her finger in the previous match.
The damaged digit will require a small operation. We wish Dani all
the best for a speedy recovery and trust that her capacity to hold a
glass through the festive season will not be impaired.
ew people have done more for the club in recent years than
former Club Secretary, 1stXV Secretary , Programme Editor and
Press Officer Bernard Wiggins. Bernard got married last Friday, finally finding some use for that second-hand demob suit. We wish
him and Gail many happy years together. David Whittam turned
his hand to wedding photography for the day and got this photo
of the happy couple.
Reader’s Letter
Satisfied customer
i News Team,
Just wanted to thank you for the excellent online Park News
that I follow every week in addition to Facebook match reports on
the website. As a former SW resident in the 80’s and match-day
goer it is fantastic to be able to follow the club here in Rutland via
your wonderful matchday reports and photos.
Hope to get over to Loughborough for the away match with the
students in March and hopefully reverse the defeat of a few weeks
Thanks very much. Best wishes from Wes
News on Scott
very brief chat with Scott Sneddon on Saturday revealed that
he hopes to be playing again within 6 - 8 weeks. No disrespect
whatsoever to thos who have ably played in his stead while Scott
is injured, but to lose a player of his skill, influence and experience
in only the second match of the season was a really massive blow.
It’s not just his own contribution that is missed but the confidence
he gives to those around him. If we can stay in contention for the
title until the last few matches, then having Scott available will be
a real boost to our chances.
National 1 Review
ark’s 26-18 win over previous league leaders Hartpury opened
up the opportunity for our local rivals, and next home opponents, Richmond to go to the top of the table. Their comfortable
31-17 win at Loughborough leaves them 5 points clear of the field
and 13 points ahead of ourselves. Blackheath are third after being
held at home by Fylde in a 34-34 draw, a converted try three minutes from time preventing a shock home defeat.
Esher are now level on points with Blackheath after a runaway
36-5 win at Henley Hawks who look to be in trouble at second
from bottom. Former league-leaders Ampthill arrested a minidecline with a tight 22-21 win at home to Hull Ionians to take fifth
position. Immediately below them pre-season favourites Coventry slid to their sixth defeat of the season, losing out by 29-21 at
Darlington Mowden Park who are sneaking up the table, having
been unable to use their own ground for the first part of the season
while it was commandeered for the All Blacks’ Rugby World Cup
Plymouth Albion complete the top half of the table after a 12-9
win at Wharfedale, who slip to the bottom of the table, seven
points below safety level. Two places above them are our next opponents Cinderford who had a 12-10 home win over Blaydon.
400 Club
he December winners are Paul Varney £100, Romi Stannard £50
and Stephen Tiddy £25. If you’d like the chance to win monthly
cash prizes, plus a bumber end-of-season bonus prize then the
person to apeak to is Boothy in the club office on 020 8876 6044.
Away with Park
t’s not too early to start planning for Darlington Mowden Park
on Saturday 9th January if you want to get in on the cheapest
advance tickets. The all-seater Northern Echo Arena is well worth
a visit, and there are two or three very decent real ale pubs in the
middle of the town (alas in the opposite direction to the ground,
but a problem easily solved by the deployment of a taxi). If you
plan to go direct to the ground it’s walkable from the station, but
a fair stroll. There’s also a bus from the rear entrance to the station
that stops more or less outside the ground. More details of these
things nearer the time, but do consider booking your rail tickets
now if you want to benefit from the cheapest fares.
Despite winning National 1 for the second time in three seasons,
Ealing Trailfinders are currently occupying bottom position in
the Championship. They are a well-run club with a very generous
backer, so it shows what a challenge promotion to that level represents.
Old Albanians and Cambridge share leadership of the southern
section of National Two, while Macclesfield and Sedgley Park are
cleasr of the others in the Northern half.
Next Parknews
he next edition of Parknews should appear on the Rosslyn Park
website between Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtimes next
week. Please check the website from time to
time from PM on Tuesday. If you would like
to receive a ‘tweet’ as soon as the Newsletter
is posted there then please opt to follow the
@RPNoseyParker Twitter stream. Letters and
articles are always welcome: send them to
1st XV match report
Unfortunately Mo’s match
report had not arrived by the
deadline for this Parknews
to go to press. As soon as
it is received it will replace
this item and the photos will
be re-positioned around
it. Apologies for the inconvenience, but please check
back later. In the meantime
here are some of David
Whittam’s match photos to
Fixtures & Results 2015-16 for all teams
1st XV
National 1
Sep 05 H Henley
12 A Plymouth
19 H D M P
26 A Hull Ionians
Oct 03 H Blackheath
10 A Fylde
17 H Ampthill
24 A Coventry
Nov 07 H Wharfedale
14 A Esher
21 H Loughb’ro
28 A Blaydon
Dec 05 H Hartpury
12 A Cinderford
19 H Richmond
Jan 02 H Plymouth Alb
09 A Darlington M P
16 H Hull Ionians
23 A Blackheath
30 H Fylde
Feb 06 A Ampthill
13 H Coventry
20 A Wharfedale
Mar 05 H Esher
19 A Loughborough
Apr 02 H Blaydon
09 A Hartpury
16 H Cinderford
23 A Richmond
30 A Henley Hawks
W 62-12
W 16-15
W 26-17
W 44-26
L 18-31
L 20-36
W 17-10
W 20-13
W 26-15
W 20-17
L 10-32
L 0-13
W 26-18
30 H Law Society 2
Feb 13 A Camberley 2
20 H KCS2
Mar 05 A Teddington 2
19 Vandals 2
Apr 02 A Esher Am
Middlesex Merit Table 1
Sep 19 H Hammersmith & F 3
26 A O Priorians 2
Oct 03 H Ruislip 2
10 A CS1863 2
24 A HAC 2
Nov 07 A L Cornish 3
14 H Chiswick 2
28 H H & F 3 (cup)
Dec 05 A Grasshoppers 2
12 A Chiswick 2
Jan 09 H L Cornish 3
16 A HAC 2
23 H CS1863 2
30 A Ruislip 2
Feb 13H O Prorians 2
20 A H & Fulham 3
Mar 05 H Grasshoppers 2
Apr 09 MMT Play-offs
23 MMT Finals
W 34-32
L 16-42
W 26-22
L 19-60
L 7-31
L 20-23
L 5-31
W 63-10
L w/o
L 10-45
L 12-41
L 0-41
W 13-7
L 5-22
Zoo Sports Shield – Division 3
Sep19 H L Scots Claymores W 65-0
26 A Chichester 2
W 50-17
Oct 10 A L Cornish 2
W 34-22
24 A Battersea 2
W 29-8
Nov 07 H Sutton & E 2
W 11-6
14 A Twickenham 2
W 43-13
21 A Blackheath 3
W 55-5
28 H Richmond Norm L 24-56
Dec 05 H Cobham 2
12 A L Irish 3
19 H O Reigatians 2
Jan 09 A E Grinstead 2
16 H Esher 3
Middlesex Merit Table 2
Sep 26 H Millfield OB
W 25-22
Oct 03 A Streetonians 2 W 25-24
17 A L Cornish 4
W 52-5
24 A H & Fulham 4 W 72-10
Nov 07 H L Scots Kilts
14 A Northolt
W 44-8
21 A Ealing Am 2
W 40-5
28 H Chiswick 2 (Cup)W 59-5
Dec 05 H HAC 3
W 20-0
12 H Northolt
Jan 09 A L Scots Kilts
16 H H & Fulham 4
30 H Streetonians 2
Feb 13 A Millfield O
20 H L Cornish 4
Mar 05 A HAC 3
19 H Ealing Am 2
Surrey Combination 1
Sep 19 H Esher Amateur
26 A O Emanuel 2
Oct 03 H Farnham 2
10 H Exiles 2
24 A Law Society 2
Nov 07 H Camberley 2
14 A KCS 2
21 H Teddington 2
Dec 05 A Vandals 2
12 H Emanuel 2
Jan 16 A Farnham 2
23 A Exiles 2
Oct 04 H Battersea
18 A O Alleynians
Nov 15 A O Rutlishians
Dec 06 A Guildford
Jan 10 H Whitgiftian
31 H Chobham
Feb 28 H Cobham
Under-16 Rhinos
Nov 10 A Warlingham
Dec 06 A O Rutlishians
Jan 17 H Cobham
Feb 28 A Farnham
Mar 13 A G & G Stags
Apr 24 A L Irish Am
Under-16 Stags
Championship 2
Sep 13 A Plymouth
20 H Supermarine
27 A London Welsh
Oct 08 H USA team (fr)
18 H Wimbledon
Nov 01 A Trojans
08 H Bath
29 A Supermarine
Dec 6 A Teddington
13 H London Welsh
Jan 10 H Teddington
17 A Wimbledon
24 H Trojans
Feb 21 A Bath
Mar 06 H Plymouth Alb
23 A Guildford A
Feb 06 A Twickenham 2
20 H Blackheath 3
Mar 05 A Cobham 2
12 H H & F 2
19 H Wimbledon 2
Apr 02 H Battersea
09 A Chobham 2
23 H S & E 2
W 43-25
L 21-40
L 0-30
W 31-17
W 31-17
L 15-24
W 39-20
W 48-15
Oct 04 H O Rutlishians
18 A O Alleynians
Nov 22 H Cobham B
Dec 06 A S’ham& Croydon
Jan 17 H G & G Stags
Feb 07 A Sutton & E
24 A Reeds
Mar 13 H Farnham
Apr 17 A Reigate
24 H Warlingham
Oct 04 A O Reigatian
18 H O Caterhamian
Nov 22 A Chobham
Dec 13 A Esher
Jan 10 H Guildfordians
17 A Chipstead
31 A Effingham & L
Mar 30 H Cobham
Under-14 A
Nov 15 A Esher
29 H Chipstead
Feb 07 H Battersea
28 A O Reigatian
Mar 13 H Cobham
Apr 17 A Wimbledon
24 H Chobham
Under-14 B
Nov 29 A O Wimbledonians
Dec 13 H Whit-Mits
Jan 10 A Camberley
Feb 07 H Wimbledon
28 A Barnes
/Continued next page...
Fixtures & Results 2015-16 for all teams
From previous page....Under-14 B continued
Mar 13 H Richmond
Apr 17 A Farnham
Apr 24 H Chobham
Under 13 A
Sep 27 A Wimbledon
Oct 25 H Hove
Nov 08 H Reeds
22 A London Irish
29 H Richmond
Jan 10 H Battersea
24 A Cobham
Feb 07 H O Alleynians
Under-13 B
Sep 20 A Bank of England
27 A Wimbledon
Oct 11 H Old Cats
25 H Hove
Nov 08 H Reeds
Dec 13 A Guildford
Jan 10 H Reeds
24 A O Alleynians
Feb 07 H Richmond
28 A Camberley
Mar 13 H Effingham
Apr 17 A London Irish
Sep 27 WLL hosted by Rosslyn Park U7-
Oct 04
Windsor A & B U7-U-12
Warlingham U10-U12
Guildfordians A&B U7-U-12
Blackheath A & Dev U7-U9
11 Rosslyn Park A
Park U-10A winners
Warlingham U7-U9
Blackheath A & Dev U10-U12
Ealing Trailfinders A & B (U7-U9)
Rosslyn Park B
Ealing Trailfinders A & B (U10-
Warlingham International U9-
Braemar Festival - Cobham U12s (8 County Champi
ons play each other)
Nov 08 London Welsh Midi U11 A&B, U12 A & B
15 Rosslyn Park C
London Scottish B & Dev (U7-
Hammersmith & Fulham (U7-
U11) training Fixture
22 U12 Middlesex League
WLL hosted by London Irish U&-U11
29 U12 Middx League backup
Dec 06 U12 Middx League
Esher (U7-U11) training fixture
Windsor Dev U7-U11
Triangular at Wasps (U7-U12)
U12 Middx League back-up
Jan 10 Battersea Ironsides (U7-U12) training fixture
Staines (U7-U11) training fixture
17 U12 Middx League
WLL hosted by Ealing ((U7-U11)
24 U12 Middx League back-up
31 Wimbledon (U7-U12) training fixture
Feb 14 Cobham (U7-U12) training fix
21 WLL hosted by Teddington (U7-
28 Teddington Dev (U7-U11)
Reeds / Cobham / Chobham (U7-U12)
Mar 06 Middlesex U7 & U8
Esher A U7-U12
Middlesex U9 & U10
Guildfordians A/B U7-U12
Mar 18 Wimbledon A U7-U12
20 Middlesex U11 & U12
Richmond A U7-U12
London Welsh A,B & C U7-U10
Esher Dev U7-U12
Apr 03 Surrey A
Surrey B
Surrey C
Esher A & B Floodlit Festival
A Christmas Local Derby to kick off the festive seaseason
Saturday 19 December
Rosslyn Park
National 1
KO: 3:00PM
Don’t miss what promises to be a great game of Rugby
with that great atmosphere a Local Derby brings. Make
a note in your diary now!