Message Notes - Gateway Baptist Church

Digital Discipleship - Desire and Addiction
Digital Dangers
1. Surface – it is instant, available and impersonal
2. Seductive – it appeals to our desires and passions
3. Secret – we can remain hidden and anonymous
We all have desires (v.13-14)
When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be
tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they
are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.
1. We all have desires, which are part of how we are created
But in our sinful nature, our desires have a tendency towards sin
Our desires are the subject of temptation.
2. The nature of temptation
Grace redeems our Desires (v.16-18)
Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters Every good and perfect gift is from
above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change
like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth that we
might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.
1. Identify the Lie
Don’t be deceived! (v.16)
Genesis 3 – God is NOT good
b. Lie - God does not want the best for you or satisfy your deepest longings
2. Believe the truth - God is Good
As our perfect, loving Father - He wants the very best for us
We experience grace in loving community
3. Through Christ, he can redeem our distorted desires
He chooses us to be part of redeeming creation!
Life Questions
a. We are tempted through our own flesh, the work of the devil and the allure of the world.
1. Digital devices and the programs/apps that are provided on them can be hugely addictive. Why do you think they are so powerful?
b. The devil acts as the dating agency between our desire and the world
2. Read James 1:13-15. Do you think every desire is evil? What makes a desire evil?
3. How do you find temptation at work in your own life? Are there certain times, places or moments that you feel more prone to giving in?
This gives birth to SIN
Un-mastered desire leads to Death (v.15-16)
Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown,
gives birth to death.
1. Sin grows up into a monster that no one wants
It starts off as manageable, risky, fun
It leads to a controlling addiction
2. The nature of Addiction
We become slaves to unhealthy habits
b. The mix of exhilaration and digital availability is a deadly cocktail (gambling, role-play games, porn, surfing etc.)
4. James seems to suggest that sin has certain layers to it. Sin begins small but gives birth to something that grows, becomes more powerful until it destroys. Where do you think the deception is? When is sin most easily stopped?
5. Read James 1:16-18. What is the fundamental deception in pursuing temptation? What is the lie? Have you at times believed that lie?
6. What is the truth that sets us free from the strangle of sin, addiction and death? Is it hard to believe?
7. We should be able to experience God’s grace through others who have also experienced His grace. Take some moments to be courageous in sharing with others if you have any unwanted habits in your ‘digital’ world.