Melissa Rose Reflection 6 Taking notes I create it all in concept its

Melissa Rose
Reflection 6
Taking notes
I create it all in concept its nice but its really hard to execute. I guess thats the all talk
and no action concept again but its just a lot easier to blame someone else for your
problems then accept that it was your fault. I think this is a really good concept though
its just i’ll admit i’m not the best at following it. Note taking great my favorite part of
school. I am probably the worst note taker ever I really rely mostly on my memory. I’ve
been trying to get better but because I had seizures when I was a kid I lost a lot of my
hand eye coordination among other things so I have a hard time taking notes quickly or
writing as the teacher talks I cant do that.
The note taking technique we learned in class is interesting doing an outline of your
notes for a class but I don’t know if it would work for me because i’m not very good at
writing small or judging how much space I will need for a subject. Something else I
never do is review my notes the day or next day after I take them the only time I ever
review my notes are when I have a test the next week but they end up being unreadable
anyway so I usually end up reading the book or boring notes. It’s only my first year of
college but already I see note taking as something I really need to improve on.
I’m actually really good at bringing all the stuff we need to class. I’ve usually complete
all my assignments on time but I won’t lie i’m don’t always keep up with that stuff as I
should. Something that also happens a lot is I drift in to a mystical adventure during
note taking because I have a really overactive imagination and I can easily get lost in a
fantasy a land. It’s a problem I have but I’m doing better at controlling than I was before.
I don’t really agree with the book on this I don’t really think notes help you concentrate
but maybe thats because notes were forced on me and I didn’t willingly take them.
Another section saying to let go of judgement again thats nice to say but hard to
execute. I don’t know its sometimes really hard to let go of your judgements if you don’t
even recognize them how are you suppose to recognize them? Watching for clues I
think almost everyone does this naturally but it’s really weird revelation to have that
pointed out its like somebody pointing how you walk. Cornell Method it’s a nice method
that I may use but It’s not really all that fast so it’s seems like it would be hard to use in
class. But I can see why people say its works.
Use recorders I wish I could record every class because as I previously stated I’m not a
fast note taker in fact i’m actually a really slow note taker so having the ability to rewatch
or re listen to the lecture really helps me out. Drawing pictures would help if I had time
to draw them. Taking notes in different colors would be a great method if I again could
take notes at decent pace but sadly I can’t. Typing up your notes is really something I
should do that I can do. Evaluating your notes as you write them is something I never
do but now that I think about it I probably should do this.
In conclusion I like a lot of these note taking methods but I can’t do alot of them but the
ones I could do I found sounded really useful and I may try it.