Information sheet - Mark Hyun

Yuri Zaderman (
TTh 5:35-6:35, Hickman 101
Recitation Mentor: Mark Kim (
Th 2:30 - 3:25, Hickman 201
Website. I will post solutions to the homework and quiz problems on my website. Detailed
information about the course and the recitation—such as the course syllabus and the office hours—
is also available on the website. It can be accessed at:
Office Hours. Tentatively, office hours will be held in Heldrich 101 on Thursdays, from 1:30 PM
to 2:20 PM, and from 3:40 PM to 4:30 PM. Office hours may change, so you should check the
website. You may contact me to schedule an appointment, if you cannot make it to the regular
office hours.
Homework. The lecturer will assign homework each week. Unless otherwise specified, you are
given a week to complete it. Homework will be collected at the end of each recitation, graded,
and returned on the following recitation. Typically, I will choose a few problems which require
demonstration of the basic understanding of the material, and examine them carefully. The rest of
the set is graded on completeness. Two lowest homework grades will be dropped.
Quizzes. A quiz will be given at the end of each recitation. In case you receive an unsatisfactory
grade on a quiz, you may regain some of the points by coming to office hours and explain the correct
solutions to the quiz problems. More specifically, you may receive up to eight points (out of ten)
on your second try. If you do worse on your second try, you may retain your original grade. Two
lowest quiz grades will be dropped.
Attendance. Attendance is not mandatory. That is, I will not be doing roll calls, clicker checks,
and so on. No late homework will be accepted, however, except in case of documented emergency.
If you must miss a recitation for any other reason, please drop off your homework in my mailbox
in Hill 315. The deadline for mailbox dropoff is 1:00 PM on Thursday. Quiz make-ups are allowed,
but you will be given a more difficult quiz, except, of course, in case of documented emergency.
Exams. The lecturer will announce the exam dates. You may check the date of final exam on:
Tutoring. Rutgers Learning Centers offer free tutoring service. Please consider taking advantage
of this great program. The Math and Science Learning Center on Busch campus also offers free
tutoring service. You can learn more about these programs by visiting their websites:
• Rutgers Learning Centers:
• Math and Science Learning Center: