Corporate Profile

AAT Australia
AAT membership
The Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) is a professional
accountancy body for Accounting Technicians. AAT provides
professional recognition for support staff working in accounting
and finance with qualified accountants (PNA’s, CPA’s and CA’s).
Employed in all sectors of the economy, this large strata of
individuals make a significant contribution to the efficiency of
Australian business but until now have not been recognised or
supported by a professional body.
There are four levels of AAT Membership including a Student level.
Student Membership is available to anyone studying a certificate
course (or higher) in an accounting program at TAFE or at a Private
Educational College.
In addition to representing members’ interests through advocacy,
AAT helps individuals develop their skills and provides tools and
resources to facilitate career advancement. AAT also seeks to
assist employers improve the productivity and cost effectiveness
of Accounting Technician employees, and contribute to enhancing
the efficiency of the broader economic environment.
Association of Accounting Technicians
Certificate IV Graduate
without 1 year work
experience or employee
with no formal
qualification awaiting
workplace assessment
TAFE student
AAT History- a Global Network
AAT was formed in 1980 in the United Kingdom. Sponsored by four
of the chartered accountancy bodies in the UK, there are more than
100,000 AAT members and students worldwide. AAT is the world’s
largest dedicated body for qualified Accounting Technicians. Until
now AAT has not had a presence in Australia.
The National Institute of Accountants (NIA) under licence from
AAT in the UK has launched AAT in Australia, providing Accounting
Technicians with full reciprocal recognition as part of a global
network of Accounting Technicians.
Who are accounting technicians?
Accounting Technicians work in all levels of finance from Financial
Managers to Accounts Clerks. They work in all industries and
sectors, for organisations large and small. In a small organisation,
Accounting Technicians may be the only trained member of the
finance team or solely responsible for the finance function. In a large
orgasnisation, they are a crucial part of a balanced team working
alongside fully qualified accountants and administrative staff.
Skills for a changing environmnet
Like many professions, accountancy is changing. Rapid technology
development, tax reform and flatter organisational structures require
broader and more flexible skills. Today’s accounting technicians play
an integral role in the overall business management function and
need to be equipped not only with core technical accountancy skills,
but also vital complementary skills in areas such as IT,
communication, leadership and time management.
AAT will offer a range of training and development opportunities for
Accounting Technicians at all stages of their careers.
Affiliate membership is available to applicants who have completed
a Certificate IV in accounting (or equivalent) but who have not met
the work experience requirement for admission to the Member
level. Applicants over 21 years of age and have at least four years
experience in accounting can also apply for affiliate status.
Affiliates are entitled to use the term 'AAT Affiliate' when describing
their relationship with AAT.
To advance to Member status an applicant must:
have completed at least a Certificate IV in Accounting or
equivalent, and have at least one year’s work experience
Holds a
Certificate IV
in Accounting and has
completed one year’s
work experience
have membership of a recognised professional body; and be
able to provide evidence of suitability for membership and
commitment to the rules of AAT.
Applicants can meet the requirements for membership through
the award of a Certificate IV in Accounting and one year’s work
experience. The Certificate IV in accounting can be attained through
a Workplace Assessment (WPA) conducted by AAT, or through
completion of a course at a local tertiary institute, or a combination
of both whereby the WPA gives a number of exemptions from a
Certificate IV course.
Members can use the postnominals MAAT after their name.
Holds a Certificate IV in
Accounting and has at
least 5 years at Member
status and 5 years in a
Fellow Members must meet the requirements for Member status
and in addition have:
Five years at member status
Five years experience at a senior supervisory or managerial
The Benefits of Membership to the
AAT Members enjoy the status of being part of a global network
of Accounting Technicians.
They are able to use the AAT postnominals, MAAT- Members and
FMAAT- Fellows. The postnominals are evidence of achievement
and professionalism.
All members receive a Membership Certificate as confirmation
of their professional status.
Members benefit from improved employment opportunities and
career progression. The AAT will be actively promoting the skills,
experience and business values AAT members hold to employers
and employment agencies.
When a member achieves Membership status the AAT (with the
applicant’s agreement) updates the Member’s employer about
their success and highlights to them the benefits of employing
a professional Accounting Technician.
Members’ Services and Benefits
As AAT develops in Australia, a range of services and benefits
will become available to members, including:
Continuing Professional Education
AAT’s Continuing Professional Education (CPE) activities help
members maintain and improve their skills, knowledge and
competence. We are committed to providing high quality, value
for money opportunities to help members keep up-to-date and
develop new skills. Our program offers an impressive range of
activities including training events in the areas of accounting, IT,
management and personal effectiveness.
Technical Information
Members will benefit from free access to an online technical
information resource, that will provide ongoing support and
assistance. This service will be accessible through our web site
The Professional Recommendation Requirement
All AAT applicants are required to support their membership
application with a reference from a qualified accountant,
Company Director, Senior Manager or other approved professional.
Members will receive various communications from AAT including
newsletters and CPE updates. Our web site contains a mixture of
information and services. The web site is continually updated and
developed to provide a useful and functional information resource.
It includes a technical news service, details on our CPE courses,
conferences and a discussion forum. Discussion forums are used by
our Members, Affiliates and Students across the world to exchange
views on industry issues, study concerns and other interests.
Benefits for Employers
Employers will benefit from having their staff supported and
recognised as part of a professional association. AAT provides a
range of training and learning programs that address the diverse
range of skills required by organisations.
By ensuring your staff are members of the AAT, employers can be
confident that staff have attained a high standard of competence and
experience in accounting, and be comfortable in the security that
staff are governed and supported by the Association’s professional
ethics and disciplinary procedures.
Employees can be assessed through the AAT Workplace assessment
program and can go on to complete a Certificate IV equivalent to
meet membership requirements. When your employee achieves
AAT Membership status they will benefit from the support of the
world’s leading professional body of Accounting Technicians.
Other professional development programs will also be available to
ensure your staff are abreast of changes affecting the industry and
the role that they play within their organisation. This continued
learning plays an essential role in developing and maintaining
practical and technical skills.
Corporate Profile
Company Vision
To be the professional body of first choice for Accounting
Further Information
AAT offices are located in the following Australian capital cities;
Company Mission
A strong, visible and respected professional body for Accounting
Technicians offering membership and qualifications that are
recognised and valued.
We aim to add value to individuals and organisations by:
Providing training and development opportunities
Assessment and ensuring professional conduct of a high
Offering flexible solutions to training needs
Promoting lifelong competence
If you would like further information about the AAT please contact our
membership services area on ??????
We value:
Head Office
Our customers first most and foremost
Level 8, 12-20 Flinders Lane
Flexibility in meeting customers needs
Effective communication
Collins St East, Victoria, Australia 8003
Our staff and all who contribute to the work of the AAT
Tel: 61 3 8665 to be supplied
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000
* PO Box 18204
Fax: 61 3 8665 to be supplied
The Approach of the
We are open to anyone interested in a career in accounting
We maintain high standards of professional ethics
International Office
We are always looking for new ways to help our students
and members
154 Clerkenwell Road London ECIR 5AD
We are accountable to our customers
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7415 7632
Our processes are open
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7415 7600
Key Objectives of the
To provide formal recognition in Australia for Accounting
To raise the profile of Accounting Technicians in Australia
To provide an enhancement of members skills through
education and training
To provide a pathway for Accounting Technicians to qualify
as an NIA Accountant
Association of Accounting Technicians