State Cereal Box

Name: ____________________________________
State Cereal Box Research Project
We are beginning our new unit of study on the regions of the United States. To kick things off,
you are going to do a State Cereal Box research project.
You have been assigned a state. You will need to research your state to find the following
information which must be included on your cereal box:
• Landforms/Geography
• Products grown and manufactured
• Famous people
• Brief history
• Fun trivia – State bird, state animal, state tree, state flower, state seal, state flag, famous
people from your state
• State map with capital indicated
• Region where your state is located
Then you will need to create a cereal box for your state. You need to name the cereal based on
information you have learned. The front of the box will show the name of the cereal and a
backdrop that depicts something about your state. You will need to include a small map which
shows the location of the state capital. The back of the box should contain the fun trivia
information about your state. One side has the ingredients which are the products grown and
manufactured as well as the landforms/geography found in your state. The other side panel has
a brief history of your state. The top of your box should include your name and any
miscellaneous information you would like to include.
You also need to create a cereal box “prize” to go inside your box. It should be something fun
that represents your state.
The cereal box should be a real cereal box that is covered with white paper. I recommend you
trace the box on paper and draw, write and color with it flat. Then you can glue the paper to the
cereal box and wrap it like a present. This project gives you the opportunity to really show your
Your cereal box is due Thursday, December 16th. Be prepared to present your cereal box in the
form of a TV commercial. You will be recorded! Your commercial should last two to three
minutes. You may not read directly from your cereal box, but you may prepare index cards with
notes to help you during your commercial.
Attached you will find the grading rubric for the project. Please let me know if you have any
The cereal box is worth 80 points and the commercial/presentation is worth 20 points for a total
of 100 points.