Social Studies Chapter 8 Vocabulary Townshend Acts—laws calling

Social Studies Chapter 8 Vocabulary
Townshend Acts—laws calling for a tax on imported goods
Stamp Act—law that placed a tax on printed materials in the colonies
Patriot—a colonist who opposed British rule
Tea Act—law that allowed only one company to see tea to the colonists
Sons of Liberty—group that led protest against the new Stamp Act
Parliament—Britain’s law-making assembly
American Revolution—a war Americans fought for independence
tariff—a tax on imported goods
repeal—to cancel
Battle of Bunker Hill—important revolutionary battle that took place on Breed’s Hill
Intolerable Acts—new laws dictated by Britain to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea
militia—a volunteer army
minutemen—militia groups who could be ready to fight for their colony at only a minute’s
Boston Tea Party—when colonists dumped tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act
boycott—organized refusal to buy goods
Daughters of Liberty—groups of American Patriots who wove cloth to replace boycotted British
Boston Massacre—event in 1770 in Boston in which British soldiers killed five colonists who
were part of an angry group that had surrounded them
Committee of Correspondence—groups of colonists formed in the 1770’s to spread news
quickly about protests against Britain
Loyalists—colonists who remained loyal to the British during the American Revolution
First Continental Congress—meeting of representatives from every colony except Georgia
held in Philadelphia in 1774 to discuss actions to take in response to the Intolerable Acts