Self Assessment: Research Methodologies

Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________
Date: _____________
Self Assessment: Research Methodologies
1. A researcher wants to determine which areas of a national park the public uses most frequently. Which type
of research method would best answer this question?
a) survey
b) controlled experiment
c) case study
d) model
2. One advantage of controlled laboratory experiments is _____.
a) they can be used to validate laboratory findings
b) behavior can be studied in the setting where it occurs
c) cause and effect relationships can be studied
d) a single individual or phenomenon can be studied in detail
3. Case studies provide useful in depth information about an individual, group, or a physical phenomenon.
What is one major weakness of case studies?
a) the results may not be representative of a general group or population
b) it is difficult to study behavior without influencing it
c) they must be used in a highly controlled setting
d) they can take a great amount of time
4. Scientists placed a variety of scientific and photographic equipment about 3000 feet below the ocean
surface. They wanted to learn how islands are created from undersea volcanoes. What type of study was
a) computer modeling
b) laboratory experiment
c) survey
d) field study
Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________
Date: _____________
Self Assessment: Research Methodologies
5. A research method designed to determine the degree and direction of the relationship between two or more
variables without having to directly manipulate those variables is called a _____.
a) correlation study
b) field study
c) case study
d) survey
6. A researcher has developed a small scale model of a system. The researcher now wants to evaluate
whether or not the model meets the requirements originally specified for the model. What does the
researcher need to do in order to accomplish this?
a) conduct a performance test
b) submit the model for peer review
c) develop a computer model
d) run a controlled laboratory experiment
7. Scientists now use computer models to predict the effects of increasing greenhouse gases on climate for the
planet and for specific regions of Earth. Which statement most accurately describes why scientists choose a
model to represent this situation?
a) It is not possible to make predictions based on observations.
b) It is not possible to take direct measurements.
c) It is not safe to carry out an investigation.
d) It is not possible to set up a controlled experiment.
8. Which term describes the application of scientific research to society’s needs and problems?
a) case studies
b) field studies
c) scientific inquiry
d) technology
Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________
Date: _____________
Self Assessment: Research Methodologies
9. A scientist tests five rocks from a river for the presence of a specific mineral. The five rocks all test positive
for the mineral. The scientist reports that all of the rocks in this river contain the mineral. What type of error
has the scientist committed?
a) ex pre facto hypothesizing
b) ex post facto hypothesizing
c) selective observation
d) overgeneralization
10. Before scientists publish their research, their peers review the research. Why do peers review other
scientists’ work?
a) to ensure the research does not repeat any work of other researchers
b) to ensure the researchers followed the appropriate methods, controls, and data analysis
c) to ensure the research is interesting enough to be published
d) to ensure the researchers were paid the correct amount of money for their work
1. a
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. a
6. a
7. d
8. d
9. d
10. b