St.Edward the Confessor Barnsley

St.Edward the Confessor
You are VERY WELCOME to share with us in our worship
today. St Edward’s is an open, welcoming, and inclusive
church community. If you are new or visiting, please make
yourself known.
Refreshments are served after the service in the
Vestry. Please join us.
Anne Wood makes a plea for any
redundant or surplus Christmas
decorations to be passed on to her,
A loop system is in place for those who use hearing aids.
Please ensure that your mobile phone is switched off.
If you have any difficulties with access please speak to a
A tape recording is made of our morning service.
Copies can be obtained from John Thompson…(Tel
01226 288419)
November 2012
(Common Worship –Year B )
– 2nd.before Advent
Shepherd with Gloria
to Age Concern)
for Thursday 11.00
Choir practices. Thursday 7.00pm
Readers today : 1st. Mrs.J.Moss
2nd. Mr.A.Darren
Intercessions :
Sidespersons :
MrS.D.Jenkinson and Mrs.M.Cawthorne
MRs.J.Denton and Miss.M.Brailsford
Coffee Rota :
Mrs.H.Fletcher and Mrs.L.Mace
Each WEDNESDAY : 10am
BCP Communion (Said) – Lady Chapel
Parish News: I’m currently preparing the next edition of
Parish News; please can you let me have any articles,
poems, pictures as soon as possible. Thanks, Margaret G.
St. Edwards Guild - next meeting Tuesday, 20th
November, 2012 - 2pm in Vestry Room - Speaker Pat
Semley another delightful afternoon to enjoy -another
surprise package. All welcome Jean J.
CHRISTMAS FAIR: our Christmas Fair takes place on
Saturday December 1st from 10am in church. We would
very much welcome donations for the tombola and cake
stall, and cakes, buns and mince pies for the refreshments.
Father Christmas will be making a special appearance in his
grotto (formerly the North Porch) so please encourage your
friends and neighbours to come along.
Carols, Readings and Mince Pies: back this year by popular
demand, there will be an evening of carols, readings and
mince pies on Friday 14th December at 7.30pm in the
vestry. Ray will kindly accompany our carol singing and
there will be plenty of mince pies and hot drinks. If you
would like to bring along a reading, please have a word
with Margaret Brailsford. Margaret G.
Christmas Fair - ideas for stalls If anyone has any ideas
for stalls at the Christmas Fair - please make a written note
and place them in the box at the back of church and indicate
if you are able to 'run them'. Thank you. Fred
please pray for: ……..
The Reformed
Episcopal Church
of Spain
Deanery of
Mara Link
Diocese of
Please remember the following in your prayers this week :
Vernon Austin, Ros Bower, Joyce Wood, John Idle,
Grace Pacey, Alex Bird and Norma and John Cooper,
Rev.Jean Naylor and Cicely Houghton
If you know anyone who is sick, or anyone who is unable to
attend Church and would like to receive communion at
home, - please speak to Rev’d Jean Naylor (01226 204767)
Floodlight the Church … to commemorate your loved family member £10 per evening … switched on from 7pm to 11pm Please speak to
Gordon (Church Warden) (01226 203986)
Parish Priest : Rev’d. Mark Poskitt
The Vicarage, Church Street, Gawber. S75 2RL
Tel : 01226 207140
Church Wardens : Gordon and Heather Fletcher
Tel : 01226 203986
WEEKLY PEWSHEET : All contributions to the Pew sheet to Lorraine
please,- by phone (01226 244504), in person or by email
Deadline……. 5.00pm. each Thursday. Thank you.