Identify the reinforcement schedule illustrated in the following

Schedules of Reinforcement
Instructions: Identify the reinforcement schedule illustrated in the following examples by placing the appropriate
abbreviation the blank next to the item. Use the following code:
Fixed Ration (FR0
Variable Ration (VR)
Fixed Interval (FI)
Variable Interval (VI)
__FI___ 1. Getting a paycheck every other week
__VI___ 2. Pop quizzes
__VR___ 3. Slot machines at gambling casinos
__VI___ 4. Calling the mechanic to find out if your car is fixed yet. Assuming you are waiting on
__FR___ 5. A factory work who is paid on piece work. Sweat shops operate this way—paid for the amount of product
you produce--$3 for every 20 sweatshirts sewn.
__VR___ 6. Fly fishing: casting and reeling back several times before catching a fish.
__FI___ 7. Looking at your watch during a lecture until the end of the lecture. Assuming class ends at same time—like
our blocks
__FR___ 8. A salesperson who gets paid on commission. Commission usually based on % of overall sales
__VI___ 9. Calling a friend and getting a busy signal because he or she is frequently on the phone.
__VR___10. Signaling with your thumb while hitchhiking. Do NOT try this!! Never know when someone will pick you up
__FR___ 11. Frequent flyer program: rewards after flying X amount of miles. Amount to mileage is usually set
__FR___ 12. Collecting bottles, cans, or other recyclables for cash. Usually paid by the pound
__FI___ 13. An athlete’s contract specifies salary increases to be renegotiated every three years.
__VR___ 14. Buying lottery tickets
__VI___ 15. A person refrains from drugs for fear of random drug testing.
_ _ FI ___ 16. Checking the refrigerator to see if the JELL-O is ready. Based on following directions & reliability of your
__VI____ 17. Watching for shooting stars.
__FI___ 18. Checking the mail, assuming the mail carrier comes at the same time every day.
__VR___ 19. Playing Bingo (gambling!!)
__FR___ 20. A worker receives $1 for every 100 envelopes stuffed and sealed. Good ex of piece work!