Unit 2 – The Renaissance & Reformation Study Guide

Unit 2 – The Renaissance & Reformation
Name: Study Guide
Directions: Use your notes, handouts, worksheets, and online sources to define or find the answers to the following (you may want to use a separate piece of paper). This study guide is worth 10 points and will be turned in the day of the test. Test date: _____________________________________ Vocabulary: Indulgence Perspective Realism Vernacular Humanism (or the Humanist movement) Secular (or secularism) Excommunication Renaissance Protestant (or Protestantism) Questions: 1. Why is the Middle Ages referred to as The Dark Ages? 2. Who painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper? 3. Who crafted the sculpture David and painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? 4. What is Machiavelli’s most famous/notorious publication? What was it about? 5. What are several common characteristics of Renaissance architecture? 6. Who designed St. Peter’s Basillica? What is its most renowned feature? 7. Where did the Renaissance begin? Why did it begin there? 8. Who was Petrarch? Why do Historians credit him with starting the Renaissance? 9. Who was the first modern author to write in the style of prose? (Also: what is prose?) 10. What are some of Machiavelli’s beliefs regarding princes/rulers? 11. Who was the first to utilize movable type in combination with a printing press? 12. How did the printing press affect Europe & the spread of Renaissance ideals? 13. What were Luther’s 95-­‐theses and what abuse did they focus on? 14. What was Luther ordered to do at the Diet of Worms? 15. What was the first protestant faith? 16. What was the Peace of Augsburg and what did it recognize? 17. What did Luther believe to be the only source of religious truth? 18. Who was John (Johannes) Tetzel and why did Luther despise him? 19. What is Shakespeare most known for? What did his plays and writings deal with or focus on? 20. How did Renaissance art differ from Medieval art? 21. The Renaissance was a revival in interest in what two ancient societies? 