2014 – 2015
Table of Contents
State Chapter Information ..................................................................................................................................... 3
FBLA Awards Program ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Louisiana Student Participation Guidelines ........................................................................................................... 6
FBLA Competitive Awards .................................................................................................................................. 10
Accounting I ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Agribusiness........................................................................................................................................................ 11
American Enterprise Project ............................................................................................................................... 11
Banking and Financial Systems .......................................................................................................................... 12
Business Calculations ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Business Communication .................................................................................................................................... 13
Business Ethics ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Business Financial Plan ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Business Law ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Business Math..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Business Plan ..................................................................................................................................................... 15
Business Presentation ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Business Procedures .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Community Service Project ................................................................................................................................. 17
Computer Applications ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Computer Problem Solving ................................................................................................................................. 18
Current Events and General Information ............................................................................................................. 19
Desktop Publishing ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Digital Video Production ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Economics .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Electronic Career Portfolio .................................................................................................................................. 21
Emerging Business Issues .................................................................................................................................. 21
Entrepreneurship................................................................................................................................................. 22
FBLA Principles and Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 23
Global Business .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Healthcare Administration ................................................................................................................................... 24
Help Desk ........................................................................................................................................................... 24
Hollis and Kitty Guy Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit ...................................................................................... 24
Hospitality Management...................................................................................................................................... 25
Impromptu Speaking ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Insurance and Risk Management........................................................................................................................ 26
Introduction to Business ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Introduction to Business Communication ............................................................................................................ 26
Introduction to Information Technology ............................................................................................................... 26
Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure ............................................................................................................. 27
Job Interview ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Local Chapter Annual Business Report .............................................................................................................. 28
Louisiana Who’s Who in FBLA Award ................................................................................................................. 28
Marketing ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
Mr. and Ms. Future Business Leader .................................................................................................................. 30
Parliamentary Procedure .................................................................................................................................... 31
Partnership with Business Project ....................................................................................................................... 31
Personal Finance ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Public Service Announcement ............................................................................................................................ 33
Public Speaking I ................................................................................................................................................ 33
Public Speaking II ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Richard D. Clanton Memorial Scholarship Award ............................................................................................... 34
Sales Presentation .............................................................................................................................................. 34
Social Media Campaign ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Sports and Entertainment Management.............................................................................................................. 36
Spreadsheet Applications ................................................................................................................................... 37
Website Design ................................................................................................................................................... 37
Word Processing ................................................................................................................................................. 38
Richard D. Clanton Memorial Award Preliminary and Final Rating Sheet ........................................................... 39
Who’s Who in Louisiana FBLA Award Preliminary and Final Rating Sheet ........................................................ 41
Permission to Travel Form .................................................................................................................................. 43
FBLA-PBL Dress Code ....................................................................................................................................... 44
Louisiana FBLA Chapter Guidelines
2014 – 2015 LOUISIANA FBLA
REMINDER: State and National dues are
sent to the National Office in one check.
The National Office will send correspondence to
local chapters providing instructions on how to
send dues.
FBLA cash awards are given for the first,
second, and third place winners at the
state conference.
5. Mr. and Ms. FBL Scholarship contributions
must be received on or before January 19.
These should be mailed to:
Chapters must pay both state and national dues.
National Membership Dues
P. O. Box 79063
Baltimore, MD 21279-0063
Phone: 800-325-2946
Fax: 703-758-0749
Website Address: http://fbla-pbl.org
1. The Louisiana FBLA Adviser In-Service will
be held on October 1, 2014 in Ville Platte at
the Ville Platte Civic Center. Check the
Louisiana FBLA website for registration
2. There will be three sites of the National Fall
Leadership Conference.
November 7 – 8
November 14 – 15
November 21 – 22
Washington, DC
Minneapolis, MN
New Orleans, LA
3. Mr. FBL, Ms. FBL, and Parliamentary
Procedure cash awards are given for the
first place winner(s) at each district
conference. The district winners will be
recognized at the 2015 State Leadership
Conference opening session.
4. Mr. FBL, Ms. FBL, Parliamentary
Procedure, and the Richard D. Clanton
Memorial cash awards are given for the
first place winner(s) at the state
conference. Louisiana Who’s Who in
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
6. State Chapter Operations contributions must
be received on or before January 19.
These should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
7. State Conference Plaque contributions must
be received on or before January 19.
These should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
8. Contributions to the Louisiana FBLA
Foundation must be received on or before
January 19. Foundation forms are included
in the guidelines.
9. Checks should be made payable to:
Louisiana FBLA Foundation
Additional contributions should be mailed to:
Mary Baker, Secretary-Treasurer
Louisiana FBLA Foundation
4621 East Quail Hollow
Lake Charles, LA 70605
E-mail: maryhbaker@lafbla.org
FBLA Foundation: One dollar from each
member’s state dues will automatically be
designated to the Louisiana FBLA
Foundation; therefore, a chapter with 50
members will automatically be a member of
the Foundation after paying their state dues.
Chapters with fewer than 50 members
may make an additional contribution for
the balance of the $50 to become
Chapters are encouraged to make additional
contributions to the Louisiana FBLA
Membership Classifications include:
Honorary Life:
$ 50
$ 100
$ 200
- or more
Please note that a $50 chapter
contribution will make your chapter
eligible for Foundation membership.
State winners from chapters belonging to
the Foundation are eligible for the
Foundation stipend to assist in expenses
to the National Leadership Conference.
Any funds allotted to the FBLA Chapters
will be distributed after the National
Leadership Conference.
10. FBLA 2015 District Conference Dates:
District IV
McNeese State Univ. - Lake Charles
January 30, 2015
District II
Univ. of Louisiana – Monroe
February 4, 2015
District I
Homer High School - Homer
February 5, 2015
District III
Northwestern State Univ. - Natchitoches
February 6, 2015
District V
February 10, 2015
Conven. Center & Cajundome – Lafayette
District VI
February 11, 2015
Xavier University – New Orleans
11. FBLA 2015 State Leadership Conference
March 22 – 24, 2015
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Conference Headquarters:
Lafayette Convention Center and
Cajundome, Lafayette, LA
The State Conference Packet will be
available online before the district
conferences begin. Check the Louisiana
FBLA website for updates.
BEFORE FEBRUARY 27. This includes:
TWO COPIES of all written reports and/or
projects should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
American Enterprise Project
Business Financial Plan
Business Plan
Business Presentation
Community Service Project
Desktop Publishing
Digital Video Production
Electronic Career Portfolio
Local Chapter Annual Business Report
Partnership with Business Project
Public Service Announcement
Social Media Campaign
Web Site Design
THREE COPIES of the resume and/or
application materials should be mailed
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
Job Interview
Louisiana Who’s Who Award (NLC
Who’s Who Contestant)
Richard D. Clanton Memorial
Scholarship Award (State Award)
13. FBLA 2015 National Leadership
Conference Dates:
Chicago, IL
June 29 – July 2, 2015
14. The Outstanding Local Adviser award will
be determined by the State Committee after
receiving nominations. Local chapter
members, as well as advisers from other
schools, may nominate someone for
Outstanding Local Adviser. All nominations
must be received on or before February
27. A nomination form is available on the
Louisiana FBLA website.
Nomination forms should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
FBLA Awards Program
Competitive spirit and recognition of excellence
reflect important aspects of the education
process that prepares students for their roles in
the American enterprise system.
Today’s students demand and deserve learning
experiences that enable them to achieve
success through effective participation in careerrelated activities designed to reach professional
goals. The Awards Program offers this
opportunity by providing support for curriculum
development that facilitates practical
applications and increases conceptual
knowledge of business principles.
The National Awards Program at the National
Leadership Conference exemplifies the range of
activities and focus of Future Business Leaders
of America. These events are based on projects
developed from the goals of FBLA-PBL and the
curriculums of business education programs.
The State Awards Program attempts to
conform to the National Awards Program as
much as possible. Some differences do exist
in order to serve the members of Louisiana
FBLA. This specific guide contains all of the
events and guidelines for the Awards Program
that will be available to Louisiana students.
Some events at the national level are not
offered at the district and/or state level.
Members can only compete at the national
level in events offered at the district and/or
state level. When there is a difference between
the National Awards Program and the Louisiana
Awards Program, a notation will be made.
Events are divided into three categories:
Individual, Team, and Chapter events.
At the district and state conference,
whenever a chapter has several participants
in the same event, all of them must take the
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
test at the same time – either regular time or
conflicting time, but together.
A local chapter may enter three (3)
competitors in all individual, objective test
events. This does NOT include any of the
speaking events, nor any of the events that
include a demonstration, interview, or
performance later at the state conference.
Competitors who place in the top three at the
state leadership conference in ALL events
will be eligible to compete at the National
Leadership Conference. This includes
individual, team, and chapter events.
To compete at the NLC in Future Business
Leader, those qualifying will be as follows:
the Mr. FBL winner, the Ms. FBL winner, and
the person scoring the highest on the
Mr./Ms. FBL written exam at the FBLA State
Leadership Conference will represent
Louisiana at the NLC.
At the National level, a member may enter
only one individual or one team event, and
one chapter event with the exception of a
member taking the Parliamentary Procedure
test for consideration as national
parliamentarian. This person may compete
in another event. Members may not compete
in two chapter events.
In the event a member is physically
challenged and/or requires special event
services in order to participate on the District
or State levels, the adviser will be
responsible for completing an Event
Participant with Special Needs Form with the
modifications needed and submit to the
State Adviser two weeks before the
Advisers please take note of the following
opportunities for your students to earn
scholarship money. At all district
conferences, the first place winners in Mr.
FBL and Ms. FBL will receive $100. In
addition, the winning parliamentary
procedure team will also receive $100.
At the state conference, the first place
winners in Mr. FBL, Ms. FBL, Richard D.
Clanton Memorial Award, and Who’s Who in
Louisiana FBLA will receive $500.
In addition, the second and third place
winners in Who’s Who in Louisiana FBLA
will also receive $500. Also, the first place
Parliamentary Procedure team will receive
Please encourage your students to
participate in these events, particularly at our
district conferences. Every chapter should
have an entry in Mr. and Ms. Future Business
Compensation for the competitors at the
National Leadership Conference will be based
on the ability of the State Chapter to pay and
provided that the local chapter donated to the
state chapter operation fund.
A foundation donation is made to national
competitors only and provided that the chapter is
a member of the Louisiana FBLA Foundation.
Any funds allotted to the FBLA Chapters will
be distributed after the National Leadership
The intent of the following guidelines is to
increase the number of individual participants
that a local chapter could involve in the District
or State Leadership Conference. Consideration
has been given to the effects of a contestant’s
individual schedule and workload during a
conference day as well as the extra workload
that must be accommodated in the conference
headquarters in determining the official results of
the day. Additional consideration has also been
given to the facilities and judges that will be
A local school does not have to offer or teach a
specific course in order to enter a contestant in
an event. For example, a local chapter member
can enter Economics or Business Law although
the school may not offer Economics or Business
Law classes.
Special guidelines include:
1. Chapter advisers are responsible for all
chapter business and activities.
Correspondence with the state adviser
must be with and through the local
adviser (not a parent).
2. Advisers should refer to the state
guidelines when competing at the district
and state level.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
3. Advisers should refer to the national
guidelines when competing at the
national level.
4. A student may not compete in more than
two events with the exception of:
 The Richard D. Clanton Memorial
Scholarship Award
 Louisiana Who’s Who in FBLA Award
 Digital Video Production
 Electronic Career Portfolio
 Website Design
 Business Plan
 Business Financial Plan
 Social Media Campaign
 Chapter written reports
5. A school may enter three individuals in the
following events:
Accounting I
Business Calculations
Business Communication
Business Law
Business Math
Business Procedures
Computer Applications
Computer Problem Solving
FBLA Principles and Procedures
Healthcare Administration
Insurance & Risk Management
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Business Communication
Introduction to Information Technology
Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
Personal Finance
Spreadsheet Applications
Word Processing
6. A school may enter one individual in the
following events:
Electronic Career Portfolio
Help Desk
Impromptu Speaking
Job Interview
Mr. Future Business Leader
Ms. Future Business Leader
Public Speaking I
Public Speaking II
Sales Presentation
7. Only one team per local chapter may be
Current Events (2 to 3 members)
Banking and Financial Systems (2 to 3
Business Ethics (2 to 3 members)
Emerging Business Issues (2 to 3
Entrepreneurship (2 to 3 members)
Global Business (2 to 3 members)
Hospitality Management (2 to 3
Marketing (2 to 3 members)
Parliamentary Procedure (4 to 5
Sports & Entertainment Management (2
to 3 members)
8. A school may have one entry (individual or
a team of two members) in the following
Desktop Publishing **MODIFIED**
9. The following are classified as an
individual or team event.
The project may be authored by an
individual member or by a team of two to
three members.
Business Financial Plan
Business Plan
Business Presentation
Digital Video Production
Public Service Announcement
Social Media Campaign
Website Design
10. The following are classified as chapter
The project may be authored by an
individual member or by a team of two to
three members.
American Enterprise Project
Community Service Project
Local Chapter Annual Business
Partnership with Business
11. A member may not participate in an
event at District or State if they have
participated in that event on the National
level – with the exception of the following
rules which you can refer to: Repeat
competitors for the National Leadership
Conference in the National Guidelines.
12. The following events are considered to
be linked in a series. Once a member
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
has competed in the second or advanced
event in the series he/she may not
subsequently compete in the first or
introductory event. Event series
impacted by this regulation include:
Business Math and Business
Introduction to Business Communication
and Business Communication
Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
and Parliamentary Procedure
Public Speaking I and Public Speaking II
13. In order to compete in events at the state
level (other than written reports), a school
must receive a superior rating at the district
14. All students are expected to provide their
own number two (#2) pencils in order to
complete the answer sheets for tests to
be machine graded. (Pencils should be
sharpened before arrival at the testing
15. There are NO registration refunds from
the District Conference.
16. See the State Conference Planning Packet
on registration refunds.
17. Current Events is a District and State event.
There is no National competition for this
18. Students participating in the following
events on the District and State level
must participate in the event at the
regularly scheduled time. These events
cannot be re-administered. If there is a
conflict, please consult the state adviser.
 Current Events (Written & Oral)
 Speaking/Interview Events
 Current Events (Written & Oral)
 Speaking/Interview Events
 Banking and Financial Systems (Written
& Oral)
 Business Presentation (Oral)
 Business Ethics (Written & Oral)
 Emerging Business Issues (Written &
 Entrepreneurship (Written & Oral)
 Global Business (Written & Oral)
 Help Desk (Written & Oral)
 Hospitality Management (Written & Oral)
 Job Interview (Preliminary and Final)
Marketing (Written & Oral)
Mr. FBL (Written & Interview)
Ms. FBL (Written & Interview)
Parliamentary Procedure (Written &
Public Service Announcement (Oral)
Sales Presentation (Oral – Preliminary
and Final)
Sports & Entertainment Management
(Written & Oral)
19. All members of the following teams must
take the written test at the same time:
Banking and Financial Systems
Business Ethics
Current Events
Desktop Publishing
Emerging Business Issues
Global Business
Hospitality Management
Parliamentary Procedure
Sports & Entertainment
The team members who take the written
tests must also be the same members to
demonstrate or perform for at the state
Banking and Financial Systems
Business Ethics
Emerging Business Issues
Global Business
Hospitality Management
Parliamentary Procedure
Sports & Entertainment Management
The team members who take the written
test must also be the same members to
go on stage at the district and state
Current Events
20. The following competitive events will be
a collaborative test in which all team
members will take one written test
 Banking and Financial Systems
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Business Ethics
Desktop Publishing
Emerging Business Issues
Global Business
Hospitality Management
Sports & Entertainment Management
The team members who take the written
tests must also be the same members to
perform at the state conference (NO
PERMITTED) for the following events:
Banking and Financial Systems
Business Ethics
Emerging Business Issues
Global Business
Hospitality Management
Sports & Entertainment Management
21. At District, there will be no demonstrations
for the following events:
Banking and Financial Systems
Business Ethics
Emerging Business Issues
Global Business
Help Desk
Hospitality Management
Parliamentary Procedure
Sports & Entertainment
22. At the State Conference, the entire team
SCHEDULED TIME in the following events:
Banking and Financial Systems
Business Ethics
Current Events
Desktop Publishing
Emerging Business Issues
Global Business
Hospitality Management
Parliamentary Procedure
Sports & Entertainment
23. The following events are limited to
students in only grades 7-10:
 Business Math
FBLA Principles and Procedures
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Business Communication
Introduction to Information Technology
Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure
Public Speaking I
24. The following events are limited to
students in only grades 11-12:
 Louisiana Who’s Who in FBLA
 Richard D. Clanton Memorial Award
25. The following events are limited to
students in only grades 9-12:
 Job Interview
 Mr. Future Business Leader
 Ms. Future Business Leader
26. Participants MUST adhere to the dress
code for all conference activities,
including the awards ceremony. Award
winners must be properly dressed in
order to receive plaques on stage. Dress
code monitors will be posted at the stage
entrances to enforce the dress code.
READ and before anyone has begun taking
the test a competitor will be allowed to leave
and return dressed appropriately. No
additional time will be given for testing. NO
28. Audiences are NOT permitted to observe
the following events:
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Banking and Financial Systems
Global Business
Help Desk
Hospitality Management
Impromptu Speaking
Parliamentary Procedure
Sports and Entertainment Management
29. Audiences are permitted to observe the
following events:
 Business Ethics
 Business Presentation
 Current Events
 Emerging Business Issues
 Public Service Announcement
 Public Speaking I
 Public Speaking II
 Sales Presentation
30. The dress code released by the FBLAPBL National Office at the time of the
Louisiana FBLA State Guidelines
publication is applicable for District,
State, and National Conferences.
Accounting I
Business Calculations
Business Communication
Business Law
Business Math [Grades 7-10]
Business Procedures
Computer Applications
Computer Problem Solving
Electronic Career Portfolio
FBLA Principles and Procedures [Grades 7-10]
Healthcare Administration
Help Desk
Impromptu Speaking
Insurance Risk & Management
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Business Communication [Grades 7 - 10]
Introduction to Information Technology [Grades 7 - 10]
Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure [Grades 7 - 10]
Job Interview [Grades 9 - 12]
Mr. Future Business Leader [Grades 9 - 12]
Ms. Future Business Leader [Grades 9 - 12]
Personal Finance
Public Speaking I [Grades 7 - 10]
Public Speaking II
Sales Presentation
Spreadsheet Applications
Word Processing
Richard D. Clanton Memorial Scholarship Award [Grades 11 - 12]
Who’s Who In FBLA [Grades 11 - 12]
Current Events
Banking and Financial Systems
Business Ethics
Emerging Business Issues
Global Business
Hospitality Management
Parliamentary Procedure
Sports & Entertainment Management
American Enterprise Project
Community Service Project
Local Chapter Annual Business Report
Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit
Partnership with Business Project
(Please consult your guidelines.)
Business Plan
Business Financial Plan
Business Presentation
Desktop Publishing
Digital Video Production
Public Service Announcement
Social Media Campaign
Website Design
* D - District
S - State
N - National
SPECIAL NOTE: These are the only events offered through Louisiana FBLA. The following event
exists at the State Level but is not a part of the National Awards Program: Current Events.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event. A participant must
not have had more than one (1) course of
high school accounting instruction, nor be
enrolled in or have completed any additional
accounting courses.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 journalizing
 account classifications
 terminology
 types of ownership
 posting
 income statement
 balance sheet
 worksheet
 bank reconciliation
 payroll
 depreciation
 manual and computerized systems
 ethics
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
5. Since accounting terminology varies with
textbook publishers, a list of cross-reference
terms will be included in the test.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 economics
 finance and accounting
 health, safety, and environmental
 management analysis and decision
 marketing
 terminology and trends
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
(Edward D. Miller Award)
1. Each local chapter may submit one project
for this event.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
3. First, second, and third place state winners
are eligible for national competition.
4. The project must promote an awareness of
some facet of the American enterprise
system within the school and/or community
and be designed for chapter participation
rather than individual participation. The
event is not designed to raise money for the
chapter. Rather, the intent is to help
members learn more about the economic
system under which they live and then to
share their expertise in some way with
others inside and/or outside of the school.
5. The report format:
 Table of contents with page numbers.
 Follow the rating sheet sequence in
writing the report. (Refer to the
National Guidelines’ rating sheet). If
information is not available for a
particular criterion, include a
statement to that effect in the report.
Pages are numbered and must be on
8 1/2” x 11” paper. Each side of the
paper providing information is
counted as a page.
 Pages must not be laminated or
bound in sheet protectors.
 Reports must not exceed 15 pages (a
title page, divider pages, and
appendices are optional and must be
included in the page count).
 Copies should be sent rather than
important documents. No items may
be attached to any page in the report.
 Report covers must be cover stock,
index stock, or card stock and
include both a front and back cover.
 Report covers are not counted
against the page limit and may
contain other information unless they
are cut out.
 Covers may not be in plastic binders,
be laminated, or have a plastic sheet
overlaying the printed cover. No
items, such as labels or decals, may
be attached to the front cover. Twoor three-ring binders are not
acceptable report covers.
 Cutout cover stock covers are
allowed, but the page containing the
cover information is included in the
page count.
Front cover contains the following
information: name of the school,
state, name of the event, name(s) of
the student(s) and year (201x-–1x)
6. The report must be prepared by student
members, not advisers. Advisers may serve
as consultants to ensure that the report is
well organized, contains substantial
statements, and is written in a business
7. Reports must describe activities of the local
chapters, which were conducted between
the previous State Leadership Conference
and the start of the current State Leadership
8. Report formats must follow the same
sequence shown on the rating sheet (Refer
to the National Guidelines’ rating sheet).
9. Penalty points will be given if the written
project doesn’t adhere to the report cover
and report contents guidelines.
10. Reports must be received on or before
11. Two (2) copies of the report should be
12. Reports should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
13. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
1. Each local chapter may enter one team of
two to three members.
2. A collaborative objective test will be
administered for this event at the district
and state levels.
3. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 concepts and practices
 government regulation of financial
 basic terminology
 impact of technology on financial
 types and differences between various
 ethics
 careers in financial services
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
 taxation
4. The finalists based on the written test score
at the State level will need to schedule a
presentation time following the opening
session. The presentation score will
determine the final rank. The written test
score will be used in the event of a tie.
(Refer to the National Guidelines and rating
5. At the district level, all members of a team
must take the written test at the same time.
6. At the state level, the written test must be
taken at the scheduled time.
7. An interactive case study will be given
consisting of a problem or scenario
encountered in the banking and financial
business community.
8. This is a role play event.
9. Twenty (20) minutes before the performance
each participant will receive the case study.
10. Two (2) 4” by 6” note cards will be provided
for each participant and may be used during
the preparation and performance of the
event. Information may be written on both
sides of the note cards. Note cards will be
collected following the presentation.
11. No reference materials, visual aids, or
electronic devices may be brought to or
used during the preparation or performance.
12. The team has seven (7) minutes to interact
with a panel of judges and present the
solution to the case. The judges will play
the role of the second party in the
presentation and refer to the case for
13. Teams should introduce themselves,
describe the situation, make their
recommendations, and summarize their
case. All team members are expected to
actively participate in the performance.
14. All questions raised in the case must be
addressed during the presentation.
15. At the end of six (6) minutes, a timekeeper
will stand until noticed indicating one minute
is left. At seven (7) minutes the timekeeper
will stand indicating time is up.
16. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event including during the
prep and presentation time.
17. Performances are not open to conference
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 mark-ups and discounts
 investments
 bank records
 insurance
 interest rates
 payroll
 ratios and proportions
 depreciation
 consumer credit
 taxes
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 nonverbal & oral communication
 communication concepts
 written and report application
 grammar
 reading comprehension
 editing and proofreading
 word definition and usage
 capitalization and punctuation
 spelling
 digital communications [e-mail,
messaging, Netiquette]
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter one team of
two to three members.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
2. A collaborative objective test will be
administered for this event at the district
and state levels.
3. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 make ethical business decisions in the
business world and workplace
 provide a rationale for ethical decisions
 critical thinking and problem solving
 have outstanding verbal communication
 effectively answer questions
4. The finalists based on the written test score
at the State level will need to schedule a
presentation time following the opening
session. The presentation score will
determine the final rank. The written test
score will be used in the event of a tie.
(Refer to the National Guidelines and
rating sheet.)
5. At the district level, all members of a team
must take the written test at the same time.
6. At the state level, the written test must be
taken at the scheduled time.
7. 2015 State and National Leadership
Conference topic to be researched and
presented will be:
“Research an ethical topic dealing with
global business and sweatshops and/or
child labor.”
Participants must identify ethical dilemmas
from a business perspective. Students may
choose any real case related to this topic.
The presentation must include one or more
of the following:
• the relationship between the employee
and employer
• the relationship between the business
and the customer
• the relationship between the business
and the economy
8. Participants must research a case study
prior to the conference and be prepared to
present their findings and solutions.
9. Student members (not advisers) must
prepare their presentation. Facts and data
must be cited and secured from quality
sources (peer review documents, legal
documents, etc.).
10. One (1) member must introduce the team
and describe the ethical situation.
11. Three copies of a written synopsis on the
selected case must be submitted. The
synopsis is not to exceed 500 words, and a
reference section must also be submitted
(not counted in the 500 word limit). The
folders should be correctly labeled with the
name of the school, state, name of the
event, and name(s) of student(s).
Teams are permitted to bring prepared
Books, other bound materials, and props will
NOT be allowed.
Visual aids related to the project may be
used; however, no items may be left with the
judges or audience.
Teams will have seven (7) minutes to
present the ethical dilemma. At the end of
six (6) minutes, a timekeeper will stand until
noticed indicating one minute is left. At
seven (7) minutes the timekeeper will stand
until noticed indicating time is up. At the end
of the presentation, the timekeeper will
record the time used. A five (5) point
deduction will be made for presentations
over seven (7) minutes.
Following each presentation, judges will
conduct a three (3) minute question and
answer period.
Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
All team members must actively participate
in the presentation.
All performances are open to conference
attendees, except performing
participants of this event.
Your are planning to open a one-stop
shop home improvement store where
customers will be able to purchase a
variety of items including kitchen
cabinets, closets, outdoor decks,
curio cases, lighting, surveillance
cameras, furniture, home theater
equipment, flooring, and other home
enhancements. Competition
includes hardware stores, furniture
stores, entertainment and electronics
stores, and interior design
Your niche is that everything
available in these stores can be
purchased in one location where
customers can get bundle deals on
multiple goods to save money. You
are planning to open your facility in a
25,000 square foot, stand-alone store
and warehouse. You will need to
purchase inventory for the store and
stock the warehouse, as well as hire
contractors, installers, and truck
drivers to assist with the delivery and
set up of the building and the
7. Reports submitted in support of this event
must conform to the same guidelines listed
in the event in the FBLA-PBL National
Handbook with the following exception:
1. Each local chapter may submit one entry.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
3. First, second, and third place state winners
are eligible for national competition.
Although this event is classified as an
individual or team event, each project may
be authored either by an individual member
or by a team, not to exceed three (3)
4. This project is to establish and develop a
complete financial plan for a business
venture by writing a report on the topic
5. A one-page description of the plan should
be the first page of the report (not included
in the page count).
6. 2015 State and National Leadership
Conference topic to be researched will
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Table of contents with page numbers.
Follow the rating sheet sequence in
writing the report. (Refer to the
National Guidelines’ rating sheet). If
information is not available for a
particular criterion, include a
statement to that effect in the report.
Pages are numbered and must be on
8 1/2” x 11” paper. Each side of the
paper providing information is
counted as a page.
Pages must not be laminated or
bound in sheet protectors.
Reports must not exceed 15 pages (a
title page, divider pages, and
appendices are optional and must be
included in the page count).
Copies should be sent rather than
important documents. No items may
be attached to any page in the report.
Report covers must be cover stock,
index stock, or card stock and
include both a front and back cover.
Report covers are not counted
against the page limit and may
contain other information unless they
are cut out.
Covers may not be in plastic binders,
be laminated, or have a plastic sheet
overlaying the printed cover. No
items, such as labels or decals, may
be attached to the front cover. Twoor three-ring binders are not
acceptable report covers.
 Cutout cover stock covers are
allowed, but the page containing the
cover information is included in the
page count.
 Front cover contains the following
information: name of the school,
state, name of the event, name(s) of
the student(s) and year (201x-–1x)
The report must be prepared by student
members, not advisers. Advisers may serve
as consultants to ensure that the report is
well organized, contains substantial
statements, and is written in a business
Report formats must follow the same
sequence shown on the rating sheet (Refer
to the National Guidelines’ rating sheet).
Penalty points will be given if the written
plan doesn’t adhere to the report cover and
report contents guidelines.
Reports must be received on or before
Two (2) copies of the report should be
Reports should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
14. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 legal system
 contracts and sales
 business organization
 property laws
 agency and employment laws
 negotiable instruments, insurance,
secured transactions, bankruptcy
 consumer and product/personal liability
 computer law
 domestic and personal law
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event. Students in grades
7, 8, 9 and 10 are eligible to participate in
this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 basic math concepts
 discounts
 decimals
 fractions
 percentages
 consumer credit
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may submit one entry.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
3. First, second, and third place state winners
are eligible for national competition.
4. Business plans must not have been in
operation for a period exceeding 12 months
before the NLC. Reports should not be
submitted that evaluate ongoing business
5. Although this event is classified as an
individual or team event, each project may
be authored either by an individual member
or by a team, not to exceed three (3)
6. This event recognizes FBLA members that
demonstrate an understanding and mastery
of the process required to develop and
implement a new business venture.
7. The report format:
 Table of contents with page numbers.
 Follow the rating sheet sequence in
writing the report. (Refer to the
National Guidelines’ rating sheet). If
information is not available for a
particular criterion, include a
statement to that effect in the report.
Pages are numbered and must be on
8 1/2” x 11” paper. Each side of the
paper providing information is
counted as a page.
Pages must not be laminated or
bound in sheet protectors.
Reports must not exceed 30 pages (a
title page, divider pages, and
appendices are optional and must be
included in the page count).
Copies should be sent rather than
important documents. No items may
be attached to any page in the
Report covers must be cover stock,
index stock, or card stock and
include both a front and back cover.
Report covers are not counted
against the page limit and may
contain other information unless they
are cut out.
Covers may not be in plastic binders,
be laminated, or have a plastic sheet
overlaying the printed cover. No
items, such as labels or decals, may
be attached to the front cover. Twoor three-ring binders are not
acceptable report covers.
Cutout cover stock covers are
allowed, but the page containing the
cover information is included in the
page count.
Front cover contains the following
information: name of the school,
state, name of the event, name(s) of
the student(s) and year (201x-–1x)
8. An effective business plan should include
the following information: Executive
Summary, Company Description, Industry
Analysis, Target Market, Competitive
Analysis, Marketing Plan and Sales
Strategy, Operations, Management and
Organization, Long-Term Development, and
Financials. In addition, many business
plans include copies of key supporting
documents in an appendix.
9. The report must be prepared by student
members, not advisers. Advisers may serve
as consultants to ensure that the report is
well organized, contains substantial
statements, and is written in a business
10. Report formats must follow the same
sequence shown on the rating sheet (Refer
to the National Guidelines’ rating sheet).
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
11. Penalty points will be given if the written
plan doesn’t adhere to the report cover and
report contents guidelines.
12. Reports must be received on or before
13. Two (2) copies of the report should be
14. Reports should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
15. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
1. Each local chapter may submit one entry.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
3. The topic to be developed in this
presentation and submitted for
competition for the 2015 State and
National Leadership Conference will be:
You have been asked to make a
presentation to the local Chamber of
Commerce members on how they can
protect themselves from Identity Theft.
4. The presentation will be developed prior to
the SLC and will be used when giving the
business presentation.
 The presentation should include
elements such as graphics, pictures,
music and special effects, sound, text,
and transitions.
 The production should be at least two
(2) and no more than seven (7) minutes
in length.
 Competitors must prepare projects.
Advisers and others are not permitted to
 Competitors are expected to follow all
applicable copyright laws. Refer to
Format Guide for copyright guidelines in
the National Guidelines.
 Competitors are responsible for bringing
a copy of their project to show the
 Presentation of the entry must be
conducted by competitors who authored
the event.
 Visual aids related to the project may be
used; however, no items may be left
with the judges or audience.
At the State Conference, five minutes (5)
will be allowed to set up equipment or
presentation items.
6. The individual or team has seven (7)
minutes to deliver the presentation. All team
members must actively participate in the
7. At the end of six (6) minutes, a timekeeper
will stand until noticed indicating one minute
is left. At seven (7) minutes the timekeeper
will stand indicating time is up, When the
presentation is finished, the timekeeper will
record the time used, noting a deduction of
five (5) points for any presentation over
seven (7) minutes.
8. Following each presentation, judges will
conduct a three (3) minute question-answer
9. Presentations may be submitted using a CD
or on a DVD. Remember, this is NOT a
video production event.
10. Instructions should be included with the
entry describing the procedures necessary
to run the presentation. All software and
required elements for allowing the judges to
“plug and play” the presentation must be
included with the entry.
11. Media may be labeled using any method,
but must include name of the school,
state, name of the event, and name(s) of
the student(s).
12. The presentation must be received on or
before FEBRUARY 27.
13. Two (2) copies of the presentation should
be submitted for prejudging.
14. Presentations should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
15. The finalists will be announced at the
opening session of the state conference.
Adviser must schedule the time for
16. The finalists will make a presentation.
(Refer to the National Guidelines’ rating
17. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
18. All performances are open to conference
attendees, except performing
participants of this event.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 human relations
 technology concepts
 business operations
 communication skills
 information processing
 decision making
 career development
 database management
 ethics and safety finance
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may submit one project
for this event.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
3. First, second, and third place state winners
are eligible for national competition.
4. Reports must describe one chapter
project that serves the community.
5. The project must be in the interest of the
community and be designed for chapter
participation, rather than individual
participation. Include: a description of
the project, chapter member
involvement, degree of impact on the
community, evidence of publicity
received, and project evaluation.
6. The report format should follow the same
sequence given on the rating sheet. If
information is not available for a particular
criterion, include a statement to that effect in
the report.
7. The report must be similar to that of a
business report with substantiated
statements in a clear and concise format.
Creativity through design and use of
meaningful graphics is encouraged.
8. This event is designed to recognize FBLA
chapters that develop projects to serve the
citizens of the community.
9. The report format:
 Table of contents with page numbers.
Follow the rating sheet sequence in
writing the report. (Refer to the
National Guidelines’ rating sheet. If
information is not available for a
particular criterion, include a
statement to that effect in the report.
Pages are numbered and must be on
8 1/2” x 11” paper. Each side of the
paper providing information is
counted as a page.
 Pages must not be laminated or
bound in sheet protectors.
 Reports must not exceed 15 pages (a
title page, divider pages, and
appendices are optional and must be
included in the page count).
 Copies should be sent rather than
important documents. Items may not
be attached to any page in the
 Report covers must be cover stock,
index stock, or card stock and
include both a front and back cover.
 Report covers are not counted
against the page limit and may
contain other information unless they
are cut out.
 Covers may not be in plastic binders,
be laminated, or have a plastic sheet
overlaying the printed cover. No
items, such as labels or decals, may
be attached to the front cover. Twoor three-ring binders are not
acceptable report covers.
 Cutout cover stock covers are
allowed, but the page containing the
cover information is included in the
page count.
 Front cover contains the following
information: name of the school,
state, name of the event, name(s) of
the student(s) and year (201x-–1x)
The report must be prepared by student
members, not advisers. Advisers may serve
as consultants to ensure that the report is
well organized, contains substantial
statements, and is written in a business
Reports must describe activities of the local
chapters, which were conducted between
the start of the previous State Leadership
Conference and start of the current State
Leadership Conference.
Report formats must follow the same
sequence shown on the rating sheet (Refer
to the National Guidelines’ rating sheet.).
Penalty points will be given if the written
project doesn’t adhere to the report cover
and report contents guidelines.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
14. Reports must be received on or before
15. Two (2) copies of the report should be
16. Reports should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
17. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 basic computer terminology and
 presentation, publishing and multimedia
 security
 basic application knowledge and word
 e-mail, integrated and collaboration
 netiquette and legal
 spreadsheet and database applications
 formatting, grammar, punctuation,
spelling, and proofreading
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
5. “School Site” production testing will be
administered by the State Office and sent to
National Office for grading. The contestants
will attend the NLC for the written portion of
the test.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 personal computer components
operating systems
laptop and portable devices
 safety and environmental issues
 printers and scanners
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter one team of
two to three members.
2. A written test will be administered to all team
members to determine eligibility for the oral
competition. At the District level, the top 50
percent of the teams taking the written test
will be eligible for the oral competition. The
top ten will be recognized at the state
conference. The team with the highest
written average score will also qualify for
state competition. At the State level, the
top 10 teams will participate in the oral
competition. There is no competition on
the National Level.
3. At the district level, all members of a team
must take the written test at the same time.
4. At the state level, the written test must be
taken at the scheduled time.
5. Team scores will be derived by averaging
the written scores of the team members.
6. Only those members who take the written
test will be allowed to participate in oral
7. Contestants will be seated three deep
across the stage. A drawing to determine
stage position is held prior to the beginning
of the event. Contestants will be questioned
in consecutive order beginning with the first
person on the first team and ending with the
third person on the final team. After the
completion of the first round and each
subsequent round, all team members will
move forward to fill vacated seats. All
second and third team members will be
questioned before the first team members
are questioned again. No team will have to
answer two (2) consecutive questions.
8. Each contestant will have the opportunity to
draw a question. The question may come
from the following areas: FBLA, Sports,
State Events, National Events, International
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Events, Entertainment, and General
Information. The contestant will be able to
choose the category.
9. General information questions that
anyone should know can be asked in any
category. For example:
National Question: What is the address
of the White House?
State Question: What is the state
10. When answering questions involving names
of individuals, these guidelines apply:
a. Contestants may give only the last
name or the first and last name.
However, if both names are given, both
names must be correct.
b. If two or more people have the last
name are involved in the same type
activity, a first name must be given.
11. The event administrator may call time on a
contestant if there is too long of a delay in
presenting an answer.
12. Once a contestant begins to answer a
question, the contestant may not change
that answer.
13. The FBLA Facts category will contain
questions relative to the FBLA Fact Sheet,
information found in FBLA publications, and
general questions about the guidelines for
the State Awards Program.
14. Upon depletion of all questions, state
capitals of the United States and capitals of
countries will be used. Almanacs usually
contain this information.
15. A panel of advisers will be assigned to
determine the accuracy of answers. The
decision of the panel will be final.
16. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter one
individual or one team of two members.
2. A collaborative objective test will be
administered for this event at the district
and state levels.
3. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 basic desktop terminology and concepts
 related desktop application knowledge
 digital imaging and graphics
 desktop layout rules and standards
 safety, ethics and legal
print process
message presentation, accuracy, and
4. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
5. The top ten will be recognized at the state
conference determined as follows: 50% of a
written objective test score and 50% of the
production project score.
6. The topic to be developed in this
presentation and submitted for
competition for the 2015 State and
National Leadership Conference will be:
Some of your friends have started their own
band and have asked you to be their
marketing manager. You have been given
the task to develop their promotional
materials. You will need to design a poster
that they will display in towns where they
perform, a brochure they will send to
different markets promoting the band, a
business card, and quarter-page
advertisement they will use for newspapers,
magazines, and other areas.
7. Participants have all year to produce a
solution to the problem. Participants may
use any desktop publishing software to
complete the project.
Documents produced for this event must be
prepared by the participants without help
from the adviser or any other person.
The finished product must be submitted in
The production problem will be used to
break a tie,
Refer to copyright guidelines found in the
Format Guide.
8. Two (2) copies of the production projects
should be submitted in a manila folder
labeled with the name of the school,
state, name of the event, and name(s) of
the student(s)
9. Production projects must be received on or
before FEBRUARY 27.
10. Production projects should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
11. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
1. Each local chapter may submit one entry.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
3. The topic to be developed in this
presentation and submitted for
competition for the 2015 State and
National Leadership Conference will be:
Create an FBLA membership video to
recruit FBLA members in your school
and to show at career fairs and to the
4. Presentations must address the given topic.
Entries will be judged according to the rating
sheet. (Refer to the National Guidelines’
rating sheet.)
 Production must properly develop the
given topic. Student members, not
advisers, must prepare presentations.
 Production should be at least two (2)
and no more than four (4) minutes in
 The production may use any method to
capture or create moving images.
 The production should include sources
used to research the topic, development
and design process, use of different
video techniques, a list of equipment
and software used, and copyright
information for pictures, music, or other
 Videos must be uploaded to YouTube or
SchoolTube, marked unlisted with
comments disabled.
 The description area of the video must
contain copyright information as well as
the name of the event, state, names of
participants, and school.
 The complete video URL must be sent
to the state chair with the Statement of
 Members are expected to follow all
applicable copyright laws.
5. The statement of assurance form may be
downloaded from the Louisiana FBLA
6. Two (2) copies of the TYPED statement of
assurance form must be received on or
before FEBRUARY 27.
7. Entries should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
8. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
Career-Related Education: Describe
career-related education that enhances
employability. Include a summary of
school activities, career research
projects, application of business
education, and/or related occupational
skills and their relationship to job.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 basic economic concepts and principles
 productivity
 macroeconomics
 market structures (monopoly, oligopoly,
 investments and interest rates
 role of government
 monetary and fiscal policy
 types of businesses/economic
 business cycles/circular flow
 supply and demand
 international trade/global economics
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each chapter may submit one entry.
2. Entries are created by an individual
3. Entries will be judged according to the rating
sheet. (Refer to the National Guidelines’
rating sheet.)
 This event is to be specific to the career
goals and professional experiences that
the student has completed; it is not a
show case of FBLA experiences.
 All information should reflect the
student’s accomplishments and
experiences that have actually occurred.
 The portfolio must include: a resume
and a career summary. The career
summary should include career choice,
description of career, skills and
education required, and future job
outlook (e.g. monetary, advancement).
 Sample materials also must be included
in the portfolio, These samples must
include, but are not limited to, the
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Educational Enhancement: Describe
educational opportunities that enhance
employability. Include career
opportunities development planning,
summaries of job shadowing,
internships, apprenticeships,
informational interviews, community
service projects, and products
developed during these experiences.
Examples of Special Skills: Includes
up to five examples of special skills,
talents, and/or abilities related to job and
career goals. These may be in any
format but must fit within the dimensions
of the portfolio. Audio and/or video
recordings may be included in the
The students may submit their portfolio
using a DVD, USB flash drive, or by
accessing it via the Internet. The
production cannot exceed seven (7)
4. Two (2) copies of the statement of
assurance form or the portfolio must be
received on or before FEBRUARY 27.
5. Entries should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
6. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
1. Each local chapter may enter one team of
two or three members.
2. A collaborative objective test will be
administered for this event at the district
and state levels.
3. The finalists at the State level will be
scheduled for a performance time. The
presentation score will determine the final
rank. The written test score will be used in
the event of a tie.
4. At the district level, all members of a team
must take the written test at the same time.
5. At the state level, the written test must be
taken at the scheduled time.
6. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
7. The topic to be researched and
presented during the 2015 State and
National Leadership Conferences will be:
Consumer products sold by brand name
companies have been facing increasing
challenges throughout the recession as
well as the increase in online shopping.
Brand loyalty in three categories (food,
beverage, and household goods) has
decreased for three years (2013
American Pantry Study). The amount of
consumers willing to purchase their
traditional brands, regardless of whether
the brand is on sale or not, has
decreased from 33 percent in 2010 to 29
percent in 2012. One of the reasons this
is occurring is competition from
consumer products private label choices.
The 2013 American Pantry Study found
that 88 percent of consumers who have
become purchasers of private label
products will not return to their previous
national brand purchases even once the
economy has recovered.
 How will this trend positively affect
the overall consumer products
 How will this trend negatively affect
the overall consumer products
8. Participants in this event should have
researched the assigned topic prior to the
2015 State Leadership Conference. Each
team must present both the affirmative and
negative arguments associated with the
“topic statement” above.
9. Each team’s presentation must be the result
of their independent work. Facts and
working data may be secured from any
source. The student members, not the
advisers, must prepare presentations. All
members of the team must participate in the
advance research of the topic and in the
actual presentation.
10. Teams are permitted to bring prepared
notes of any type to the preparation and
presentation areas.
11. No reference materials, visual aids, or
electronic devices may be brought to or
used during the preparation or performance.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
12. Teams will have seven (7) minutes to
present the case. All team members must
participate in the presentation. (Refer to the
National Guidelines’ rating sheet)
13. Teams should introduce themselves,
describe the situation, present both
affirmative and negative and make their
recommendations, and summarize their
14. A timekeeper will stand at six (6) minutes
and again at seven (7) minutes. When the
presentation is finished, the time used will
be recorded, noting a deduction of five (5)
points for any presentation over seven (7)
15. Following the presentation, judges will
conduct a three (3) minute question-answer
16. Books, other bound materials, and props will
NOT be allowed.
17. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
18. All performances are open to conference
attendees, except performing
participants of this event.
1. Each local chapter may enter one team of
two or three members.
2. A collaborative objective test will be
administered for this event at the district
and state levels.
3. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 business plans
 community/business relations
 legal issues
 initial capital and credit
 personnel management
 financial management
 marketing management
 taxes
 Government regulations.
4. The finalists at the State level will be
scheduled for a performance time. The
interactive/role play presentation score will
determine the final rank. The written test
score will be used in the event of a tie.
5. At the district level, all members of a team
must take the written test at the same time.
6. At the state level, the written test must be
taken at the scheduled time.
7. An interactive case study will be given
and consist of a decision-making
problem encountered by entrepreneurs
in one or more of the following areas:
business planning, human relations,
financial management, and marketing.
This is a role play event.
All questions raised in the case must be
addressed during the presentation.
Twenty (20) minutes before the
performance, each team will receive the
case study.
Two (2) 4” x 6” note cards will be provided
for each team member and may be used
during the preparation and performance of
the event. Information may be written on
both sides of the note cards. Note cards will
be collected following the presentation.
No reference materials, visual aids, or
electronic devices may be brought to or
used during the preparation or performance.
The team has seven (7) minutes to interact
with a panel of judges and present the
solution to the case. The judges will play
the role of the second party in the
presentation and refer to the case for
specifics. Teams should introduce
themselves, describe the situation, make
their recommendations, and summarize their
case. All team members are expected to
actively participate in the performance.
At the end of six (6) minutes, a timekeeper
will stand until noticed indicating one minute
is left. At seven (7) minutes the time keeper
will stand indicating time is up.
One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event including during the
prep and presentation time.
Performances are not open to conference
1. Each chapter may enter three individuals in
this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 FBLA organization, bylaws, and
 FBLA national awards program
 FBLA national publication
 FBLA creed and national goals
3. Students in grades 7, 8, 9 and 10 are
eligible to participate in this event.
4. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
The top ten will be recognized at the state
5. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter one team of
two or three members.
2. A collaborative objective test will be
administered for this event at the district
and state levels.
3. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 basic international concepts
 ownership and management
 marketing
 finance
 communications including culture and
 legal issues
 human resource management
 ethics
 taxes and government regulations
 currency exchange
 international travel
 career development
4. The finalists at the State level will be
scheduled for a performance time. The
presentation score will determine the final
rank. The written test score will be used in
the event of a tie.
5. At the district level, all members of a team
must take the written test at the same time.
6. At the state level, the written test must be
taken at the scheduled time.
7. An interactive case study will be given
and consist of a problem encountered in
the international/global arena.
8. This is a role play event.
9. All the questions raised in the case must be
addressed during the presentation.
10. Twenty (20) minutes before the
performance, each team will receive the
case study.
11. Two (2) 4” x 6” note cards will be provided
for each team member and may be used
during the preparation and performance of
the event. Information may be written on
both sides of the note cards. Note cards will
be collected following the presentation.
12. No reference materials, visual aids, or
electronic devices may be brought to or
used during the preparation or performance.
13. The team has seven (7) minutes to interact
with a panel of judges and present the
solution to the case. The judges will play
the role of the second party in the
presentation and refer to the case for
Teams should introduce themselves,
describe the situation, make their
recommendations, and summarize their
case. All team members are expected to
actively participate in the performance.
At the end of six (6) minutes, a timekeeper
will stand until noticed indicating one minute
is left. At seven (7) minutes the timekeeper
will stand indicating time is up.
One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event including during the
prep and presentation time.
Performances are not open to conference
1. Each chapter may enter three individuals in
this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 managing office activities
 enhancing communication skills
 identifying legal and ethical issues in
healthcare practices
 managing financial functions
 enhancing employability skills
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written
events as appropriate; however, no
graphing calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm
Pilots), phones, or other memory storage
devices are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter one member.
2. An objective test will be administered for
this event at the district and state levels.
3. Contestant will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 demonstrate the ability to make a
businesslike presentation
 demonstrate effective communication
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
provide ways for the client to solve their
 translate case into effective, efficient,
and spontaneous action
 resolve conflict resolution
The finalists at the State level will be
scheduled for a performance time. The
presentation score will determine the final
rank. The written test score will be used in
the event of a tie.
At the state level, the written test must be
taken at the scheduled time.
An interactive/role-play scenario will be
given based on customer service in the
technical field.
Ten (10) minutes before the performance,
the participant will receive the scenario.
Two (2) 4” x 6” note cards will be provided
the participant and may be used during the
preparation and performance of the
scenario. Information may be written on
both sides of the note cards. Note cards will
be collected following the presentation.
No reference materials, visual aids, or
electronic devices may be brought to or
used during the preparation or performance.
The participant has five (5) minutes to
interact with a panel of judges to
demonstrate in a clear and effective way
how he/she would solve the problem.
Individuals should introduce themselves,
describe the situation, make their
recommendations, and summarize their
All questions raised in the case must be
addressed during the presentation.
This is a role play event with open
exchange between the participant and
the judges throughout the presentation.
At the end of four (4) minutes, a timekeeper
will stand until noticed indicating one minute
is left. At five (5) minutes the timekeeper will
stand indicating time is up.
One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event including during the
prep and preparation time.
Performances are not open to conference
1. Outstanding local chapters are recognized
at the National Leadership Conference with
the Hollis and Kitty Guy Gold Seal Chapter
Award of Merit.
2. To be eligible to be nominated as an
outstanding local chapter from Louisiana,
chapters must submit a Local Chapter
Annual Business Report to Mr. Andrew
Ducote received on or before February 27.
3. The top ten chapters will be recognized at
the State Leadership Conference. Chapter
rankings will be determined by the local
chapter’s participation in state sponsored
events such as O.S.C.A.R., donations to
Mr./Ms. Scholarship Fund, State Chapter
Operations Fund, the Louisiana Foundation,
March of Dimes, Silent Auction, State
Conference plaque donations, etc., the
submission of an American Enterprise
Project, and the quality of the Local Chapter
Annual Business Report.
1. Each local chapter may enter one team of
two or three members.
2. A collaborative objective test will be
administered for this event at the district
and state levels.
3. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 hospitality operation and management
 hotel sales process
 hospitality marketing concepts
 human resource management in
hospitality industry
 environmental, ethical, and global
 customer service in the hospitality
 legal issues, financial management, and
 current hospitality industry trends
 types of hospitality markets and
4. The finalists at the State level will be
scheduled for a performance time. The
presentation score will determine the final
rank. The written test score will be used in
the event of a tie.
5. At the district level, all members of a team
must take the written test at the same
6. At the state level, the written test must be
taken at the scheduled time.
7. Each team will receive a scenario in the
hospitality management industry twenty
(20) minutes before the performance.
8. This is a role play event.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
9. Two (2) 4” x 6” note cards will be provided
for each team member and may be used
during event preparation and performance.
Members may write on both sides of the
card. Note cards will be collected after the
performance. No other reference
materials, visual aids, or electronic devices
may be brought to or used during
preparation or performance.
10. Teams have seven (7) minutes to interact
with a panel of judges and present the
solution to the case.
11. Judges will role-play the second party in
the presentation and refer to the case for
specifics. Teams must introduce
themselves, describe the situation, make
recommendations, and summarize the
case. All team members must actively
participate in the performance.
12. At the end of six (6) minutes, a timekeeper
will stand until noticed indicating one
minute remains. At seven (7) minutes, the
timekeeper will stand indicating time is up.
13. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
14. Calculators can be used in all written
events as appropriate; however, no
graphing calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm
Pilots), phones, or other memory storage
devices are allowed in any event including
during prep and preparation time.
15. Performances are not open to
conference attendees.
1. Each local chapter may enter one member
in the event.
2. Contestants schedule for their speaking time
according to conference instructions.
3. Each contestant will be given the same topic
related to the FBLA-PBL goals. The
participant will have to prepare his/her
speech prior to appearing before the judges.
Any notes must be made during the 10minute preparation period and may be used
when speaking. The note card must be
submitted to the event administrator at the
conclusion of the speech.
4. No reference materials may be used
during the preparation period.
5. Each speech must be from 3:31 to 4:29 in
length. A time keeper will stand at the end
of three (3) minutes and again at four (4)
minutes. A deduction of five (5) points will
be made for any time under 3:31 or over
6. Two (2) 4" x 6" index cards will be provided
and may be used during the preparation and
performance. Information may be written on
both sides of the note card. The cards
MUST be submitted to the event
administrator at the conclusion of the
No visual or speaking aids may be used.
One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
At State, ALL participants must report for
instructions 15 minutes prior to the first
scheduled preparation time.
Performances are not open to conference
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 risk management process
 property and liability insurance
 health, disability, and life insurance
 insurance knowledge
 decision making
 careers
 ethics
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event. Students in grades
7, 8, 9 and 10 are eligible to participate in
this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 money management and banking
 consumerism
 characteristics and organization of
 economic systems
 rights and responsibilities of employees
managers, owners, and government
 career awareness
 global (international) business
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event. Students in grades
7, 8, 9 and 10 are eligible to participate in
this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 grammar
 punctuation
 spelling
 oral communication concepts
 reading comprehension
 word definition and usage
 numbers
 capitalization
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event. Students in grades
7, 8, 9 and 10 are eligible to participate in
this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 computer hardware and software
 operating systems
 common program functions
 word processing
 spreadsheets
 presentation software
 networking concepts
 e-mail and electronic communication
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event. Students in grades
7, 8, 9 and 10 are eligible to participate in
this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 Parliamentary procedure principles
 FBLA National Bylaws
 Robert’s Rules of Order Newly
Revised 11th Edition
 Some questions may be drawn from the
NAP Official Test Bank.
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
5. Participants in this event may not be a
member of their chapter’s Parliamentary
Procedure Team.
3. At the District conference, each
individual participant will take the folders
of materials to the interview. The top two
participants will receive superior ratings
or one-fifth (1/5), whichever is greater.
4. A one page letter of application from the
participant addressed to:
Dr. Terry Johnson, Director
Human Resources
Merit Corporation
1640 Franklin Place
Washington, DC 20041
5. The Merit Corporation is located at the
above address. Company benefits include
paid holidays and vacations, sick leave, a
retirement plan, and health insurance.
Salary will be commensurate with
experience and education. Merit is an equal
opportunity employer.
6. On the State level, (follow the same
guidelines listed in #4 and #5) each
contestant must provide the following in 3
letter-size manila folders:
 One page letter of application
 Brief resume not to exceed two pages
 A completed job application form
The job application form may be
downloaded from the Louisiana FBLA
 Each folder must be labeled with the
name of the school, state, name of
the event, and name of the student.
 No school letterhead.
 Each set should be paper clipped.
 The three (3) letter-size manila
folders containing the letter of
application, resume’, and job
application must be received on or
before FEBRUARY 27.
1. Each local chapter may enter one member.
Students in grades 9 - 12 are eligible to
participate in this event.
2. On the District level, each contestant must
provide the following in 3 letter-size manila
 One page letter of application
 Brief resume not to exceed two pages
 A completed job application form
The job application form may be
downloaded from the Louisiana FBLA
 Each folder must be labeled with the
participant’s name, school, and event
 No school letterhead
 Each set should be paper clipped.
 Photographs are not allowed.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Materials should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
At the State Leadership Conference,
there will be a preliminary round of
judging for all competing in Job
Interview the first day of the state
The interview time for the preliminary
judging will be assigned by the state
The finalists will be announced at the
end of the Opening General Session.
Advisers must schedule the time for
Any member competing in this event
MUST participate in the preliminary
judging on Sunday.
7. Photographs are not allowed. No other
materials will be accepted.
8. A deduction of five (5) points will be made
from the score of participants who do not
adhere to the event guidelines for the
submission of materials.
9. Those who qualify for national
conference need to refer to the
criteria for the National Leadership
Conference competition.
1. Each local chapter is eligible for this event.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
3. First, second, and third place state winners
are eligible for national competition.
4. The report format:
 Table of contents with page numbers.
 Follow the rating sheet sequence in
writing the report. If information is
not available for a particular criterion,
include a statement to that effect in
the report. Pages are numbered and
must be on 8 1/2” x 11” paper. Each
side of the paper providing
information is counted as a page.
 Pages must not be laminated or
bound in sheet protectors.
 Reports must not exceed 15 pages (a
title page, divider pages, and
appendices are optional and must be
included in the page count).
 Copies should be sent rather than
important documents. No items may
be attached to any page in the
 Report covers must be cover stock,
index stock, or card stock and
include both a front and back cover.
 Report covers are not counted
against the page limit and may
contain other information unless they
are cut out.
 Covers may not be in plastic binders,
be laminated, or have a plastic sheet
overlaying the printed cover. No
items, such as labels or decals, may
be attached to the front cover. Twoor three-ring binders are not
acceptable report covers.
 Cutout cover stock covers are
allowed, but the page containing the
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
cover information is included in the
page count.
 Front cover contains the following
information: name of the school,
state, name of the event, name(s) of
the student(s) and year (201x-–1x)
The report must be prepared by student
members, not advisers. Advisers may serve
as consultants to ensure that the report is
well organized, contains substantiated
statements, and is written in a business
The report must describe activities of the
local chapter, which were conducted
between the start of the previous State
Leadership Conference and the start of
the current State Leadership Conference.
The report format should follow the same
sequence given on the rating sheet. If
information is not available for a particular
criterion, include a statement to that effect in
the report. The report must be similar to that
of a business report with substantiated
statements in clear and concise format.
Creativity through design and use of
meaningful graphics is encouraged. (Refer
to the National Guidelines’ rating sheet.).
The number of awards presented at the
State Conference will be determined by the
judges and/or number of entries received.
The maximum number is 10.
A chapter must submit an Annual Business
Report in order to be eligible for nomination
for a National Gold Seal Chapter Award of
The report must be received on or before
Two (2) copies of the report should be
Reports should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
13. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
1. The Louisiana Who’s Who In FBLA Award is
an award of distinction given to the
outstanding FBLA member each year.
2. Each local chapter may enter one member.
Students in grades 11 - 12 are eligible to
participate in this event.
3. The contestant must have completed the
Future level of the FBLA-PBL Business
Achievement Award.
4. Criteria to be considered in the selection of
the contestant for this award should include:
 Participation in competitive events on
the District, State, and National level
 Office, chairperson, and committee
membership on local, district, state, and
national levels
 Contributions to chapter projects and
participation in state and nationally
approved projects
 Contributions to and participation in
other organizations and activities
 Academic achievement
 Knowledge of FBLA-PBL History
5. The winner of the Louisiana Who’s Who in
FBLA will represent Louisiana for the
National Who’s Who in FBLA Award at the
FBLA National Leadership Conference.
(National Officers are automatically
recognized as Who’s Who winners.)
6. The Louisiana Who’s Who winner receives a
plaque and an expense-paid trip to the
National Leadership Conference.
7. A scholarship will be awarded to the top
three winners in this event in the amount of
$500 each.
8. Applicants should prepare and submit:
 three (3) letters of application for the
 three (3) brief resumes (no more than
two pages) describing his/her major
contributions and accomplishments as a
member of FBLA.
 Applications to the state office should be
received on or before FEBRUARY 27.
9. Each applicant must provide three (3)
folders, each labeled with name of the
school, state, name of the event, and
name of the student. The following must
be contained in the letter-size folders:
 A one-page letter of application. The
letter should state the reasons the
participant is deserving of the award and
should be addressed to:
c/o Louisiana FBLA
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
Brief resume of the participant (not to
exceed two pages).
No school letterhead.
Each set should be paper clipped.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Three sets of materials must be
Application materials will not be returned.
Refer to the rating sheet in the guidelines.
Nominees must be selected in accordance
with the regulations of the State chapter and
the National association.
If the State chapter nominee is unable to
attend the National Leadership Conference,
the State may designate another of its
delegates to accept the award for the
1. Each local chapter may enter one team of
two or three members.
2. A collaborative objective test will be
administered for this event at the district
and state levels.
3. Teams will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 basic marketing functions (price,
product, place, and promotion)
 economics
 selling & merchandising
 channels of distribution
 legal and social aspects of marketing
 promotion, advertising media, legal and
social aspects of marketing
 e-commerce
4. The finalists at the State level will be
scheduled by the adviser for a performance
time. The presentation score will determine
the final rank. The written test score will be
used in the event of a tie.
5. At the district level, teams will take the
written test.
6. At the state level, the written test must be
taken at the scheduled time.
7. The team who takes the written test must
participate in the presentation.
8. A marketing problem is proposed and a
solution is discussed.
9. This is a role play event.
10. Twenty (20) minutes before the
performance, the team will receive the
11. Two (2) 4” x 6” note cards will be provided
for each team member and may be used
during the preparation and performance of
the event. Information may be written on
both sides of the note cards. Note cards will
be collected following the presentation.
12. No reference materials, visual aids, or
electronic devices may be brought to or
used during the preparation or performance.
13. The team has seven (7) minutes to interact
with a panel of judges and present the
solution to the problem. The judges will play
the role of the second party in the
presentation and refer to the problem for
specifics. All team members must actively
participate in the performance.
All questions raised in the problem must be
addressed during the presentation.
At the end of (6) minutes, a timekeeper will
stand until noticed indicating one minute is
left. At seven (7) minutes the timekeeper
will stand indicating time is up.
One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event including during
prep and preparation time.
Performances are not open to conference
1. Each chapter may enter one member in
each event. Students in grades 9 - 12 are
eligible to participate in this event.
2. First place winners at the district
conferences will receive a cash award at
the state conference. The first place
winners at state will receive a $1000 cash
award at the state conference.
3. On the District level, contestants will be
given a one hour written objective test,
which may consist of the following
 Current Events
 General business concepts and
knowledge such as accounting,
economics, law, communication, math,
technology, business procedures, and
international business
 FBLA-PBL history, programs, and
 Parliamentary procedure.
4. On the District and State levels, each
contestant must provide the following for
judges and each folder should be labeled
with the name of the school, state, name of
the event, and name of the student. The
following must be contained in THREE (3)
letter-size manila folders:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
Brief resume` of the participant (not to
exceed two pages).
 No school letterhead.
 Each set should be paper clipped.
 Include participant’s name on all
pages submitted.
5. At the District level, each participant will take
the folder of materials to the interview.
Interview times will be scheduled during
conference registration.
6. For the State Conference, applicants
should prepare and submit the following in
THREE (3) letter-size manila folders
 A one-page letter of application. The
letter of application should be
addressed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
A one-page letter of application. The
letter of application should be
addressed to:
Brief resume` of the participant (not to
exceed two pages).
 No school letterhead.
 Each set should be paper clipped.
 Include participant’s name on all
pages submitted.
 Applications to the state office must be
received on or before FEBRUARY 27.
Photographs are not allowed. No other
materials will be accepted.
At District conferences, the interview score
sheets are added together and averaged.
The interview average score and the written
test score are added together to determine
the superior winners. (Refer to the National
Guidelines’ rating sheet.)
At the State Conference, the written test will
determine the finalists who go on to be
interviewed. The interview average score
(Refer to the National Guidelines’ rating
sheet.) and the written test score are added
together to determine the order of winners.
At the State Conference, a written test will
be given. Those students placing in the top
ten will be announced at the opening
session. Interview times will be scheduled
after the first general session by the adviser.
A deduction of up to five (5) points will
be made from the interview score for
submission of materials that do not
adhere to the event guidelines.
12. At the national level, Mr. and Ms. FBL have
been combined into a single Future
Business Leader Event. Each state will be
allowed three nominees at the NLC. The
three members who will represent Louisiana
FBLA in this event will be the winners of Mr.
FBL and Ms. FBL and the person scoring
the highest on the Mr./Ms. FBL written exam
at the FBLA State Leadership Conference.
13. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e. Palm Pilots), phones
or other memory storage devices are
allowed in any event.
14. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
The 11th edition of Robert’s Rules of Order
Newly Revised is used for the written test and
for demonstrations.
1. Each chapter may enter one team
composed of four or five members-president, vice president, secretary,
treasurer, and a participating member. All
team members must be from one local
2. First place winners at the district
conferences will receive a cash award at
the state conference. The first place team
at state will receive a $1000 cash award
at the state conference.
3. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 principles of parliamentary procedure
 FBLA National bylaws.
4. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised
11th edition and other materials will be
used for test questions.
5. At the state conference, final ranking will
be determined by adding the total written
scores to the total performance scores.
6. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
7. Finalists will schedule demonstration times
at the State conference immediately
following the First General Session.
8. All team members must take the
Parliamentary Procedure test at the same
time. All team members who take the test
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
must participate in the demonstration at the
state level.
Teams will be given 20 minutes to prepare
their demonstrations and may use reference
materials during this time. Performance
time may be from 8:31 to 11:29 without any
deduction. A timekeeper will stand at eight
(8) minutes. One (1) point will be deducted
for each full half-minute (30 seconds) under
or over the specified time.
The performance must include a
presentation of the procedures which are
used in a complete regular meeting of the
chapter from the time the meeting is called
to order by the president until it is adjourned.
Items designated in the problem must be
included in the appropriate order of
business, but other items should also be
taken up at the meeting.
The problem may or may not include each
class of motion, but all five classes of
motions-main, subsidiary, privileged,
incidental, and motions that bring a question
again before the assembly-must be
demonstrated during the performance.
Parliamentary Procedure reference
materials may be used during the
preparation period.
The following items may be taken into the
performance room: the problem, the
treasurer’s report, a copy of the minutes
from the previous meeting, one copy of the
agenda, and paper for recording the minutes
of the meeting. No reference materials may
be used during performance.
Minutes from the demonstration will not be
submitted to the judges.
At least two teams will receive superior
ratings at District. At the State Leadership
Conference, the top ten teams with the
highest average score on the written test will
schedule a performance time with official
The applicant for Parliamentarian earning
the highest score on the written test will be
appointed to the position by the State
Rating Sheets – Refer to the National
Guidelines’ rating sheet.
Performances are not open to conference
1. Each local chapter may submit one project
for this event.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
3. First, second, and third place state winners
are eligible for national competition.
4. This project is designed to increase the
number of chapters working in partnership
with local businesses. The report should
demonstrate the development and
implementation of an innovative, creative,
and effective partnership plan.
5. Include: description of the partnership
goals and planning activities; roles of
business leaders and chapter members in
developing and implementing the
partnership; results, concepts learned, and
impact of the project provided; degree of
involvement (hours spent, personal contact
executives and department heads
contracted); and examples of publicity and
recognition received as a result of the
6. The report format:
 Table of contents with page numbers.
 Follow the rating sheet sequence in
writing the report. (Refer to the
National Guidelines rating sheet). If
information is not available for a
particular criterion, include a
statement to that effect in the report.
Pages are numbered and must be on
8 1/2” x 11” paper. Each side of the
paper providing information is
counted as a page.
 Pages must not be laminated or
bound in sheet protectors.
 Reports must not exceed 15 pages (a
title page, divider pages, and
appendices are optional and must be
included in the page count).
 Copies should be sent rather than
important documents. No items may
be attached to any page in the
 Report covers must be cover stock,
index stock, or card stock and
include both a front and back cover.
 Report covers are not counted
against the page limit and may
contain other information unless they
are cut out.
 Covers may not be in plastic binders,
be laminated, or have a plastic sheet
overlaying the printed cover. No
items, such as labels or decals, may
be attached to the front cover. Twoor three-ring binders are not
acceptable report covers.
 Cutout cover stock covers are
allowed, but the page containing the
cover information is included in the
page count.
 Front cover contains the following
information: name of the school,
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
state, name of the event, name(s) of
the student(s) and year (201x-–1x)
 The report must be prepared by student
members, not advisers. Advisers may
serve as consultants to ensure that the
report is well organized, contains
substantial statements, and is written in
a business style.
 Reports must describe activities of the
local chapters, which were conducted
between the start of the previous State
Leadership Conference and the start of
the current State Leadership
Reports must follow the same sequence
shown on the rating sheet. (Refer to the
National Guidelines’ rating sheet.)
Penalty points will be given if the written
project doesn’t adhere to the report cover
and report contents guidelines.
Reports must be received on or before
Two (2) copies of the report should be
Reports should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
12. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the National Guidelines for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 financial principles related to personal
decision making
 earning a living (income, taxes)
 managing budgets and finance
 saving and investing
 buying goods and services
 banking, credit, and insurance.
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
1. Each chapter may submit one entry.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
3. The topic to be developed in this
presentation and submitted for
competition for the 2015 State and
National Leadership Conference will be:
Green Teens – Produce a PSA that points
out simple life change teens can make
that will impact our environment in a
positive way.
4. Participants must research and form an
objective on the given topic (social issue).
Student members, not advisers, must
prepare the presentations.
5. Presentation of the video must be conducted
by competitors who authored the event.
6. The video should be 30 seconds in
length and a script is required.
7. The presentation may include, but not
limited to, elements such as graphics,
pictures, music, voice over, sound and text.
8. The production may use any method to
capture or create moving images.
9. The presentation is an explanation of the
topic research, script development, and
video production.
10. The public service announcement must be
shown to the judges during the presentation.
11. The presentation should include the team’s
objective toward the topic, major findings
from the topic research, the script writing
process, use of different video techniques, a
list of equipment and software used, and
copyright issues with pictures, music or
other items.
12. Competitors are expected to follow all
applicable copyright laws. Refer to the
Format Guide for copyright guidelines.
13. Competitors must bring their own script copy
if they want to refer to it during the
14. Any photographs, texts, trademarks, or
names used on the site must be supported
by proper documentation and approvals
indicated on the site.
15. Visual aids related to the project may be
used; however, no items may be left with the
judges or audience.
16. Five (5) minutes will be allowed to set up
and remove equipment.
17. Teams will have five (5) minutes to describe
the project and show their video.
18. At the end of four (4) minutes, a timekeeper
will stand until noticed indicating one minute
is left. At the end of five (5) minutes a
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
timekeeper will stand until noticed indicating
time is up.
When the presentation is finished, the
timekeeper will record the time used, noting
a deduction of five (5) points for any time
over five (5) minutes.
Following each presentation, judges will
conduct a three (3) minute question-answer
A Statement of Assurance entry form
may be downloaded from the Louisiana
FBLA website.
Two (2) copies of the TYPED Statement
of Assurance entry form along with three
(3) copies of the script to be submitted in
three (3) standard file folders and the
folder tab labeled with the name of the
school, state, name of the event, and
name(s) of the student(s) must be
completed and received on or before
24. The Statement of Assurance entry form
and copies of the script should be mailed
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
25. All performances are open to conference
attendees, except performing participants
of this event.
1. Each local chapter may enter one member.
Students in grades 7, 8, 9 and 10 are
eligible to participate in this event.
2. The speech should be 3:31 to 4:29 in length.
The content must be of a business nature
and must be developed from one or more of
the nine (9) FBLA-PBL goals.
3. When delivering his/her speech, the
participant may use notes or note cards.
4. No visual aids may be used.
5. Each speech must be from 3:31 to 4:29 in
length. A time keeper will stand at the end
of three (3) minutes. A deduction of five (5)
points will be made for any time under 3:31
or over 4:29. (Refer to the National
Guidelines’ rating sheet.)
6. All performances are open to conference
attendees, except performing
participants of this event.
1. Each local chapter may enter one member.
2. The speech should be 4:31 to 5:29 in length.
The content must be of a business nature
and must be developed from one or more of
the nine (9) FBLA-PBL goals.
3. When delivering his/her speech, the
participant may use notes or note cards.
4. No visual aids may be used.
5. Each speech must be from 4:31 to 5:29 in
length. A time keeper will stand at the end
of four (4) minutes. A deduction of five (5)
points will be made for any time under 4:31
or over 5:29. (Refer to the National
Guidelines’ rating sheet.)
6. All performances are open to conference
attendees, except performing
participants of this event.
A one-page letter of application. The
letter should state the reasons the
participant is deserving of the honor of
the award and should be addressed to:
Richard D. Clanton Awards
c/o Louisiana FBLA
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
1. The Richard D. Clanton Memorial
Scholarship Award is an award of distinction
given to an outstanding FBLA member each
year in memory of Louisiana’s Father of
FBLA. Each local chapter may enter one
member. Students in grades 11 - 12 are
eligible to participate in this event.
2. Criteria to be considered in the selection of
the contestant for this award should include:
 Participation in competitive events on
the District, State, and National level
 Office, chairpersonships, and committee
membership on local, district, state, and
national levels
 Contributions to chapter projects and
participation in state and nationally
approved projects
 Contributions to and participation in
other organizations and activities
 Academic achievement
 Knowledge of Louisiana FBLA History
3. The RDC winner receives a special plaque
and a $500 scholarship. The winner’s
school also receives a plaque. In addition,
the RDC winner’s name is engraved in the
RDC monument marker located at
Northwestern State University in
Natchitoches, Louisiana.
4. Applicants should prepare and submit:
three (3) letters of application for the
three (3) brief resumes (no more than
two pages) describing his/her major
contributions and accomplishments as a
member of FBLA.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Applications to the state office must be
received on or before FEBRUARY 27.
The Clanton family will be responsible
for reviewing the letters and resumes
and selecting the finalists to appear
before a panel of judges during the
State Leadership Conference.
Each applicant must provide three (3)
folders, each labeled with the name
of the school, state, name of the
event, and name of the student. The
following must be contained in the
letter-size folders:
Brief resume` of the participant (not to
exceed two pages).
 No school letterhead.
 Each set should be paper clipped.
 Three sets of materials must be
5. Application materials will not be returned.
Refer to the rating sheet in the guidelines.
1. Each chapter may submit one entry.
2. Entries are created by an individual
3. Participation in this event will allow the
individuals to demonstrate proficiency in
selling techniques, merchandise knowledge,
and presenting to the customer.
Participants will sell a product or concept
of their choice to the judges.
4. The presentation is a sales pitch and
demonstration to the judges.
5. The presentation will be developed prior to
the SLC and will be used when giving the
Sales Presentation.
6. The individual shall provide the necessary
materials and merchandise for the
demonstration along with the product.
7. Each participant’s demonstration must be
the result of his/her own efforts. Facts and
working data may be secured from any
8. Student members, not advisers, must
prepare the demonstration.
9. Visual aids and samples related to the
presentation may be used in the preparation
and presentation however; no items may be
left with the judges or audience.
10. When delivering the demonstration, the
participant may use notes, note cards, and
props. All materials must be removed at the
end of the performance.
11. Five (5) minutes will be allowed to set up
and remove equipment or presentation
12. The individual must perform all aspects of
the presentation (e.g., speaking, setup,
operating equipment). Other members of
the chapter may not provide assistance.
13. The individual has seven (7) minutes to
present to the judges.
14. At the end of six (6) minutes, a timekeeper
will stand until noticed indicating one minute
is left. At seven (7) minutes the timekeeper
will record the time used, noting a deduction
of five (5) points for any time over the seven
15. Following each presentation, judges will
conduct a three (3) minute question-answer
16. Refer to the National Guidelines rating
18. At the State Leadership Conference,
there will be a preliminary round of
judging for all competing in Sales
Presentation the first day of the state
19. The presentation time for the preliminary
judging will be assigned by the state
20. The finalists will be announced at the
opening session of the state conference.
Adviser must schedule the time for
21. Any member competing in this event
MUST participate in the preliminary
judging on Sunday.
22. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
23. All final performances are open to
conference attendees, except performing
participants of this event.
On the state level, this is a prejudged
event. Competitors do not make a
presentation before judges. However,
those qualifying for national competition
will have to make a presentation not to
exceed seven (7) minutes. This
presentation must include the produced
“content” or “final product” of the Social
Media Campaign event. Refer to the
FBLA National Guidelines for more
The topic to be developed and submitted
for competition for the 2015 State and
National Leadership Conference will be:
Your adviser wants to increase FBLA
membership by 10 percent over last
year’s number. As the Recruitment
Committee Chair, your task is to develop
a comprehensive communications plan.
Due to your limited budget, a critical
element of your plan will involve social
Develop a social media marketing plan
for your back-to-school recruitment
event. Because students decide within
the first two weeks of the school year
which student organizations they will
join, this event is a critical recruitment
tool and is highly visible to both your
chapter members and the school
community. You are competing against a
number of diverse student organizations,
so your campaign needs to have a strong
1. Each chapter may submit one entry.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Use at least three social media platforms
(e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,
Instagram, Tmblr, etc.) and utilize a
creative mix of video, photos, and
copywriting text to promote the unique
benefits of FBLA to your target audience.
The content can be originally produced,
or leverage existing materials, while still
adhering to copyright law.
Incorporate a mix of owned, earned, and
paid media (note: if social
advertisements are part of your
marketing strategy, it is not necessary to
set them to be “live”). All information
used may represent your local chapter or
be based solely off of a fictitious student
The production is an explanation of the
The production should:
 Effectively address a recruitment
opportunity and a strategic approach to
targeting prospective members, as well
as engaging existing members.
 Topic is addressed effectively and is
appropriate for the audience.
 Campaign has high level of engagement
and interactivity: Likes, Shares,
Retweets, RSVPs, etc.
 Demonstrates knowledge of social media
marketing beyond community
management, including but not limited to:
developing unique content, effectively
utilizing existing content, optimizing
content for search, distributing content
across as may platforms as possible
within a limited budget.
 Describe any applicable insight/research
methodology as to why you have chosen
specific platforms, messaging, content,
engagement, and outreach strategies.
 Overall campaign – images, videos,
copywriting, graphic designs (if
applicable) – is creative and appealing.
 Final product indicates a clear thought
process, a well-formulated campaign,
and execution of a firm idea.
 Effectively communicate required
information and drive the campaign
toward a clear call-to-action.
 Competitors are expected to follow all
applicable copyright laws. Refer to the
Format Guide for copyright guidelines.
8. Competitors must prepare projects.
Advisers and others are not permitted to
9. Production of the entry must be conducted
by competitors who authored the event.
10. The URL must be sent to the state chair with
the Statement of Assurance. Information
should be typed. The address submitted
must be accurate and legible in order for the
judges to access the social media platforms
used in this event.
11. A Statement of Assurance entry form
may be downloaded from the Louisiana
FBLA website.
12. Two (2) copies of the TYPED Statement
of Assurance entry form) must be
completed and received on or before
13. Entries should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt D
Kenner, LA 70065
14. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
1. Each local chapter may enter one team of
two or three members.
2. A collaborative objective test will be
administered for this event at the district
and state levels.
3. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 management basics
 events management
 management functions
 decision making
 management strategies
 strategic planning tools
 networking and delegating
 careers in entertainment industry
 leadership
 managing groups and teams
 ethics
 management for entertainment industry
 marketing concept and buyer behavior
 marketing information management and
 marketing mix and product life cycle
 distribution, pricing, and market
 promotion, advertising, and sponsorship
 sales
 entrepreneurship
 human resource management
4. The finalists at the State level will be
scheduled for a performance time. The
presentation score will determine the final
rank. The written test score will be used in
the event of a tie.
5. At the district level, all members of a team
must take the written test at the same
6. At the state level, the written test must be
taken at the scheduled time.
7. An interactive case study will consist of
an analysis of a computing environment
situation and recommendation for a
network solution that addresses the
issues provided.
8. This is a role play event.
9. Each team will receive the case study
twenty (20) minutes before the
10. Two (2) 4” x 6” note cards will be provided
for each team member and may be used
during event preparation and performance.
Both sides of the note card may be used.
Note cards will be collected after the
presentation. No other reference materials,
visual aids, or electronic devices may be
brought or used.
11. Teams have seven (7) minutes to interact
with a panel of judges and present a case
solution. Judges will role play the second
party in the presentation and refer to the
case for specifics. All team members must
actively participate in the performance.
12. Teams must introduce themselves,
describe the situation, make their
recommendations, and summarize the
13. All questions raised in the case must be
addressed during the presentation.
14. At the end of six 6) minutes, a timekeeper
will stand until noticed indicating one
minute is left. At seven (7) minutes, the
timekeeper will stand indicating time is up.
15. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
16. Calculators can be used in all written
events as appropriate; however, no
graphing calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm
Pilots), phones, or other memory storage
devices are allowed in any event including
during prep and preparation time.
17. Performances are not open to
conference attendees.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 formulas
 functions
 graphics, charts, reports
 purpose of spreadsheets
 pivot tables and advanced tools
 macros and templates
 filters and extraction of data
 format and print options
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
5. “School Site” production testing will be
administered by the State Office and sent to
National Office for grading. The contestants
will attend the NLC for the written portion of
the test.
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
1. Each chapter may submit one entry.
2. Entries may be created by an individual
member or a team of two to three members.
3. The topic to be addressed by the Web
site developed for competition at the
2015 State and National Leadership
Conference will be:
Develop a website for Cycle Fitness, a
new company opening up in New York
City. The shop’s address is 123 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 20013.
The store will be selling a variety of
bicycles including road bikes, mountain
bikes, cycle cross bikes, folding bikes,
electric-assist bikes, women’s bikes,
children bikes, etc. The owner also plans
to have seminars on bike safety, cycling
for fitness, choosing the right bike, etc.
as well as have monthly cycle trips in an
out of the city. Highlight the different
type of bicycles, seminars, and trips.
Include a Q & A section and contact
The website may incorporate Internet
standards, such as Flash or similar
animation software, Java or JavaScript,
photo galleries, PDF documents, audio
and video, etc. The website should include
elements such as page layout, navigational
scheme, graphics/multimedia use, site
content, and correct business format.
 The website must be prepared by
student members, not advisers.
Advisers may serve as consultants to
ensure that the website is well
organized, contains substantial
statements, and is presented in a
professional manner.
 Any photographs, text, trademarks, or
names that are used on the site must be
supported by proper documentation and
approvals. Members are expected to
follow all applicable copyright laws and
may be disqualified if items are used
4. Entries not adhering to these regulations will
be disqualified. (Refer to the National
Guidelines’ rating sheet.)
5. A Statement of Assurance entry form
may be downloaded from the Louisiana
FBLA website.
6. Two (2) copies of the TYPED Statement
of Assurance entry form must be
completed and received on or before
7. The Statement of Assurance entry form
should be mailed to:
Andrew Ducote, State Adviser
Louisiana FBLA
4200 Chateau Blvd. Apt. D
Kenner, LA 70065
8. Those who qualify for nationals need to
refer to the NATIONAL GUIDELINES for
additional criteria for the National
Leadership Conference competition.
9. An official entry form must be completed
and submitted by the state chair for
national competition. This form will be
provided to you after the state
conference to list the following
information: chapter name, participants’
names, school, city, state, and URL.
1. Each local chapter may enter three
individuals in this event.
2. Contestants will be given a one hour written
objective test, which may consist of the
following competencies:
 sharing and maintaining documents
 page layout and reusable content
 formatting content
 illustrations and graphics
 grammar, punctuation, spelling, and
 references and hyperlinks
 mail merge options
 printing
 related application knowledge
3. One-fifth of those competing will receive a
superior rating at the district conference.
The top ten will be recognized at the state
4. Calculators can be used in all written events
as appropriate; however, no graphing
calculators, PDAs (i.e., Palm Pilots),
phones, or other memory storage devices
are allowed in any event.
5. The State Office will administer “School Site”
production testing. The contestants will
attend the NLC for the written portion of the
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Preliminary Rating Sheet
Points given may range between zero (0) and the maximum number indicated.
Clear and concise presentation of facts with logical arrangement
Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and acceptable business style
Evidence of career knowledge and career plans
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 5
Offices sought or held
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the district level
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the state level
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the national level
Committee membership on the local, state, and national levels
Contributions to chapter projects and participation in state and
national projects and activities
_____ 10
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 5
Academic achievement
_____ 5
Membership in and participation in other organizations
_____ 5
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Final Rating Sheet
Points given may range between zero (0) and the maximum number indicated.
Clear and concise presentation of facts with logical arrangement
Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and acceptable business style
Evidence of career knowledge and career plans
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 5
Offices sought or held
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the district level
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the state level
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the national level
Committee membership on the local, state, and national levels
Contributions to chapter projects and participation in state and
national projects and activities
_____ 10
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 5
Academic achievement
_____ 5
Membership in and participation in other organizations
_____ 5
Poise and Maturity
Self-Confidence, Initiative, and Assertiveness
Personal Appearance (Grooming and Appropriate Business Attire)
Communication Skills
Knowledge of Mr. Richard D. Clanton/History of Louisiana FBLA
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 10
_____ 15
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Preliminary Rating Sheet
Points given may range between zero (0) and the maximum number indicated.
Clear and concise presentation of facts with logical arrangement
Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and acceptable business style
Evidence of career knowledge and career plans
Offices sought or held
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the district level
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the state level
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the national level
Committee membership on the local, state, and national levels
Contributions to chapter projects and participation in state and
national projects and activities
_____ 5
_____ 5
Academic Achievement
_____ 5
Membership in and participation in other organizations
_____ 5
JUDGE’S SIGNATURE________________________________________________________
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
Final Rating Sheet
Points given may range between zero (0) and the maximum number indicated.
Clear and concise presentation of facts with logical arrangement
Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and acceptable business style
Evidence of career knowledge and career plans
Offices sought or held
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the district level
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the state level
Achievement/Participation in competitive events on the national level
Committee membership on the local, state, and national levels
Contributions to chapter projects and participation in state and
national projects and activities
_____ 5
_____ 5
Academic Achievement
_____ 5
Membership in and participation in other organizations
_____ 5
Poise and Maturity
Self-Confidence, Initiative, and Assertiveness
Personal Appearance (Grooming and Appropriate Business Attire)
Communication Skills
_____ 5
_____ 5
_____ 5
JUDGE’S SIGNATURE________________________________________________________
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
This form shall be duplicated as needed for each attendant to participate with or for FBLA
sponsored activities. It should be completed and on file with the local adviser for District and
State Conferences; on file with the State Chair/Adviser for National Conferences. This
completed form is MANDATORY to be eligible for conference participation.
School:____________________________________ Adviser: __________________________________
School Address and Telephone Number: ________________________________________________
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
Name of FBLA Participant
Address of Participant (Street Address, City, State , ZIP)
Home Telephone Number
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian to Contact in Case of Emergency
Address of Parent/Guardian
Telephone Number (Work & Home)
Name of Participant’s Medical Doctor
Telephone Number of Doctor
Name of Health Insurance Company/Address and Telephone Number of Insurance Company
Insurance Policy Number
I hereby give my permission for my son/daughter to participate in FBLA District, State, and
National Conference(s). I understand that should an emergency occur, the above person(s)
and/or company will be contacted to provide information/assistance for my child. I absolve
the local school adviser(s), chaperone(s), and administration and Louisiana FBLA, Inc. of
__________________________________________ _________________________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines
FBLA-PBL® members and advisers should develop an awareness of the image one’s
appearance projects. The purpose of the dress code is to uphold the professional image of the
association and its members and to prepare students for the business world. Appropriate attire
is required for all attendees – advisers, members, and guests – at all general sessions,
competitive events, regional meetings, workshops, and other activities unless otherwise stated
in the conference program. Conference name badges are part of this dress code and must be
worn for all conference functions. For safety reasons, do not wear name badges when touring.
Professional attire acceptable for official FBLA-PBL® activities include:
Business suit with collar dress shirt, and necktie or
Sport coat, dress slacks, collar shirt, and necktie or
Dress slacks, collar shirt, and necktie
Banded collar shirt may be worn only if sport coat or business suit is worn
Dress shoes and socks
 Business suit with blouse or
 Business pantsuit with blouse or
 Skirt or dress slacks with blouse or sweater or
 Business dress
 Capris or gauchos with coordinating jacket/suit, worn below the knee
 Dress shoes
Inappropriate attire, for both men and women, includes:
 Jewelry in visible body piercing, other than ears
 Denim or chambray fabric clothing of any kind, overalls, shorts, skorts, stretch or stirrup
pants, exercise or bike shorts
 Backless, see-through, tight-fitting, spaghetti straps, strapless, extremely short, or lowcut blouses/tops/dresses/skirts
 T-shirts, Lycra™, spandex, midriff tops, tank tops, bathing suits
 Sandals, athletic shoes, industrial work shoes, hiking boots, bare feet, or over-thekneeboots
 Athletic wear, including sneakers
 Hats or flannel fabric clothing
 Bolo ties
 Visible foundation garments
CLARIFICATION–Many women’s two-piece suits are currently designed so that they do not
require a blouse. Therefore, this will be accepted. In addition, sling-back shoes, open-toe shoes,
and sleeveless dresses are accepted.
Revised 1/9/2009
Louisiana FBLA Guidelines