Jo-Carroll Depot Local Redevelopment Authority (LRA)

Jo-Carroll Depot Local Redevelopment Authority
Finance & Personnel Committee
9:00 a.m., Tuesday, July 19, 2011
3651 Crim Drive, Suite 1
Savanna Depot Business, Industry & Technology Park
Savanna, IL
I: Call to Order:
Vice-Chairman Bill Wright called the meeting to
order at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 19, 2011.
II: Roll Call was answered as follows:
Present: Don Crawford, Paul
Hartman, Bill Robinson and Bill Wright. Absent: Ed Olds. Other
Board members and staff present: Ron Smith, Mara Roche and Jan
Guests: Ole Pace (RVPR) and Sharon Pepin (TCEDA).
III: Agenda Additions – None.
IV: Approval of Minutes of June 21, 2011
A motion to approve the Finance/Personnel Committee minutes
from June 21, 2011 was made by Paul Hartman, seconded by Don
The motion carried by voice vote.
Executive Session
A motion to enter into executive session at 9:03 a.m. as permitted
for the following under:
5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) for: the appointment, employment,
discipline, performance or dismissal of specific
employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body,
including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an
employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public
body to determine its
was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Don Crawford. The
motion carried by roll call vote as follows:
Hartman, Bill Robinson, Bill Wright.
Don Crawford, Paul
Ayes: 4, Nays: 0.
All guests were excused. Board member Ron Smith and staff were
Board member Bill McFadden arrived at 9:18 a.m.
A motion to return to open session at 10:00 a.m. was made by
Don Crawford, seconded by Paul Hartman.
roll call vote as follows:
Robinson, Bill Wright.
The motion carried by
Don Crawford, Paul Hartman, Bill
Ayes: 4, Nays: 0.
Guests returned to open session.
Board member Steve Keeffer and Tim Schoenig (LRA WWTO)
arrived at 10:00 a.m.
Tom Kamper (RVPR), Amy Maresca, James Law and Elizabeth Lind
were also present.
VII: Old Business:
A. Special reports, updates requested by committee – Jan Davis
presented a pledge report from THE National Bank.
She also reported
that the IRS has increased the mileage rate from 51 cents per mile to
55.5 cents per mile for July 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 in
recognition of the recent gasoline price increases.
The committee
discussed approval of invoices for payment as Dr. Ed Olds has resigned
from the committee. It was decided that approval would go back to the
Executive Director.
Also SBM was called as our fax machine’s display
window was no longer working.
They said it is too old to repair and
sent proposals for a new fax machine as well as a new copier that could
do faxing and scanning.
The committee reviewed the proposals and
decided to get a new fax machine at a local office supply store.
B. Parcel 3B Plat – No update.
VIII: New Business
Annual review of designated depositories – the Committee
reviewed the list of current designated depositories.
A motion to recommend to the full board to recognize and accept
the following financial institutions as the designated depositories of
LRA funds:
Apple River State Bank,
Citizens State Bank,
Dupaco Community Credit Union,
East Dubuque Savings Bank,
Exchange State Bank,
First Community Bank of Galena,
First Savanna Savings Bank,
First State Bank,
Galena State Bank & Trust,
Milledgeville State Bank,
Mt. Carroll Banking Center,
Savanna-Thomson State Bank,
The National Bank,
US Bank,
Apple River, Elizabeth, Hanover, Scales Mound;
East Dubuque
Shannon; Lake Carroll
Mt. Carroll
Mt. Carroll, (branch of Pearl City Bank)
Mt. Carroll, Savanna, Thomson
Chadwick, Mt. Carroll, Savanna.
was made by Paul Hartman, seconded by Bill Robinson.
motion carried by voice vote.
Outstanding invoices, if any – Report was reviewed.
Funds on hand – As of July 18, 2011 the grand total of LRA
money was $1,685,884.15.
CD transfers, if any – Rate inquiry results will be ready at the
August Board meeting for the CD maturing on August 1st.
Also to be
discussed at the August Board meeting is signers for CDs as Dr. Ed
Olds has resigned.
Bills over $2,500., if any – None.
Sewer Credit – The Committee reviewed A&B Holdings’ request
for credit of excess sewer charges.
A motion to recommend to the full board to give a credit of $569.75 to
A&B Holdings for the excess sewer charges on their 4th quarter 2010
water/sewer invoice was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Paul
The motion carried by voice vote.
LP comparison for buildings 255 & 252 – The Committee
reviewed the LP costs for the two buildings as well as moving costs.
A motion to recommend to the full board to move the LRA office from
building 255 to building 252 was made by Paul Hartman, seconded by
Bill Robinson.
The motion carried by voice vote.
Tenant security – Tom Kamper reported that he spoke with the
They can furnish a Deputy and his car for $30/hour. The
Deputy is responsible for gas and maintenance of the car, and the state
carries the insurance.
If there is any interest going forward, Carroll
County Sheriff Jeff Doran is available to attend a meeting to answer any
Bill Wright reported that we are waiting for a proposal from
Riverport, so this will remain on the agenda.
Set next meeting date - Tuesday, August 16, 2011 at 9:00 a.m.
IX: Public Comment – None.
X: Adjournment
A motion to adjourn was made by Paul Hartman, seconded by Don
Crawford at 10:21 a.m.
The motion carried by voice vote.
Jan Davis, LRA Secretary