Fundación de la Universidad de La Rioja

I. Research
3. Best practises.
1. General Features:
a. Description
“Didáctica del Español como Lengua Extranjera: El español de los
negocios” (Spanish didactic as a Foreign Language: Spanish Business)
It’s a permanent (long life training course that is entirely developed on line.
The course is given by the University of La Rioja Foundation and Cervantes
Institute, so the students receive a double Certificate.
b. Language
The course is given in Spanish.
c. Keyword
The course topic is the Spanish Business for teachers of Spanish as a
foreign language.
d. Coverage
As it is an on line programme, it can be attended by students located all
over the world in order to improve their skills in Spanish teaching, and in
particular those who are interested in Spanish Business teaching.
2. Used Standards/Methodologies (e.g., SCORM)
IMS package
3. Used Tools
WebCT LMS (Learning Management System)
4. Related projects
Other related courses as: “Aproximaciones al texto literario en el
aula de ELE” (Approach of the literary text for Spanish teaching as
a foreign language - permanent training), and related postgraduate
courses in the same knowledge area: 1 university Master, 2
university Experts and 10 university Specialists.
5. Technical Features
a. Format (Technical formats of the learning objects. e.g., video/mpg,
The students can access to the course contents in the Internet, so that the
course architecture is based on Hypertext and HTML, including some PDF
files as well as interactive assessments.
b. Location (Universal Resource Identifiers)
Protocols: HTTP and HTTPS
Chat protocol. Proprietary protocol
Whiteboard protocol: proprietary protocol
Server Public Name:
(The student needs to login to validate his access to the course.)
c. Requirements
The technical requirements are the same ones requested to access the
Internet from home. The specific system requirements are accessible by the
students in the Campus Virtual Web ( and
they also can find the minimum requirements in this specific web:
6. Educational Features
a. Requested Interactivity Type (active, expositive, mixed)
The course is highly interactive, but uses a mixed methodology. The
students have to study the theory contents and at the same time they have
to participate in a lot of activities during the course, which are previously
planned by the on line team of teachers and readjusted while the interaction
is happening.
b. Learning Resource Types (exercise, simulation, questionnaire,
diagram, figure, graph, index, slide, table, narrative text, exam,
experiment, problem, statement, self assessment, lecture)
The different learning resources that the student can find in the course are:
.- reading hypertext contents with summary, bibliographies, internet
resources lists,,,
.- Interactive glossary
,- Case studies
.- Individual and team activities
.- Self assessment
- Interactive activities
In every edition of the courses is possible to find other resources because the
teaching team is able to adapt the learning resources in function of the
students group.
c. Requested Interactivity Level (very low, low, medium, high, very high)
The requested interactivity level is very high, and participation activities are
included as evaluation requirements of the course.
d. Semantic Density (very low, low, medium, high, very high) of the
Learning Resources
e. Intended End User Role (teacher, author, learner, manager)
The following roles appear in every course:
Academic Coordinator. He is a high qualified professional of the area
who controls all the teaching-learning process and gives the final mark of
the course.
Academic on line tutors. Every contents of the course is given by those
specialists. They guide the learners in the learning process of the different
contents units.
Foundation support. He establishes the relation between the organization
and the learners and resolves the technical problems that could happen
during the courses
f. Context (school, higher education, training, other)
It is a permanent training programme dedicated to university graduates in
Hispanic, etc. with a higher education Degree.
g. Typical Age Range
The students are professionals in the languages teaching area or need to
posses a university degree, so it would mean that the students are up to 23
years old.
h. Difficulty of the learning resources (very easy, easy, medium, difficult,
very difficult)
The learning resources are defined in different levels, so we adapt them to
each group of students once the course begins.
7. Cost (Whether use of the learning objects requires payment.)
It is always a fix fee. For this course it is fixed on 395 €.