Use of VBA for Excel XP 23/06/2003 In this session, you will learn

Use of VBA for Excel XP
In this session, you will learn how to:
1. Create a lookup table for grading students’ scores
2. Create buttons to control the contents in a cell
3. Create a user interface by making use of forms to input and retrieve
A. Basics ingredients of EXCEL spreadsheet
Cell and Range Reference
The address or reference of a cell comes in four types:
Relative: The reference is fully relative. When the formula is copied, the
cell reference adjusts to its new location. Example: A1.
Absolute: The reference is fully absolute. When the formula is copied, the
cell reference does not change. Example:$A$1.
Row Absolute: The reference is partially absolute. When the formula is
copied, the column part adjusts, but the row part does not change. Example:
Column Absolute: The reference is partially absolute. When the formula is
copied, the row part adjusts, but the column part does not change. Example:
Referencing other sheets or workbooks
References to cells and ranges need not be in the same sheet as the formula. To refer
to a cell in a different worksheet, precede the cell reference with the sheet name
followed by an exclamation point. For example:
=Sheet2!A1 + 1
You can also create link formulas that refer to a cell in a different workbook. For
=[examination.xls]Sheet1A1 + 1
=’[Examination for 2003]Sheet1’!A1 + 1
(if workbook name in the
reference includes one or more space)
=’C:\temp\excel\[Examination for 2003]Sheet1’!A1 + 1 (if linked
workbook is closed)
B. Creating a LookUp table for grading
Exercise 1:
Download the file marking1.xls
On the Qth column, calculate the grand total of each student’s score
Exercise 2:
Download the file marking2.xls
On the Rth column, assign a grade for each student according to the table shown on
Using the IF Function
1. Basic Structure:
IF(condition, action, else)
2. Nested IF Structure:
IF(condition1, action1, IF(condition2, action2, IF(condition3, action3,….)
=IF(Q5>Sheet2!$B$2, Sheet2!$C$1,
IF(Q5>Sheet2!$B$3, Sheet2!$C$2,
IF(Q5>Sheet2!$B$4, Sheet2!$C$3,
IF(Q5>Sheet2!$B$5, Sheet2!$C$4,
IF(Q5>Sheet2!$B$6, Sheet2!$C$5,
IF(Q5>Sheet2!$B$7, Sheet2!$C$6,
IF(Q5>Sheet2!$B$8, Sheet2!$C$7,
IF(Q5>Sheet2!$B$9, Sheet2!$C$8, Sheet2!$C$9))))))))
Question: Why do we need to use a relative reference for Q5 and absolute
references for Sheet2!$B$ and Sheet2!$C$?
C. Creating buttons to control the Content of a Cell
Exercise 3
Open the file quad-0.xls
Assign the value of B2 to B12
Assign the value of B4 to C13
Assign the value of B7 to D12
Type in a formula in C9  =$B$4^2-4*($B$2)*($B$7)
Type in a formula in B17  = (- $B$4 + SQRT( $C$9))/(2*$B$2)
Type in a formula in D17  = (- $B$4 - SQRT( $C$9))/(2*$B$2)
Type in a formula in B21  = $B$12*A21^2+$D$12*A21+$C$13
To add a scrollbar: click View > ToolBox, then select the scrollbar and
drag it to the appropriate location of the worksheet.
Highlight and right click the scrollbar and change its properties.
Set the maximum value to 10 and the minimum value to 0
Set the linked cell as $C$2.
Then type in a formula in cell B2  =$C$2 – 5
Repeat Steps 9 – 13 for the cell B4 and B7
Plot the graph for the x-y values shown in the range A21:B41
D. Creating an user interface for data input and retrieval
Exercise 4
1. Open the file sandy-wordbank0.xls
2. Open the toolbox by select View > ToolBox
3. On the ToolBox, select the CommandButton and draw it on the worksheet
4. To change the Button’s properties: highlight and right-click it.
Change the caption name to be “Input”
Similarly, Draw another Button and name it as “Look Up”
To create a form (with name “UserForm1”) for the worksheet: Choose Tools >
Macros > Visual Basic Editor
On the menu bar, choose Insert > Form
On the form editor panel, draw two text boxes with two labels and two buttons
(‘OK’ button and ‘Cancel’ button) as shown below:
10. Similarly, create another form with name “UserForm2” as shown below:
11. Open the excel file as shown:
12. Double-click the Input Button.
13. Type in the code for the “Input” Button:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
14. Double-click the “Look Up” Button.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
End Sub
15. Open the Visual Basic editor by choosing Tools > Macros > Visual Basic Editor
16. Open the Form: UserForm1
17. We are going to type in the codes for the “Cancel” button and the “OK” button
Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
----------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub OKButton_Click()
Dim NextRow As Long
Make sure Sheet1 is active
Determine the next empty row
NextRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("C:C")) + 1
Transfer the name
Cells(NextRow, 3) = TextBox1.Text
Cells(NextRow, 5) = TextBox2.Text
Clear the controls for the next entry
TextBox1.Text = ""
TextBox2.Text = ""
End Sub
18. Similarly, open the Form: UserForm2
19. We are going to type in the codes for the “Cancel” button and the “OK” button
Private Sub CancelButton_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub OKButton_Click()
Dim NextRow As Long
Make sure Sheet1 is active
Determine the next empty row
NextRow = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("C:C"))
Transfer the name
Cells(NextRow, 3) = TextBox1.Text
Cells(NextRow, 5) = TextBox2.Text
For i = 1 To NextRow
If Cells(i, 3) = TextBox1.Text Then
TextBox2.Text = Cells(i, 5)
End If
Clear the controls for the next entry
TextBox1.Text = ""
TextBox2.Text = ""
End Sub
20. To improve word searching, you may examine the file sandy-wordbank2.xls in
which a function called “ISLIKE” is employed to compare two string variables.