Stage 2 – CC Year 4 Lessons 4-6

Stage 2 – CC Year 4 Lessons 4-6
[CC = lesson in scheme]
S/board files = Smart board support files for lessons 4-6 -in ‘Resources’ on Holt Primary Consultancy site
Workbook in ‘Resources’ on Holt Primary Consultancy site
Attch. - Additional resources in ‘Attachments’ section of S/board file.
CC 4
Learning Objectives
 Develop cultural awareness
through a traditional song
 Pronounce words by blending
 Song
 Masculine animal nouns
Success Criteria
 Join in with the actions in the song
 Repeat the sounds in the new
 Identify the sounds in the new
 Listen and identify the animal
 Use Mon Ane DVD and play ‘Savez-vous planter les choux’
encourage chn to touch each part of the body mentioned in
the song
 Slide 2 – identify new phonemes in masculine animal nouns.
Listen to model and invite chn to repeat sound with
appropriate action.
 Model the new masculine nouns with flashcards or soft toys as
prompts. Introduce together animals with common phonemes
and ask chn to identify them. Sound out each phoneme as
word is presented then give complete word. Use slide 3 for
teacher support.
 Discuss strategies to remember the nouns
 Show an animal and ask chn to clap if you name it correctly
and say ssh! If incorrect
Differentiation and challenge
 Identify the sounds in the animal nouns
 Mon Ane DVD
 S/board files lessons 4-6
 Flashcards masculine nouns (Attach)
Weekly follow-up
 Slide 4, click a sound icon and ask a ch to identify correct
CC 4
CC 4
Learning Objectives
 Develop memorisation skills based
on sounds
 New animal nouns
 Song
Success Criteria
 Listen and identify phonemes
 Listen and identify animal nouns
 Join in with song singing from
Learning Objectives
 Exposure to language at text level
through story and song
 Develop understanding of silent
 Story
 Numbers 0-10
 Counting nouns
Success Criteria
 Identify parts of body in
 Say numbers 0-10 forwards and
 Play Splat with phoneme slide 2
 Sit facing the children, ask a ch to select a soft toy and hold
above your head. Guess which animal, class respond with
 Slide 5 –divide the class into 2 teams, each team takes it in
turn to select a number and colour. Tap the number and if the
sound matches the animal under the square the team wins a
point. If not, recover the animal.
 Play ‘Savez-vous planter les choux’ song and invite chn to join
in with words and actions
Differentiation and challenge
 Volunteer to play Splat
 S/board files lessons 4-6
 Soft toys or flashcards(Attach)
 Mon Ane DVD
Weekly follow-up
 Practise song
 Play ppt with audio file of story ‘Pourquoi?’ slide 6, ask chn to
identify any parts of the body they know already from rhyme
‘mes amies sages’ and song ‘savez-vous…’ and verbs from Year
 Review numbers 0-10 by saying aloud together in sequence
forwards and backwards – slide 7
 Slide 8 – sound out words for numbers 0-10 and ask chn to
order them on w/boards
 Slide 9 – reform the letters of the words
 Slides 10/11 – click on the lions and listen to them being
counted. Ask chn to identify the sound change for 3 numbers –
6/8/10. Note also ‘s’ for plural but silent. Elicit reason for this
Read and identify numbers 0-10
Count aloud masculine noun
beginning with consonant with
sound changes in numbers(some)
Copy write a number and lion,
listen and identify
using silent letter rule - slide 12
 Chn select a number of lions to write on w/board e.g. six lions,
you do same, read out and show what you have written if the
same as you, ch wins a point
Differentiation and challenge
 Identify parts of body from prior knowledge
 Audio ppt – Pourquoi? (Attach)
 S/board files lessons 4-6
Weekly follow-up
 Play ‘guess how many lions I am thinking of’ in pairs
Learning Objectives
 Develop knowledge of letter and
sound connections
 Practise a simple question and
answer exchange
 Follow a text as it is read aloud
 Story
 Qu’est-ce que c’est?
 Phonics
Success Criteria
 Join in with some words in story
 Respond to question ‘qu’est-ce
que c’est?’
 Identify and read aloud letter
strings in masculine animal nouns
 Play ppt with audio file of story ‘Pourquoi’ – ask chn to join in
with actions and say parts of body and verbs
 Model question ‘qu’est-ce que c’est?’ and response ‘c’est’
with animal noun – teacher support slide 13 and slide 14 –
invite chn to ask question and name animal
 Hide flashcards or soft toys so that only a small part is
showing and ask question and chn try to name the animal with
c’est …. Note sounding of ‘t’ in c’est before un
 Slide 14 – practise saying aloud the sounds in the masculine
animals and match letters to sounds
 Play bingo with the letter strings on slide 15 on mini- w/boards
Differentiation and challenge
 Recall letter strings for sounds
 Audio ppt – Pourquoi? (Attach)
 S/board files lessons 4-6
Weekly follow-up
 Listen to story ‘Pourquoi’
CC 5
CC 5
CC 5
Learning Objectives
 Develop knowledge of letter and
sound connections through
 Spellings of masculine animal
 Phonics
Success Criteria
 Identify the letter strings in the
masculine animal nouns
 Identify and read aloud masculine
animal nouns
 Play splat the letter string using slide 15
 Use slides 16-24 – ask chn to predict the spelling of the nouns
using the phonic image prompts
 Slide 25 invite chn to match word to noun
 Slide 26 divide the class into 2 teams and a ch from each team
takes it in turns to match the words behind the rectangles to
the correct image behind the square
Differentiation and challenge
 Identify missing letters in animal nouns
 Mini w/boards and pens
 S/board files lessons 4-6
Weekly follow-up
 Hangman with animal nouns
Learning Objectives
 Develop knowledge of letter and
sound connections through
reading and writing
 Exposure to the sound of the
language through text
 Parts of body and story
 Masculine animal nouns
Success Criteria
 Listen and identify parts of body
 Read, identify and copy write
masculine animal nouns
 Follow a text of a story
 Play audio ppt of ‘Va t’en grand monstre vert’. – slide 27
 Workbook page 5 – say a number and name an animal, chn
write down the number next to the correct image
 Workbook page 6 – chn draw a line from the word to the
correct image
 Workbook page 7 – chn write a sentence for each animal
 Workbook page 8 – chn complete the words with missing
letters, provide support of slide 34 for those who need it
Differentiation and challenge
 Complete workbook pages without support
 Audio ppt – Va t’en grand monstre vert(Attach)
 S/board files lessons 4-6
 Workbook Stage 2
Weekly follow-up
CC 5
CC 6
Complete workbook pages 5-8
Learning Objectives
 Develop knowledge of sentence
 Story
 Position of colour adjective
Success Criteria
 Listen and identify the parts of the
 Say where the colour adjective
goes in a sentence
 Produce a sentence with noun and
colour adjective
 Play audio ppt of ‘Va t’en grand monstre vert’. Distribute sets
of monstre vert parts of the body to each group. Name parts
of the body and ask chn to show correct body part. Describe
the monster and each group constructs the face of the
monster in the correct order
 Use slides 28 and 29 to review the position of colour adjective
and invite the chn to produce the correct description of the
 Use slide 30 and invite chn to predict colour of each animal on
mini-w/board before it is revealed
 Workbook page 9 – complete the sentence with a colour and
colour the animal accordingly
Differentiation and challenge
 Join in with words of rhyme from memory
 Sets of parts of face for Grand monstre vert (attach)
 S/board files lessons 4-6
Weekly follow-up
 Complete workbook page 9
Learning Objectives
 Develop knowledge of singular
and plurals
 Memorisation of a text
 Rhyme
 Singular and plural nouns
Success Criteria
 Join in with actions of rhyme
 Explain singular and plural
 Model the rhyme ‘le visage’ using the audio ppt for teacher
support. Encourage the children to join in with the actions –
slide 31
 Elicit meaning of singular and plural nouns. Model ‘c’est un ..’
and ‘ce sont des..’ with ‘singular and plural’ flashcards
(masculine nouns). Practise describing each card in a rhythmic
way and with movement (if desired)
 Read aloud qu’est-ce que c’est, c’est and ce sont des using
CC 6
Repeat c’est un/ ce sont des with
singular and plural nouns
Listen and identify singular and
plural nouns
Learning Objectives
 Develop knowledge of letter and
sound connections through
predicting spelling
 Develop knowledge of liaison and
silent letter rules
 Rhyme
 Singular and plural nouns
 Masculine nouns beginning with a
Success Criteria
 Join in with actions of rhyme
 Read and identify singular and
plural forms of masculine nouns
 Repeat 4 new nouns beginning
with a vowel
 Identify sound changes of words
‘un’ and ‘des’ (some) before a
slide 32. Note pronunciaton of the letter ‘t’ in c’est un
 Slides 33-37 to model pronunciation and see spellings of
singular and plural nouns beginning with a consonant
 Slide 38 – divide class into 2 teams, each team takes its turn to
listen to audio file next to a number and try to match it up
with image behind a shape.
Differentiation and challenge
 Volunteer to match up sound file to image
 Audio ppt – le visage(Attach)
 S/board files lessons 4-6
 Flashcards –singular and plural nouns (Attach)
Weekly follow-up
 Slide 39 – bingo – singular and plural
 Model the rhyme ‘le visage’ and encourage chn to join in with
words for the parts of the body
 Slide 40 – in teams, match the words to the images – singular
and plural nouns
 Model the 4 new masculine nouns on slide 41 – use audio file
for teacher support. Ask chn to identify what sounds different
about the word ‘un’ and why this might be.
 Invite children to predict the spelling of the nouns using the
phonic images as support.
 Use slides 42 and 43 to model the plural version and ask chn
again to identify the sound change. Explanation of this in
lesson 6 of CC SOW.
Differentiation and challenge
 Identify and give reason for sound changes of un/des with
noun beginning with a vowel
 Audio ppt – le visage(Attach)
CC 6
CC 6
 S/board files lessons 4-6
Weekly follow-up
 Practise rhyme
Learning Objectives
 Develop knowledge of liaison and
silent letters
 Rhyme/Song
 Counting nouns beginning with a
Success Criteria
 Join in with actions of song
 Identify reason for sound change
in silent letters before a vowel
 Copy write a number and
elephants and read aloud
 Listen to song on DVD Alouette and explain briefly the
meaning. Image on slide 44
 If available, use ‘Take 10 en français’ DVD and perform actions
whilst singing
 Count elephants using slides 45 and 46 note the sound
changes at the end of the numbers 1,2,3,6,8,10. Remind chn of
silent letter rule slide 47.
 Write a number of elephants on a mini w/board and chn try to
predict on their w/boards how many you have written down.
Ask the chn to say aloud to the rest of the group how many
they have written down before you reveal your selection
Differentiation and challenge
 Identifying sound changes in silent letters before a vowel
 S/board files lessons 4-6
 DVD Mon Ane
 Take 10 en francçais DVD
Weekly follow-up
 Practise song
Learning Objectives
 Develop reading and writing skills
 Rhyme/Song
 Workbook
Success Criteria
 Join in with the actions of a song
and sing from memory(some)
 Sing the song ‘Alouette’ with accompanying actions
 Workbook page 9 – write a sentence to describe the colour of
the animal
 Workbook page 10 – write down how many of each animal
there are on the page
 Workbook page 11 – select from the words to write a
Write sentences using a scaffold
to describe the colour of an
animal, the number of animals
and sentences in the singular and
sentence to describe each image
 Page 12 – extension material on word order and
Differentiation and challenge
 Sing the song from memory
 Workbook Stage 2
 DVD Mon Ane
 Take 10 en francçais DVD
Weekly follow-up
 Using slides 45/46 as support, invite the chn to guess how
many elephants you are thinking of then do in pairs