Stage 2 – CC Year 4 Lessons 21 - 24

Stage 2 – CC Year 4 Lessons 21 - 24
Catherine Cheater Scheme of Work Year 4 – Stage 2
[CC = lesson in scheme]
S/board files = Smart board support files for lessons 21-24 in ‘Resources’ on Holt Primary Consultancy site
Workbook in ‘Resources’ on Holt Primary Consultancy site
Attch. - Additional resources in ‘Attachments’ section of S/board file.
Lessons of 45 minutes
Learning Objectives
 Develop understanding of
singular and plurals
 Use phonic knowledge to read
unfamiliar words
 Develop cultural awareness
through a traditional song
 Singular, plural, masculine and
feminine nouns
 Clothing vocabulary
Success Criteria
 Explain singular, plural,
masculine and feminine
 Read aloud new items of
 Identify the clothes in the song
‘promenons-nous dans les bois’
 Review meanings of singular and plural
 Do the activity as in lesson 21 – call out a singular noun and the
children stand by themselves; call out a plural noun and the
children stand in groups
 Ask chn to recall items of clothes vocabulary from CC SOW 3 –
slide 2. Ask chn to say the plural form of the items – slide 3 –
teacher support – use with c’est and ce sont
 Invite chn to pronounce new items of clothing on slides 4-9
using the phonic images for support. Discuss LLS. Use slides 4-9
for teacher support
 Play song ‘promenons-nous dans les bois’ and ask chn to identiy
items of clothing
Differentiation and challenge
 Give an explanation of different types of nouns
 S/board files 21-24
 DVD Mon Ane
Weekly follow-up
 Practise the song ‘promenons-nous dans les bois
 Review clothing items with flashcard prompts. With flashcards
of clothes facing you, divide class into 2 groups and each group
takes a turn to name the card facing you using c’est/ce sont
CC 21
CC 21
Learning Objectives
 Develop understanding of
singular and plurals
 Develop understanding of the
words for my
Develop cultural awareness
through a traditional song and
 Clothing
 Possessive adjective
Success Criteria
 Name the clothes
 Identify clothing in a song
 Identify words for my
 Read aloud words for clothes
 Say correct possessive adjective
for items of clothing(some)
CC 21
Learning Objectives
 Develop understanding of
singular and plurals and the
possessive adjective through
reading and writing
 Possessive adjective
Success Criteria
 Read and identify possessive
adjective and item of clothing
Play song ‘promenons-nous dans les bois’ and ask chn to identiy
items of clothing – meanings on slide 11 for teacher support
Slide 10 – practice ‘je mets’ with items of clothing – invite
children to mime action of putting on an item of clothing and
say ‘je mets ….’
 Play audio file of ppt story ‘loup y es-tu?’ ask chn to give
reasons for words mon, ma, mes in front of items of clothing –
slide 12. Explanation on slide 13
 Slide 14 – divide the class into two groups and each group takes
it in turn to name a number and colour and to find the
matching image
 Slides 15 – invite chn to put the items in the correct column,
check by clicking on the item of clothing, answers on slide 16
Differentiation and challenge
 Selecting correct item clothing to go under correct possessive
adjective heading
 Clothes flashcards (attach)
 Ppt audio file ‘loup y es-tu?’ (attach)
 DVD Mon Ane
 S/board file 21-24
Weekly follow-up
 Slide 17 – play noughts and crosses with clothes, chn are two
teams and have to say the correct possessive article with the
item of clothing to put on their ‘o’ or ‘x’
 Slide 18 – read aloud the words for clothes and play Splat the
 Slide 19 – divide the class into two groups and each group takes
it in turns to name two colours, reveal the words and image and
if they match, the team wins a point
 Read the story ‘loup y es-tu’ again and encourage the children
to join in
 Workbook page 31- sort the words under the correct heading –
CC 21
CC 22/24
Identify singular and plural
masculine and feminine nouns
Copy write a sentence with
possessive adjective and item of
Learning Objectives
 Develop use of bi-lingual
dictionary for finding gender of
 Develop understanding of
possessive adjective
 Possessive adjective
 Dictionaries
Success Criteria
 Read and identify possessive
adjective and item of clothing
 Copy write a sentence with
possessive adjective and item of
 Use a bi-lingual dictionary to
find gender of noun
Learning Objectives
 Develop geographical
knowledge of France and
singular and plural
 Workbook page 33 – write the correct word under the correct
 Workbook page 34– write the correct sentence under the
correct image
 Workbook page 35 – discuss gender of crayon and règle, then
chn write a sentence following the model
Differentiation and challenge
 Volunteer to play Splat
 Workbook Stage 2
 S/board files lessons 21-24
 Ppt audio file ‘loup y es-tu?’
Weekly follow-up
 Use audio ppt for story ‘loup y es-tu ?’
 Review the use of dictionaries
 Slide 20 invite the chn to find the words on the slide in the
dictionary. Discuss whether they are masculine or feminine
nouns and how they know. Check the answers behind the
 Slide 21 – discuss which would be the correct for ‘my’ – click
and drag
 Workbook page 36 – invite chn to use bi-lingual dictionaries to
find suitable words to draw and label accordingly use slide 22
for support
Differentiation and challenge
 Use a bi-lingual dictionary to find words of a particular gender
 Workbook Stage 2
 S/board files 21-24
 Bi-lingual dictionaries
Weekly follow-up
 Practise singing the song ‘loup y es-tu?’
 Listen to song on DVD ‘Sur le pont d’Avignon
position of towns
 Towns in France
Success Criteria
 Pronounce 7 towns in France
 Locate the 7 towns on map of
France with support
 Identify a town from its
CC 22
Learning Objectives
 Develop sentence building
through manipulation
 Question – combien de
 Plural nouns
Success Criteria
 Pronounce the question –how
 Ask the question how many
through song
 Write a sentence using il y a +
plural noun
Use slide 23 and invite chn to predict pronunciation of towns
then invite chn to click and drag to correct geographical
position. Then do the same for towns on slide 24
 Use slides 25-29 and see images of the towns on the map. Ask
chn if they have visited them.
 Workbook pages 37 and 38 label the towns with the s/board
file support, if necessary
 Use the aural dominoes cards, distributing one card to a pair of
chn. the pair read out the description and another pair identify
the town and read out if it is on their card and then read out
the description on their card. This continues until all
descriptions have been read out.
Differentiation and challenge
 Identifying geographical position of towns in France
 DVD Mon Ane
 S/board files lessons 21-24
 Set of ‘town aural dominoes ‘(Attach)
Weekly follow-up
 Practise song ‘Sur le pont d’Avignon’
 Use IU dominoes to review towns in France. S/board files slides
23 & 24
 Slide 30 – discuss the construction of there is/is there – note
the additional’ –t-‘ to avoid elision
 Elicit prior knowledge of question ‘combien de’ , show spelling
of question and answer using slide 31 – sound files in words for
teacher support
 Slide 33 – model the question and answer asking about how
many pigs and encourage chn to repeat
 Slide 33 - sing the question form as per slide
 Use slide 34to model the question before a noun beginning
with a vowel – discuss with the children why it is combien d’
 Slide 35 – click on the numbers to hear the question and invite
chn to respond before clicking on the face for the answer
 Slides 36- 42 predict number of animals on mini w/boards
encourage the chn to write a full sentence
Differentiation and challenge
 Identifying question form and pronunciation of ‘combien de’
 IU domino cards (attach)
 S/board files lessons 21-24
 Mini w/boards and pens
Weekly follow-up
 Saying you are thinking of a number of pigs etc., chn guess how
CC 22/23
Learning Objectives
 Develop sentence building
through manipulation
 Decode an unfamiliar text
 Question form combien de?
 Story
 Use of bi-lingual dictionaries
Success Criteria
 Ask and answer the question
combien de ? using a song as a
 Use a bilingual dictionary to find
the meaning of words
 Follow a fiction text, reading
aloud selected words
 Decode unfamiliar using
phonics support (some)
 Use slide 32 to review question and answer form of question
combien de? – and sing the song again on slide 33. Invite chn
to create other questions using different nouns
 On w/boards chn draw a number of animals or pencil case
items. Working in pairs they invite their partner to ask how
many of the object they have drawn. Combien de … y a-t-il?
Their partner has a limited number of guesses
 Slide 43 – Allocate types of food eaten by the animals in ‘Bon
Appétit Monsieur Lapin’ to different groups and distribute
dictionaries to find meanings. Note use of du/des for ‘some’
and ‘les’ plural definite article.
 Match up the image to the correct word and invite chn to
sound out the new words use the SAS freize or handout for
 Slide 44– discuss use of ‘bon appétit’. Slide 45 - Listen to audio
version of scanned story, groups provide meaning of words
throughout. Read the story again, divide the class into 2 groups
to ask question and respond.
 Slide 46 – create sentences to match up what each animal eats
Differentiation and challenge
 Pronounce unfamiliar words correctly
 S/board files lessons 21-24
 Bi-lingual dictionaires
 Mini w/boards and pens
 Scanned story with audio file(Attach)
 SAS handout(LP)
Weekly follow-up
 Listen to scanned story again
CC 24
CC 24
Learning Objectives
 Develop understanding of plural
agreement of adjectives
 Decode an unfamiliar text
 Story
 Rhyme
 Agreement of adjectives in
Success Criteria
 Read loud a familiar text
 Join in with the rhyme
 State the position of size and
colour adjectives
 State why adjectives can end in
 Create plural sentences and
read aloud (some – without
Learning Objectives
 Develop understanding of plural
agreement of adjectives
 Read ‘Bon Appétit Monsieur Lapin’ in 2 groups – one group ask
the question and the other group answers what each animal
eats. Use slide 47 as an example
 Slide 48 – model the rhyme ‘la petite araignée’ and ask the chn
if it reminds them of a rhyme in English. Use the ppt for teacher
support. Review the use of definite article in the rhyme. Invite
the chn to read it aloud with you with the actions.
 Slide 49 – with a talk partner the ch discuss what they know
about nouns and adjectives in French. Use slide 49 and
rearrange the words into the correct order. Correct answer
under the grey rectangle. Review position of size and colour
 Slide 50 – make the analogy of nouns and adjectives being best
friends and always agreeing (being the same). See slide 51 for
an explanation.
 Slide 52 identify what happens if the noun is plural. Discuss why
the final ‘s’ cannot be heard. See slide 53 for reinforcement of
silent letter rules
 Slide 54 – ask the chn to write on w/boards in French some
sentences you say in English. Remind them to write the silent ‘s’
on plurals. Invite chn to read back the sentences.
Differentiation and challenge
 Reading aloud plural sentences
 Audio file of Bon Appétit (Attach)
 S/board files lessons 21-24
 W/boards
Weekly follow-up
 Practise the rhyme
 Practise saying aloud together the rhyme on slide 48
 Rhyme
 Plurals and adjectival
Success Criteria
 Join in with the rhyme
 Read and identify plural nouns
and adjectives
 Say why final ‘s’ is not sounded
 Create sentences with
adjectives in the singular and
CC 24
Learning Objectives
 Develop understanding of plural
agreement of adjectives and
singular and plural nouns
through reading and writing
 Rhyme
 Plurals and adjectival
Success Criteria
 Join in with the rhyme
 Read, identify and copy write
plural nouns and adjectives
Slide 55 write down a sentence using the sentence scaffold and
invite the chn to do the same. If they predict correctly and copy
correctly from the board, they win a point
 Slide 56 – listen to the final ‘s’ being sounded before the nouns
beginning with a vowel. Invite the chn to say why. Use slide 57
for reinforcement.
 Distribute ‘word card scrabble sets’ to each group and explain
that they are going to group them according to singular and
plural nouns. Use slide 58 to create an example sentence –
deux petites grenouilles vertes. Discuss why the other words
are not suitable.
 Use slide 59 to remind of gender, then, ask the children to
make as many sentences as possible with the remaining cards.
Review sentences. The group with the most correct, wins.
Differentiation and challenge
 Identifying plural form of verb in written form
 S/board files lessons 21-24
 Mini w/boards and pens
 Scrabble cards sets (Attach)
Weekly follow-up
 Play the game again on slide 53
 Invite class or pairs to say the rhyme alone
 Review agreement of adjectives in singular and plural form. Use
the flashcards ‘how many cats and elephants’. Divide the class
into two groups, have the cards facing you. A member of each
team takes it in turns to guess how many of each animals there
are. Encourage the use of a size and colour adjective.
 Workbook pages39 – complete the sentences and page 40 –
select the correct sentence to describe the image
Differentiation and challenge
 Produce a sentence in plural form with adjectival agreement
 S/board files lessons 21-24
 Workbook Stage 2
 Flashcards – how many cats and elephants (Attach)
Weekly follow-up
 Play the guessing game in pairs