Hydraulics & Marine Research Centre (HMRC) Considerations …In

Hydraulics & Marine Research Centre (HMRC) Considerations
…In preparation for a meeting with Tony Lewis, the Director of HMRC, Cork, about
The test site for our Marinet project would be HMRC, Cork, from which this EU
programme is actually run, and which is the Irish Government favourite for marine
research funding.
HMRC: Towing tanks available?
i.e. Turbofoil® design & test (
http://www.intpowertechcorp.com/models.htm - ld ) concurrent to or subsequent to
testing SRT/Celtic Mist Proof-of-Concept?
http://www.fp7-marinet.eu/about_the-project_how.html (third paragraph):
“The Wave Energy Research facilities range from laboratory scale wave basins to
large scale open sea test sites. The Tidal Energy Research facilities cover the
same range from laboratory towing and flow tanks to large scale test sites at
Schottel: Adapt SRT series design for cross flow such as the Turbofoil® (if flow is
along "Z" axis, transpose turbine axis of rotation from "Z" to "X")?
Existing SRT
SRT adapted for Turbofoil®
"Phase 0": Celtic Mist/SRT Proof-of-Concept field test
Ideally, from the principle of Conservation of Energy, power from the sail must equal the
power due to vessel drag plus the power caused by turbine drag:
In practice, "Phase 0" will garner data characterizing the sail and turbine efficiencies
relative to turbine output power, and determine the power required to overcome
vessel drag as a function of vessel velocity:
Hydraulics & Marine Research Centre (HMRC) Considerations
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Presently inquiring with Celtic Mist Committee if (1) empirical data already exists for
power required to overcome vessel drag as a function of vessel velocity, and (2) the
technical obstacles or capabilities in using the Celtic Mist for sail plan migration, from
fore-and-aft rigged to spinnaker to high altitude (300m) para-kite sail.
In addition, conceptual design & business case analysis of a storage technology, Seawater
electrolysis to compressed hydrogen or magnesium hydrides, or Ammonia Synthesis, or
liquid fuel hydrocarbon reactors will be completed and perhaps prototyped and tested.
Any of the above consideration not addressed in “Phase 0” must be addressed in Phase 1.
"Phase 1": Turbofoil® Prototype
~20m, <50 tonnes displacement catamaran with Turbofoil® of rectangular aspect ratio
between hulls generating ~70 kW (100hp) or ~0.5 gallon of gasoline “gge” per hour
energy storage.
"Phase 2" Turbofoil® Pilot Production Run
~40m, 100-200 tonnes displacement catamaran with Turbofoil® of rectangular aspect
ratio between hulls generating 2-5MW or 1 -to- 3 tonnes gge per day energy storage.
Complete software integration of:
SCADA ( http://www.intpowertechcorp.com/scada.htm )
having similarities to NREL's HOMER ( https://analysis.nrel.gov/homer/ ) energy yield
with path analysis and charting of similar quality as Electronic Charting and Display
Information System (ECDIS). ( http://www.ecdis-info.com/home.html )
GIS ( http://www.intpowertechcorp.com/gis.htm )
VPP ( http://www.intpowertechcorp.com/vpp.htm )
HMRC: Numerical modelling ( http://www.ucc.ie/en/hmrc/facilities/modelling/ )
"MultiSurf" ( http://www.aerohydro.com/ ) -- VPP available? ...
Hydraulics & Marine Research Centre (HMRC) Considerations
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Dr. Letcher, founder of AeroHydro, assisted Integrated Power Technology
Corporation™ in preparing an SBIR Phase 1 Grant Proposal in 2006, entitled:
Completion of the Design of the Turbine-Integrated Hydrofoil
http://www.intpowertechcorp.com/TIH_Project_Narrative.pdf ) and could possibly
continue collaborating with Integrated Power Technology Corporation™ in vessel
Velocity Performance Prediction (VPP) software development.
Performance analysis "VPP" software development:
referenced project narrative):
(excerpted from above
aerodynamic/hydrodynamic performance simulation software, to support
quantitative evaluation of the technical and economic feasibility of the proposed
vehicle and support system. This software will be similar in concept and level of
modeling detail to the Velocity Prediction Programs (VPP's) that are widely used
for performance prediction, optimization and handicapping of sailing yachts. A
VPP takes as inputs: the leading dimensions of the vessel (including its sails and
appendages), hydrodynamic coefficients characterizing the hull resistance
components, and aerodynamic coefficients characterizing the available sail
forces, and solves for equilibrium of the forces and moments, simultaneously
optimizing multiple control settings, including sail trim, reefing (sail span) and
heading angle with respect to the wind direction. This numerical solution
furnishes a prediction of the optimal performance of the vessel as a function of
wind speed and heading. The primary differences in this project from a
conventional sailboat VPP are:
(1) Because of the foil support, the vertical force equilibrium is significant,
requiring an additional force equilibrium equation.
(2) The turbine power generation will have associated drag components that
enter the
horizontal force equilibrium equations. These drag components will be estimated
energy and momentum conservation principles.
(3) Effective functioning of the hydrofoils requires a nearly upright attitude, so
heel angle is effectively removed as a degree of freedom.
(4) The primary objective to be maximized is power generated, rather than boat
We anticipate the program input will be a file of input dimensions and
coefficients, and its output will be a file tabulating generated power vs. wind
speed, along with the accompanying sailing angles, velocities and control
settings. Note, the contemplated simulation program does NOT address the
larger questions of optimal routing through weather systems, or optimization of
configuration choices to maximize system performance, but it does provide an
essential foundation for those types of analysis. The simulation program will be
built on the foundation of AeroHydro's proprietary RGKernel library. Relevant
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software components already available in RGKernel include dynamic arrays,
vector analysis, solution of simultaneous nonlinear equations, and optimization
Proposed CAD modeling component
It is desirable for various purposes to visualize candidate configurations. This
need ranges from detection of interferences between components, to preparation
of marketing presentations for attracting investment capital. AeroHydro proposes
to develop a kit of relational components that will allow rapid assembly of
configuration models in the environment of MultiSurf, for visualization
purposes: Displacement hull component (parameters: length, beam, depth,
freeboard) Turbofoil component (parameters: length, span, thickness, camber,
intake area) Sail component (parameters: height, chord, trim angle) Each of these
components would be located in relationship to a point, and sized according to its
parameters. Thus with a very short sequence of modeling operations and
component loads, a visual model can be assembled with varying numbers and
positions of hulls, foils, and sails.
Anticipated level of effort on this topic is 5 days.”
UMV ( http://www.intpowertechcorp.com/umv.htm )
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