Fancy Feet Rock-Paper

WOW Game Title: Fancy Feet Rock-Paper-Scissors (State)
Content Area: Social Studies
TEKS Focus: Purposes and Powers of the Government
Physical Education Unit: Cardiovascular
Grade: 2
Resource(s): Lauren Mikulencak, CATCH Teaching Outside of the Box
President election process:
Pictures: TX -
CA -
AK -
FL -
First Governors information:
Equipment/Materials: 6 cones, 5 poly spots (optional: tape names of cities/states on the spots for them
to become governor of that city/town)
“elected officials”
Set Up:
Cones dividing the play area
into 3 sections
Spots for the “elected
officials” to stand
All of the students will start out in the “citizens” section. However, 5 students should start out as the 1st
governors on the poly spots to ensure each state has one. Their goal is to work their way up to become
the governor of one of the states. Within the “citizens” section, they play a partner in one game of RockPaper-Scissors (with your feet) with the following actions:
 Rock- land with feet together
 Paper- land with feet spread wide
 Scissors- land with 1 foot forward and 1 foot back
To begin, the students jump up and down 3 times. On the fourth jump, the students land in one of the 3
positions, rock, paper, or scissors.
The “citizen” who wins that game will advance to the “candidates” section of the game. Discuss
with the students before the game that it takes a lot of hard work to become a governor. Most candidates
for governor are very well educated, get involved to become well-known in their state, and usually run
for lower offices such as the local school board, city council, or the mayor’s office. Thus, it takes
determination and support (work to win in rock-paper-scissors (RPS)) to move on to become a
“candidate” for the position of governor. Once the “citizen” becomes a “candidate”, they must get gain
supporters by campaigning such as putting up advertisements and holding rallies. They must become
familiar with and know the problems of the state and create solutions on what to do about them. If they
gain enough support (win a game of RPS in the “candidate” section), they move on to the “elected
officials” section to challenge the current governor of their choice and win the majority votes on
Election Day. They remain governor until the next election and lose to another “candidate”.
 Students learn the process of becoming Mayors (local level) and President and Vice President
(national level)
Review Questions:
Skill focus: Name one muscle you use during this game? Name one bone that you use during
this game?
Academic focus: Who was the first governor of Alaska? Name at least one way a candidate for
governor gets people to vote for them in the election. Governors usually have what type of job
1st Governor: James Pinckney Henderson
1st Governor: Peter Hardeman Burnett
1st Governor: Stevens T. Mason
Youngest State Governor in
American History at age 24.
1st Governor: William Dunn Moseley
1st Governor: William Allen Egan