Summer Fair 18.07.14 - Bradley C of E (VC) Primary School

Governor’s Visit to School Summer Fair
Held Friday 18th July 2014
The Summer Fair was held in the grounds of Bradley School on a beautiful sunny July
afternoon. In attendance were the school children, staff, families of current and future
pupils plus a large number of people from the local community.
The junior children ran their own stalls, aided by parents and staff. Stalls included tombola,
hamper raffle, jarbola, white elephant, book stall, name the teddy, temporary tattoos and
nail polish, mini golf, penalty shoot-out, inflatable assault course, wheel of fortune, plant
stall, cake decorating and refreshments. Quite a number for a small school!
In addition to the above, the children also performed a number of maypole dances to
modern music. For many of the children this was their first time they had learnt and
performed maypole dances.
As a governor, it was a great opportunity to meet children, staff and parents of the school,
including one or two families whose children will be starting in September. There was a
wonderful, positive atmosphere which I am sure further embedded in people’s minds what
a good school it is.
The amount raised was £779 – which is the highest total ever raised in one event. The fair
was a great success both financially and in terms of building community both inside the
school and with the village.
As a governor, I would like to record my thanks to all who were involved in running this
event and for making it such a success.
Rev Phil Michell
Foundation Governor.